Natural Fixes for Sleeping Issues


The Challenger
I seem to have fallen into this very odd habit of not sleeping much at night and literally being unable to sleep until very early morning...

It's 4;23am presently and I'm nopt even sleepy...

the worst thing is is that so far I have been completely unable to keep myself awake all of the day so I can reset my sleeping patterns, though even when I sleep during the day I'm not getting enough sleep...and when I wake up I don't feel refreshed at all.

I don't want to have to take any serious medication for this though. I've been on sleeping tablets before and hated them, so I'm curious if anyone has ever been in this situation before and what you've done to fix it.
I sleep regularly, sorta, but I, for example, cannot sleep through anything. Slightest noise or motion will wake me up... which means waking up a lot every night. I'd love to know how to deal with that
Get some exercise during the daytime and in the evening take some valerian root, it comes in pill form though you might be able to find some form to make tea out of as well.

Edit: Hot bath to relax along with the valerian root did the trick for me when I was suffering from insomnia, body has to feel like it put in a full day though thus the exercise.

I haven't slept since yesterday, morning. I'm desperate. My eyes are as wide as saucers. My body is exhausted but my mind won't stop. Help me, please


I haven't slept since yesterday, morning. I'm desperate. My eyes are as wide as saucers. My body is exhausted but my mind won't stop. Help me, please


Try what dream_echo said.
sleep regularly, sorta, but I, for example, cannot sleep through anything. Slightest noise or motion will wake me up... which means waking up a lot every night. I'd love to know how to deal with that

this is sort of me too. I am an incredibly light sleeper.

at the same time though I can't sleep in dead quiet because then I feel incredibly insecure, though I have fixed that. I tend to listen to a book at night to help me focus on something other than my anxiety about the nighttime.

though it doesn't help that I have neighbours that seem to do some of their arguing at night and the husband goes out into the front driveway when he's drunk and rants and raves....
though it doesn't help that I have neighbours that seem to do some of their arguing at night and the husband goes out into the front driveway when he's drunk and rants and raves....

That'd keep me up too. But I've been getting practice with sleeping through noise at college. My dorm is suite style so there are 4 rooms surrounding a bathroom on each level. The levels go up 4 floors and they're called stacks. In the stacks, everyone plays beer pong until 1am in the bathroom, on Wednesdays. The school I go to is called Western so everybody parties on "Western Wednesday".
Anyone has the sort of insomnia where you wake up a little earlier each night? Did you ever find anything that works? [MENTION=3230]Galileo[/MENTION], I have the same issue. I'm aware of sounds when I sleep. I hate medication. It knocks you out but you don't feel rested like with natural sleep. All the suggestions above do not work. Thanks anyway.

P.S. Don't suggest amber glasses. That doesn't work either.
Like Skathac mentioned... exercise! Enough to make you sweat. Every day...even if it's only 15 minutes worth.

No caffeine after lunch.

No napping during the day.

No scary/disturbing movies (don't watch the news!) for several days least. And no "heavy" discussions or arguments in the evening.

Don't stay in bed too long if you can't sleep. Move to a different room. Bed is for sleeping only.

Try fresh pressed flax oil... 1 Tbls per day.

Get some sunshine everyday.
orgasms are currently out of the question at the moment, but all the other suggestions are about to get tried and tested this week....
oh...another thing... you may want to avoid food additives...cook from 'scratch' for a while and just stick to the 'pure' foods. Are you having any stomach issues?
no, no issues like that, nothing health-wise apart from my sleeping issues...
None of that stuff works. I've been an insomniac since I was a teenager. It occurs in cycles. If you notice, I'm still awake and instead of feeling more tired, I'm actually starting to feel hyper. It has been a while since I skipped an entire night of sleep but based on how I'm feeling now it's likely I'm going to skip another.