My Type.

I'm not an F, and I'm not an S. Those are the only two I am certain of. I/E and J/P I'm up in the air about, but after reading Odynes post (the only one who IS entj) i've realized I'm a P over J. And the need for people to bounce my ideas off is E.

entp. I'm not an NF.
This pretty much exactly. I don't want to sound mean but it just seems like you just dont understand yourself very well. Thus you can convince yourself thatt you are anything regardless of what is accurate. That is NF idealism being unregulated. What i am absolutely certian of is that you are ExxP

Well said. It feels like Ne and Fi to me. I think with a strong T preference for various reasons.

I'm not an F, and I'm not an S. Those are the only two I am certain of. I/E and J/P I'm up in the air about, but after reading Odynes post (the only one who IS entj) i've realized I'm a P over J. And the need for people to bounce my ideas off is E.

entp. I'm not an NF.

Again I think your taking F as a bad thing. I'm not saying your an ENTp its very possible. But I get the feeling your afraid of being an F for some reason.

ENXP for sure.
Its hard, you're right in that I am kind of afraid to be an F... But it's... SOrry I'm really not good at articulating this kidn of stuff, which is why I was hoping if I did the video it would make more sense... But the microphone isn't working.

Functions wise, I am very much Ne (now that you guys pointed it out to me), Si, and Ti actually. I still say Fe, but since you guys think Fi so much I guess I'll look into this tooo.
interestingly enough, most people in TC declared me an ESTP; by the way I was talking. It makes sense why I push everyone's buttons on the board though.
People on MBTI boards tend to become a caricature of their type. ENTP is the closest fit for you -I think- and that's about it, you'll never find a description that'll totally fit you unless you follow the trend and embrace your assigned type's caricature.
I do tend to take Authority's word for the truth, (as I have seen S's doing) but immediately after any trouble arises, I question it all.
confession: I've I think I've known my type for a while and refuse to admit it.

-It's a type I've previously typed as.

-It's not ENFP. lol.
And another "I'm definitely not an S."

I've given up counting the number of times an "N" mentions this before it's even considered.

For just 25% of the population you Ns sure are numerous.

Just sayin'.
I've typed as an S before. To recap, I am one of the following types:







(I've never actually typed as an entj/entp)
You're not an ENTJ, my father, brother and cousin are ENTJs... I am well versed in ENTJism.

lol i said jism.
epiphany alert *points to mbti type*
"the performer"

Well I would say that certainly sounds fitting. :P
mebbe. What I don't get it is, I really hate being the center of attention. I just like being me, which usually gets me to the center of attention. LOL. :m040::m040::m040::m040::m040:
ok you guys decide esfp or estp.

I don't care about other people's feelings. And thats the thing, ESFPs don't care because they're self absorbed, ESTPs don't care because they're T's.

Gah. Bah.
If you're definitely extraverted, then ExTP. But you seem more physically oriented - though it's hard to tell online. That's the definitive selection though, whether you're more abstract or concrete.
Its hard because there is a sharp contrast between the inside me, and the outside me.

I am very INTJ to new people, and very ESFP to people I know... Kind of. But I... I...

I don't know. As a child though I spent about 99% of my time in imagination land. But I also tried to please everyone that I could, and I felt awful when I couldn't appease them. I still think I have fucking awful Fi, but I also have to say I know nothing about the MBTI, besides reading about it for months on end.

I mean, the one thing that really doesn't jive with me and ENFPs is their pure lack of lazyness, and self absorption. Like my sister will just call into work etc. I take my committments very very seriously, which is why I am hesitant to make them. *Also why I'm confused between J/p* The day you see me break a commitment you can slap me. However the commitment has to be with other people. Commitments I maek with myself I break daily. :D But I also get drained, not energized around people. And I'm not going to risk getting fired for a friend, NO MATTER HOW GOOD. It's a cruel world out there, I gotta survive.

edit: Go watch the Dexter Seasons 1-5, and his voice overs are exactly how I am inside my brain. EXACTLY, even as I am typing this now. Then go watch me in TC, and you'll see what an ESFP I am. I also tend to cry when very very stressed out. no homo.
Why exactly do you want to identify
with a specific type?