You are: The Theorist (INTP)
In general, INTPs are known for their quest for logical purity, which motivates them to examine universal truths and principles. They are constantly asking themselves and others the questions "Why?" and "Why not?". Clear and quick thinkers, they are able to focus with great intensity on their interests. They appreciate elegance and efficiency in thought processes and require them, even more so, in their own communications. They may be seen as unwilling to accept what everyone else regards as truth. While often low key in outward appearance and approach, the INTP is "hard as nails" when challenging a truth. INTPs do not like to deal with the obvious. They are at their best in building conceptual models and developing unusual and complex ideas.
You are clearly an Introvert
You scored 99% in the direction of Introversion, which means you are clearly an Introvert. People who are clearly Introverts are reserved, quiet, and contemplative. They dislike the social pressures of large groups and being the center of attention, but are not necessarily shy. They frequently spend time alone in order to reflect and "recharge".
You are clearly an iNtuitive
You scored 98% in the direction of iNtuition, which means you are clearly an iNtuitive. People who are clearly iNtuitives are so focused on the "big picture" that they often overlook the details. Because of this, some people may see them as absent-minded. But don't be fooled: these iNtuitives quickly notice underlying patterns, hidden relationships and ironies that others miss. They enjoy considering the ways people or ideas are connected and are constantly thinking about the future, particularly how to change it.
You are clearly a Thinker
You scored 90% in the direction of Thinking, which means you are clearly a Thinker. People who are clearly Thinkers are tough, objective, and calculating. They do not let emotions get in the way of reason or cloud their judgment. They seek and express the truth, however ugly it may be. Their words are precise, direct, and sometimes critical.
You are clearly a Perceiver
You scored 76% in the direction of Perceiving, which means you are clearly a Perceiver. People who are clearly Perceivers lead a flexible, spontaneous lifestyle and avoid making definite plans whenever possible. They get excited by starting something new but find it difficult to finish. They see all sides of every situation, so much so that it is often unclear to them what's "right". When faced with a decision, they will put it off for as long as possible in order to consider all their options. Even once the decision is made, they often second guess themselves.
You are most compatible with: The Sage (INFJ)
In general, INFJs are future oriented, and direct their insight and inspiration toward the understanding of themselves and, thereby, human nature. Their work mirrors their integrity, and it needs to reflect their inner ideals. Solitude and an opportunity to concentrate thoroughly on what counts most is important to them. INFJs prefer to quietly exert their influence. They have deeply felt compassion, and they desire harmony with others. INFJs understand the complexities existing within people and among them. They do not call a great deal of attention to themselves, preferring that their contributions speak for them. They are at their best concentrating on their ideas, ideals, and inspirations.
You like obvious Introverts (97%)
People who are clearly Introverts are reserved, quiet, and contemplative. They dislike the social pressures of large groups and being the center of attention, but are not necessarily shy. They frequently spend time alone in order to reflect and "recharge".
You like iNtuitives (35%)
iNtuitives like to discuss ideas and tend to approach new information intuitively, focusing on the "big picture" rather than specific details. They find the future more interesting than the past, because they can shape it. While they recognize the value of down-to-earth practicality and concrete experience, they tend to emphasize the importance of imagination and inspiration.
You like Feelers (12%)
Feelers are caring, supportive, and appreciative. They naturally reach out to other people, preferring to cooperate and agree rather than argue over who is right. They are comfortable with emotions, both their own and those of others.
You like obvious Judgers (79%)
People who are clearly Judgers love to make decisions. Organized and thorough in their work, they make and stick to plans. One of life's small pleasures for them is checking off items on their to-do lists. Every thing in their lives has its place, and they are diligent about putting it there.
Your Highest Value is: Universalism
You are focused on issues larger than yourself like world peace and the plight of the poor or otherwise disadvantaged. You appreciate the perspectives and situations of others. You are the first to promote justice and equality for any group, especially those less fortunate. This extends even to future generations, which is why taking care of the environment is also of utmost importance to you.
You scored in the 21st percentile on Influence, which is low. You do not need to be in control of other people or resources and do not strive for social status or power. The competitive aspect of trying to be influential may even turn you off.
You scored in the 8th percentile on Achievement, which is low. You would rather not stress yourself out on trying to "get ahead". Life is too short. You want a good life, but let the person working over-time get the over-achiever awards.
You scored in the 47th percentile on Pleasure, which is average. You balance work and play. While you recognize that you cannot have fun all the time, you do like to regularly treat yourself.
You scored in the 28th percentile on Stimulation, which is low. You want a stable, peaceful life with few surprises and little risk. You prefer to stick to a routine.
You scored in the 84th percentile on Self-direction, which is high. You are creative, freedom-loving, and curious. You enjoy being independent and outside the control of others and may have a particular creative or artistic bent, which you seek to indulge whenever possible.
You scored in the 85th percentile on Universalism, which is high. You are drawn towards goals and movements that are larger than yourself. You are very tolerant, peace-loving and close to nature. You are very interested in the welfare and perspectives of all people, and promote justice and equality for all.
You scored in the 61st percentile on Benevolence, which is average. You are loyal, helpful and forgiving towards those close to you, but you are careful not to be taken advantage of. You believe in give and take.
You scored in the 69th percentile on Tradition, which is high. You see tradition as the pillar of society and try to uphold it, as you believe everyone should. You recognize that today's world is not as new as it may appear and therefore find the ideas, customs and lessons of the past to be valuable.
You scored in the 60th percentile on Propriety, which is average. You tend to follow the rules but also know when to break them. The same thing goes for social norms: you do your best to do the polite and expected thing, but sometimes you have to ignore the norm and go your own way. What the group thinks is important, but you are not about to follow the herd off a cliff.
You scored in the 32nd percentile on Security, which is low. You see many people as too worried about safety. From your perspective, everyone could benefit by relaxing a bit. You know you can't completely control the future, so why worry about it so much?
You are: The Innocent
Humble, guileless, unpretentious and candid. Innocent types are often shy, don't like to argue, and generally assume that everyone is as honest as they are. This can be a disadvantage if they are working with more cunning and manipulative types. They are usually fairly well-liked, as they are not boastful or demanding.
You scored in the 12th percentile on Extraversion, which is low. You tend to be shy and prefer to avoid crowded social situations. You don't like to take charge of people or activities. You prefer the quiet of being at home and have no trouble entertaining yourself.
You scored in the 72nd percentile on Agreeableness, which is high. You are always concerned with the feelings of others and tend to put their needs above your own. You are trusting and cooperative, you try to avoid confrontations if possible. You are quick to feel sympathy for others and try to help where you can.
You scored in the 21st percentile on Conscientiousness, which is low. You don't like to worry or take things too seriously. You tend to be impulsive and dislike planning things in advance. You're not too concerned with punctuality and organization. You tend to be laid back and like to just go with the flow.
Emotional Stability
You scored in the 64th percentile on Emotional Stability, which is average. You have worries and concerns like everyone else, but you can usually handle them. You aren't unaffected by stressful situations and can get angry or feel overwhelmed. However, it takes a pretty serious situation to elicit a strong reaction. You are able to control your emotional reactions and don't usually have extreme mood changes.
Openness to Experience
You scored in the 74th percentile on Openness to Experience, which is high. You place a high value on creativity and inventiveness. You appreciate beauty and tend to get really involved in artistic experiences. You are adventurous and are always looking to try new things. You value intelligence in others and enjoy having intellectual debates and having your views challenged. You are always ready to challenge authority, convention, and traditional values.