My Type.

So that I can know. I have to know. I have to know everything I can know, before it's too late and I can know no longer.

Also so I can move onto something else, I can't stand leaving stuff half assed.

^^ thats actually surprisingly revealing.

I agree with the revealing comment.
Thank you, urtehnoes.
Esfps tend to lie a lot (definitely me) and tend to love babies and animals. Thats me too. Except for the stench from animals. But I would still kill an animal for 1 million dollars, so... uhhh. Yea lol.

but fml, here are some estp quotes:

"I make it happen. How I work—I have a picture in my head on how things will be, and I’m totally involved in the here and now. I am go, go, go. And that creates a lot of successes. I just dodge my way through the sparks and problems. I’m very task oriented. I like to do something, get it done, and move to the next thing. I love circumstances where it’s a challenge.

I’m a doer. What’s the mission and how are we getting there? Let’s work together. Let’s go. Throw any obstacle, I’ll find a way.....

I love the challenge of creating something pleasing to the eye. I like the order, to walk into a place that’s totally chaotic, nothing’s happening, and there’s a great opportunity to straighten things out. I like to get the job of placing all the stuff, making it right so it works.....

Family is very important. Just getting together and being close with the family, I think that’s satisfying. I don’t have a whole lot of really deep friendships, but yet I like to think people would describe me as dedicated, determined, and loyal. I sometimes have difficulty concealing what I am thinking or feeling. I don’t like the pressure of having to say no. I can be somewhat cool but a genuine friend as a personal relationship evolves. Trustworthiness in personal relationships is very important, that we can disagree and still be friends, and if our backs were ever to the wall, I’m there and I would expect the same.

If I don’t respect someone, I avoid them. If I can find another way to do business I will. I surround myself with people that I feel comfortable with, but they’re totally my selection.

I like taking on something that I want to do and getting it done and seeing results, keeping things moving along just to see that I have met some goals—a feeling of accomplishment in a day. I’ll always take bigger risks if I feel confident enough. Then I’ll work with it for a while, and if I see it’s not going anywhere, I just move on and go from there. I guess that summarizes how I deal with situations."

thats me very much so. I LOVE LOVE LOVE seeing results. I love accomplishments.
I can handle both though. However, when I am stressed I'm very "fuck the possibilities and deal with right now, damn it!" But if you want to discuss theory I enjoy it, provided it's not to... abstract. I do like my education very practical, you find me taking a class just to take it.

And when people are staring at me I can't make a decision for anything. But Idk if that's mbti related.
If you were deserted on an island and could only bring two things with you, what would they be?

This will help determine my answer.
I could never choose. :D (xxxP)

I don't know, I'm not doubting I'm a P, but I also get very very perturbed when things are not done either a) the way I want them, or b) the way I envisioned them.

I'm really starting to think ESTP. But ahhhhhhh I don't want to decide on one, but I need to.... meh.

oh and just because I was discussing this somewhere else, I am very responsible with paying my bills, and I can do short term saving, but long term saving is incredibly difficult. I have to have something in mind to save for. I can't just save to save.
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mebbe. What I don't get it is, I really hate being the center of attention. I just like being me, which usually gets me to the center of attention. LOL. :m040::m040::m040::m040::m040:

One of my best friends is ESFP, and she detests being the center of attention.