My list of INFJs I admire.

oh ok
My fav INFJs: Gunnery Sergeant Hartman, Nicki Minaj, The Situation, Gary Busey, The Rock, R. Kelly
Edward Snowden, Hilary Duff, Plato (his "philosophies" have become reality for myself; both metaphysical and spiritual).

If we're talking fictional :
Jon Snow, The Doctor, Sonmi-451, Steve Rogers.

On a side note :

Only took 3 threads of clicking before I saw the usual; Meme factory instigation. Let's weave out and belittle the "weak". Narcissism in the guise of intuition. Hey, you look cool and funny, fuck their feelings. They're the fake ones. /sarcasm Soooooo INFJ and 'not' chaotic or wise. Amirite? Despicable what some become when they have a high seat. You never fail to disappoint Wyote with your assbackwards negativity and ego.

Such a lovely home of egos who jerk each other off here with their willingness to feed it and not bruise it. Alienate the rest.

Same crap, different toilet. If it were a woman, you'd suddenly be more empathetic. The absolutely irony of someone who is clearly NOT INFJ and band wagoning it in order to battle their own handicap complex; criticizing this thread.

Put that in your "Ni" space and smoke it! You egotistic forced to be introverted - ESFJ. Grow the fuck up. The eye of horus sees past your own self perpetuated illusions of yourself.

Oh and P.S. :

All of your karmic residue is forming black magic and negativity around you and you ENJOY manifesting it. It lies to you making you think you have intuition when it's only using you for your psychic abilities. You are NOT linked with the divine. Keep wearing it and wondering why you are handicap and your life is shit. You chose to be SHIT in your past lives. You get what you give. You are what you believe in. You WISH you are a legitimate dark knight. Be about it! ;)
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Edward Snowden, Hilary Duff, Plato (his "philosophies" have become reality for myself; both metaphysical and spiritual).

If we're talking fictional :
Jon Snow, The Doctor, Sonmi-451, Steve Rogers.

On a side note :

Only took 3 threads of clicking before I saw the usual; Meme factory instigation. Let's weave out and belittle the "weak". Narcissism in the guise of intuition. Hey, you look cool and funny, fuck their feelings. They're the fake ones. /sarcasm Soooooo INFJ and 'not' chaotic or wise. Amirite? Despicable what some become when they have a high seat. You never fail to disappoint Wyote with your assbackwards negativity and ego.

Such a lovely home of egos who jerk each other off here with their willingness to feed it and not bruise it. Alienate the rest.

Same crap, different toilet. If it were a woman, you'd suddenly be more empathetic. The absolutely irony of someone who is clearly NOT INFJ and band wagoning it in order to battle their own handicap complex; criticizing this thread.

Put that in your "Ni" space and smoke it! You egotistic forced to be introverted - ESFJ. Grow the fuck up. The eye of horus sees past your own self perpetuated illusions of yourself.

Oh and P.S. :

All of your karmic residue is forming black magic and negativity around you and you ENJOY manifesting it. It lies to you making you think you have intuition when it's only using you for your psychic abilities. You are NOT linked with the divine. Keep wearing it and wondering why you are handicap and your life is shit. You chose to be SHIT in your past lives. You get what you give. You are what you believe in. You WISH you are a legitimate dark knight. Be about it! ;)
What a vile, repulsive post. Do you feel good about yourself now? You like tearing other people to shreds? Neato. You're so cool.

Also @Wyote did you reject the guy or something?! I mean assbackwards negativity?!...that's like a skill man, you really are full of surprises :tearsofjoy:

Pretty sure he rejects himself every day.
Also, I am a sneaky coyote after all.
This owl will have to suffice for the sneak vibe.