[PAX] My Idiot President

Reading all the latest Trump news is so titillating, it gives me the sensation of being constantly scandalised, like reading a lurid pop culture magazine about the stuff celebrities get up to. But when I read those magazines I get more and more bored, because I know it's all made up gossip, and because the lives of celebrities are so ultimately trivial. But when I read about Trump it's like I get more and more excited and thrilled by it, because it's all so real, and yet so incredible, the bizarre and unbelievable events and revelations are continually occurring. And Trump himself is so unaffected by it all, he blithely persists in his magnificent bumbling - like a circus clown performing gags in the ring, trying to squeeze into a tiny vehicle with his trousers around his ankles. I am continually baffled and amazed by his behaviours.

What strikes me most is the adolescent simplicity of his mind, as though he never reached adult developmental milestones. He appears to be stuck in that part of growth when a young person experiences adult thoughts and impulses but is not yet able to visualise consequences and outcomes as arising from continuity with the present, and so their behaviour is very impetuous, very emotional and irrational.
Personally, I believe no ones gonna be perfect, but overall I like Trump. I think it's a relief after having a gay narcissist as a president. I don't mean to be rude or start a fight but this is my honest opinion. I have a theory, that I've been developing since I was about 14, when I started caring about the world outside of my own. I was trying to decide weather I was more or less liberal or conservative. That theory is, that in order to be liberal, one must be simply ignorant, or on some spectrum of being selfish/evil. It is also my personal observation that MOST liberals are simply ignorant, hence they are just followers who have no clue how to see things for what they are or how to see long-term.
For what it's worth I apologize for offending anyone, but that's just the way the world is I guess: there are a lot of ignorant people. That's why I decided against a career in politics. It just makes me too sad to have to hear how stupid most people are. I don't usually reply to posts like this, because they are stupid, but tonight I figured, why not, maybe someone will see it and instead of freaking out and talking shit, start actually researching real political topics and try to sort out what's really going on, and maybe realize that generally speaking, liberals are just plain ignorant.
Personally, I believe no ones gonna be perfect, but overall I like Trump. I think it's a relief after having a gay narcissist as a president. I don't mean to be rude or start a fight but this is my honest opinion. I have a theory, that I've been developing since I was about 14, when I started caring about the world outside of my own. I was trying to decide weather I was more or less liberal or conservative. That theory is, that in order to be liberal, one must be simply ignorant, or on some spectrum of being selfish/evil. It is also my personal observation that MOST liberals are simply ignorant, hence they are just followers who have no clue how to see things for what they are or how to see long-term.
For what it's worth I apologize for offending anyone, but that's just the way the world is I guess: there are a lot of ignorant people. That's why I decided against a career in politics. It just makes me too sad to have to hear how stupid most people are. I don't usually reply to posts like this, because they are stupid, but tonight I figured, why not, maybe someone will see it and instead of freaking out and talking shit, start actually researching real political topics and try to sort out what's really going on, and maybe realize that generally speaking, liberals are just plain ignorant.

And how did you determine that you, yourself, are so much more intelligent and good hearted than anyone who disagrees with you must be stupid or evil, rather than having a valid perspective on things that just happens to be different from your own?
It seems that Government has become its own religion. The new Santa Claus is Uncle Sam. I really wonder what it will take for people to change. To see that their life has been stolen for profit. That American life today has made all Americans debt slaves. That they give up so much time to work and buy things on credit so they can continue working long into the future paying back what they owe. All those tax payers out there.

If we want to play in their little game we have to earn and use their money. It's like those games on your phone that want you to buy gold and diamonds to get stuff. They create the money and you give them your life for it. It would be one thing if it was gold and silver. But it's not. It's just numbers in a computer. So now your trading your life for nothing at all. Something that can vanish as easily as it appeared. A fools paradise.
The fools will sing and cry when it collapses upon them. Until then they try to ignore those feelings that tell them something is wrong. When this country's money goes bad the game is over. All that work essentially your life is gone. Now the work was finished but the money you got for it has vanished. With gold in your hand you still have something of value. With dollars you have nothing. It's just nicely decorated pieces of paper and cloth that deteriorate over time.

This great system we live under is crushing us with its weight of debt and the public wants more weight over them? The government is way way way way way way way way way way fuk I can't even imagine all the ways we are really over budget. And people cry for more spending? We can't even pay what we owe on our own shit and when we don't pay we lose our stuff. What happens when the country has to settle the governments debt. That was spent on your behalf. Even if you voted against it you still owe it. Welcome to your freedom.

You can be living a nightmare and think that it's normal. You can learn to love your tormentors. Money in America is the instrument of torment. It's chased and held more dearly than anything else in the world. Money buys all. It buys you any time you use it because you never take into account what your really giving up to own it.

Trump has chased money and everything money brings with it. Take his money away and he is just a guy wearing a funny looking red hat in a suit he can no longer afford to buy. His money is his power. No money nobody cares. The question is since he likes the stuff so much can he fix americas real money problem? The fed bank system.
I don't care about health care. I don't have it now anyway. And safety net? What net? I never hit a net when was falling to the ground. I've had to lift myself back up. And I 'm still struggling. The Dems did nothing for me. The Repulsicans did nothing either. But together they killed the economy under Bush. Anyone who thinks that either party is good is lying to themselves.... We only have ourselves to blame by putting the same assholes in decade after decade....

Wasn’t pushing the Democrat’s agenda.
I agree with you...what safety net indeed?
But this is not going to improve the situation...this is their budget I’m speaking of besides their health plan.
Our voting system and redistricting of states into bizarre shapes to gerrymander this side or that is a fucking joke.
I don’t know how else to guarantee at this point that we have an actual democratic vote other than a popular vote put in place and Citizen’s United revoked.
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Trump offspring are currently visiting Aspen for a luxurious week of alpine sports in the protection of a large Secret Service security entourage.

Technically this is a bad infographic because it distorts the vertical height of the bars. Nevertheless, it is still kind of cool.
I fully appreciate how cold this is going to sound, but part of me is disappointed that the repeal of the AHCA failed to pass, because I have been feeling so intensely curious about the kinds of things that will happen when Trump voters get what they voted for, and how they will respond to it. It is a genuine intellectual curiosity that I am experiencing. At first when Trump was elected I was filled with deep horror and disillusionment, but I reached acceptance of the election outcome and now I am simply intensely curious. Actually, I think this state is good for me. I can't myself control the outcomes, so I might as well learn more about what others believe and value, in the suspension of my own beliefs and values. I think that I can learn more effectively this way.

In other Trump news, I have been interested in a couple of stories I read over the past couple of days about people who say they voted for Trump and have come to regret it. One was about a man who followed around with Trump during the campaign singing country songs about him, who previously discovered his 24 year old son dead in his bed of a heroin overdose, and who felt that he was promised improved addiction services as part of the campaign, only to discover that mental health and addiction were no longer going to be covered by Medicaid. Another was a woman who believed that only criminal illegal immigrants would be deported, only to suddenly face the deportation of her illegally immigrated husband who has been operating a steak restaurant with her in the US for 10 years. I have been interested in thinking about the experiences of these people, and trying to imagine things from their perspective - why they made the decision to vote the way that they did. For me, it seems that they failed to understand the implications of their decision. I don't blame Trump for that failure, and I don't blame these people either. I'm not completely sure whether I can think of who to blame. My main thought is that these people were failed by others. They didn't properly understand what was happening, and no one succeeded in helping them to understand.


Thanks for that thoughtful and entertaining reply, I really enjoyed it.

Can I just say, the artwork you posted is mesmerisingly gorgeous. I've never seen it before. I've always been a big fan of Brueghel's painting of Babel Tower, since I saw it on the cover of some Penguin Classics edition, and now I don't know why I never pursued educating myself about any of his other work.

When I was aimlessly fiddling around in my late teens I took a second year sociology class about concepts of wealth in society and tried very hard to understand the texts that I was given to read, so I do have my ideas about Trump and what he means that are informed by that reading and things I've read since. My thoughts are consistent with what you posted. But of course I understand that the real world is not a laboratory... anything can (and does) happen. And I guess that the biggest part of me incredulously can't help wondering, what exactly the fuck is going on here? And waiting for events to give me some sort of explanation.
My thoughts are consistent with what you posted. But of course I understand that the real world is not a laboratory... anything can (and does) happen. And I guess that the biggest part of me incredulously can't help wondering, what exactly the fuck is going on here? And waiting for events to give me some sort of explanation.
Funny thing is conservatives would probably argue the AHCA remaining the law of the land will lead to the same results as painted in the picture, right?
Who knew how complicated health care could be? You would think that as a CEO of a corporation that presumably offers health insurance benefits to employees that Trump would have some idea of what folks expect. But it would appear that he really has not a clue.Nor does it seem does he understand how far right the "Freedom Caucus" (who are a largely secret group) really is. People voted him in because they want good corporate jobs that have benefits so the fact that he was unable to "repeal and replace" the ACA will not matter all that much. The disenfranchised largely blue collar workers that form his base do not want to think of themselves as reliant on a government subsidized socialized medical system. It is truly unfair to blame him, the GOP,Obama or the Dems for our "private" system of health care. This is the road we went down after WWII when the economy was booming and Corporate America dominated health insurance. At this point our best option would be to embrace a system like in Switzerland where everyone is compelled to carry private insurance but also receives generous tax funded subsidies to pay for it.
I fully appreciate how cold this is going to sound, but part of me is disappointed that the repeal of the AHCA failed to pass, because I have been feeling so intensely curious about the kinds of things that will happen when Trump voters get what they voted for, and how they will respond to it. It is a genuine intellectual curiosity that I am experiencing. At first when Trump was elected I was filled with deep horror and disillusionment, but I reached acceptance of the election outcome and now I am simply intensely curious. Actually, I think this state is good for me. I can't myself control the outcomes, so I might as well learn more about what others believe and value, in the suspension of my own beliefs and values. I think that I can learn more effectively this way.

In other Trump news, I have been interested in a couple of stories I read over the past couple of days about people who say they voted for Trump and have come to regret it. One was about a man who followed around with Trump during the campaign singing country songs about him, who previously discovered his 24 year old son dead in his bed of a heroin overdose, and who felt that he was promised improved addiction services as part of the campaign, only to discover that mental health and addiction were no longer going to be covered by Medicaid. Another was a woman who believed that only criminal illegal immigrants would be deported, only to suddenly face the deportation of her illegally immigrated husband who has been operating a steak restaurant with her in the US for 10 years. I have been interested in thinking about the experiences of these people, and trying to imagine things from their perspective - why they made the decision to vote the way that they did. For me, it seems that they failed to understand the implications of their decision. I don't blame Trump for that failure, and I don't blame these people either. I'm not completely sure whether I can think of who to blame. My main thought is that these people were failed by others. They didn't properly understand what was happening, and no one succeeded in helping them to understand.

The bill had a deplorable 17% positive poll amongst people in the US.
I understand the curiosity...but it may still come to pass.
There are ways to defund this part or that part...bills who’s sole objective is to sabotage the current working parts of the ACA.
Keep in mind that most major estimates of the ACA project it to stabilize...but there is still no addressing of the huge prices of healthcare in general.
So if the GOP doesn’t pass the bill, which they did not...they can still play opposition to any amendments that could be made and applied to the ACA to make is more solvent and actually bring down prices and premiums, cap prescription drug prices, etc. all of which the healthcare industry lobby is pushing back HARD against.
They will still sabotage the ACA until it no longer works and then blame the Democrats and Obama for it’s failure.
Then they will say - See, this is why we should have gone with our plan.”
And there could be a push to try and jam it back through at that time.
But it’s going to be a difficult sell, just as this one was because a projection of 24 million people losing healthcare is just not acceptable even to some Republicans...people want healthcare to be affordable, but throwing millions of people off of healthcare while giving very generous tax breaks to the rich pissed a whole bunch of their constituents off and they heard it.
Then we have another bunch of Republicans who didn’t vote for it because it didn’t throw enough people off...which is scary and just sad.
There is an ideological bunch in Congress who despise the poor, the disabled, the elderly, immigrants, LGBQT, anyone other than white or Christian, who blatantly express this in various disgusting and inhuman statements...who would giddily cream their Dockers if they could axe any and all aspects of what they see as “entitlements” people don’t deserve and any remaining threads of a social safety net.
As Paul Ryan was trying to push his bill the other night the GOP was trying to dismantle the basic healthcare guarantees that the ACA made into laws - to protect the consumer.
Such as the pre-existing condition clause...medicaid for children...covering pregnancy....covering mental health/substance abuse treatment....the clause that specifies that insurance companies must use a certain percentage of all profit in patient care as opposed to CEO bonuses (not that they don’t all have multimillion dollar salaries and golden retirement parachutes) or marketing, etc..
My district is Represented by Jaime Herrera Butler...she is a Republican.
I wrote several emails asking her to vote no on this bill and luckily she was in the the “No” vote group...I think she would have voted along partly lines were it not for her own medical issues in her family...her daughter was born 2 years ago with no kidneys...her husband donated one of his and she is doing well now....but if someone didn’t have medical insurance, the child would die....if someone didn’t have really fucking great insurance you would be in debt to the point of considering bankruptcy even with our current system.
She had/has a Cadillac healthcare plan and the personal finances to pay for the expensive surgeries that she flew down to California to have performed.
But I think she understands a bit more holistically the plight and difficulties most here in the US face.
She said she would vote “No” after asking for a concession to keep children who need healthcare on Medicaid...apparently, they couldn’t put that in this disgusting “healthcare”/tax break for the 2% bullshit plan to watch poor people including children who you won’t be able to abort soon either die in the street...or go into deep medical debt and become destitute so you can buy the heart medication keeping you alive.
I’m glad she listened to those she is supposed to represent....at least so far.

But yeah...expect sabotage and wrenches thrown into the machinery, just as it has been from the very beginning when the GOP obstructed the implementation of the ACA...it could have worked if the expansion of Medicaid was fully implemented and amendments addressing prices were not obstructed...just as they obstructed for 13 months the naming of the next Supreme Court Judge, and now we have Captain Douchebag who wants to roll back Roe V. Wade and impose religious legislation into law.
Anti-LGBQT...anti-worker - pro-corporate intrest.
Ruled that a trucker who unhitched his trailer because the brakes were frozen and drove into town for fuel and so he didn’t die of hypothermia should be fired because his interpretation of the law doesn’t allow for critical thinking...nor does he care about the common man...he’s a corporate shill.
Awesome times here in Trumpland...
Remember how all those folks were chanting “Lock her up” for the FBI investigation against Hillary that didn’t show anything and wasn’t warranted...but now we have a President and his staff, who is a pathological liar, who has so far broken every promise he ran on.
Has not divested himself from his businesses.
Has not shown his tax returns.
Is being investigated for colluding with Russia...his aid Manafort specifically was there to pull the strings for Putin...as was Wikileaks.
Any news that Trump doesn’t like or is critical of him is deemed by him as “fake news”, and then specifically and perniciously lies to the American people.
He wouldn’t even shake the hand of Angela Merkel the other day...he’s surrounded himself with a bunch of old, rich, white men, and now his daughter and son in law are on staff? Nepotism laws, hello, wtf?
Trump is in deeper and deeper shit...and shown himself to be a political novice who knows nothing about how our government works, the laws that we follow, the checks and balances....there is a complete disregard for the public at large....and if he isn’t careful, this message of “Let them eat cake.” (Sorry, no cake for the seniors who rely on Meal on Wheels to eat) is going to have people dusting off the guillotines and pitchforks.
At least tar and feather him.
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That’s not even really getting into his “tax plan’.
But it pretty brutal to a lot of really vulnerable people all while propping up the rich and corporate interests.
For example 30% cut across the board of the Environmental Protection Agency who keep the air and water clean with the new head of the EPA denying that climate change is being effected by humans and our polluting.
Raising taxes or the working class and the poor while giving huge tax breaks to the rich.
Google it....it’s a particularly cruel plan that will hurt many people.
It cuts funding to basically every source of social benefit it possibly can.
It reads like someone with a complete lack of empathy wrote it...which is quite possibly the case.

That’s not even really getting into his “tax plan’.
But it pretty brutal to a lot of really vulnerable people all while propping up the rich and corporate interests.
For example 30% cut across the board of the Environmental Protection Agency who keep the air and water clean with the new head of the EPA denying that climate change is being effected by humans and our polluting.
Raising taxes or the working class and the poor while giving huge tax breaks to the rich.
Google it....it’s a particularly cruel plan that will hurt many people.
It cuts funding to basically every source of social benefit it possibly can.
It reads like someone with a complete lack of empathy wrote it...which is quite possibly the case.
It will be a chore for them to get a bill out of the House. Winning the elections was probably the worst thing that could happen to the GOP.