Its hard because there is a sharp contrast between the inside me, and the outside me.
I am very INTJ to new people, and very ESFP to people I know... Kind of. But I... I...
I don't know. As a child though I spent about 99% of my time in imagination land. But I also tried to please everyone that I could, and I felt awful when I couldn't appease them. I still think I have fucking awful Fi, but I also have to say I know nothing about the MBTI, besides reading about it for months on end.
I mean, the one thing that really doesn't jive with me and ENFPs is their pure lack of lazyness, and self absorption. Like my sister will just call into work etc. I take my committments very very seriously, which is why I am hesitant to make them. *Also why I'm confused between J/p* The day you see me break a commitment you can slap me. However the commitment has to be with other people. Commitments I maek with myself I break daily.

But I also get drained, not energized around people. And I'm not going to risk getting fired for a friend, NO MATTER HOW GOOD. It's a cruel world out there, I gotta survive.
edit: Go watch the Dexter Seasons 1-5, and his voice overs are exactly how I am inside my brain. EXACTLY, even as I am typing this now. Then go watch me in TC, and you'll see what an ESFP I am. I also tend to cry when very very stressed out. no homo.