NF American Presidents

The more I think about it the more I think that it would be impossible to say what MBTI Obama is. Never is a person more concerned with what type of person they are coming across as than when they are running for President. Undoubtedly his demeanour, words and even body movements are scripted down to the last detail. He seems like a good person. Yet there are people who are paid a lot of money to make us think that. The Americans, and indeed the rest of the world can only hope.

Pretty much, sure he has the drive to get there and I’m sure he’s passionate about the job but it's choreographed. You're seeing the image they want to portray.
Idealistic ENTJ I presume. Unless he had this entire path set out before Harvard Law, where all his idealistic pastimes were a part of the facade to get power... I'd not put it past one of them since it's what I'm cultivating.
No attack taken. I was doing researching last night on the enneagram and myers briggs and it came up Obama as a 4 and then I looked further and it classified him as an enfj. I don't what site I was on.
Why would you not think the nf?
I myself I am unsure, but it seems possible.
Obama is no Sensor. Not at all. NT, more than likely.

I'm more drawn to NTs; I love their minds and their planning skills. I think I get into too many feeler arguments with other feelers, and when extreme feelers go on a tear I get frustrated and misunderstandings develop between us.

Lol. I dunno. I think it depends on my mood. I'm not usually drawn to non-intuitives though, unless they're funny.
Obama is no Sensor. Not at all. NT, more than likely.

I think he is a sensor, faking an intuitive.

I am sorry, I do not trust obama, and have not from day one, and I don't think I will ever trust him.

And this is coming from a hard-core liberal.
Mm, I don't think he's faking. I think he's earnest, but I think he's choosing people very carefully. I don't agree with his choices, but I understand why he's chosen them. No, I don't get the feeling he's a sensor at all - his "vibe" is different to me. But again, this is just my opinion, too.

But then, I didn't really trust any of the candidates, either. My preference is for Obama, sure. But all politicians are politicians at their core. I think if Obama truly were a Sensor it would've been more obvious, and all the MBTI sites probably would have pegged him straightaway. Because he *has* been difficult to type (every site I've seen has given him a different MBTI rating) and because he holds his cards close to his chest...well, that makes me think that he's more of a strategist. Now, does that make him a nice guy? Not necessarily. I think if crossed he'll be a much more formidable opponent than people expect. But - IMO - I think Obama is a strong strategist and a good strategist. He might be faking NF, but he's not faking "N" to me.

Different strokes for different folks.
Mm, I don't think he's faking. I think he's earnest, but I think he's choosing people very carefully. I don't agree with his choices, but I understand why he's chosen them. No, I don't get the feeling he's a sensor at all - his "vibe" is different to me. But again, this is just my opinion, too.

But then, I didn't really trust any of the candidates, either. My preference is for Obama, sure. But all politicians are politicians at their core. I think if Obama truly were a Sensor it would've been more obvious, and all the MBTI sites probably would have pegged him straightaway. Because he *has* been difficult to type (every site I've seen has given him a different MBTI rating) and because he holds his cards close to his chest...well, that makes me think that he's more of a strategist. Now, does that make him a nice guy? Not necessarily. I think if crossed he'll be a much more formidable opponent than people expect. But - IMO - I think Obama is a strong strategist and a good strategist. He might be faking NF, but he's not faking "N" to me.

Different strokes for different folks.

*nod* I do see your reasoning :)

I didn't like ANY of the canidates from the get go, EXCEPT Mike Gravel. But my opinion of him took a nose dive after I herd him say he didn't think sarah palin was bad...
Carter is certainly an INFJ.

Obama may be an ENFJ bit I'm not totally for sure, but his turning down a job as a corporate lawyer in order to be a community organizer is very suggestive. It would also explain the dynamics of the Democratic primary, Hillary Clinton is an ENTJ. Both clearly seem to have Ni, but I can very easily contrast Clinton's Te-based approach (we need to do this, this, this and this so we can reach this goal.) with Obama's Fe-based approach (we need to come together, put away out differences, and get along to make America a better place).
I think Obama could either be NT or NF - it's difficult to say because we haven't seen him in action yet. But he's very calculating and precise. Though he's young, he knows exactly what's needed to get people working...and he knows exactly the right words to say to get people motivated and listening. He's definitely intuitive. But he could be an INFJ if his main reason for getting into politics is as he said: To institute change. Heck, I'd get into politics if I felt I could seriously make a difference.

maybe it's just me, but I do not feel any real change about him. His public appearance is definatelly scripted as ENFJ, but I have seen this type in action and they are much more genuine than that. There are little inconsistencies all over the place which feel too calculated for "F" type. His emotions are never let free (even Bush was better at that).

If I look at the right places, I find things like giving bankers more money and taking it away from... health insurance - now that's a show stopper for me.
His public appearance is definatelly scripted as ENFJ, but I have seen this type in action and they are much more genuine than that. There are little inconsistencies all over the place which feel too calculated for "F" type.

There are inconsistencies because the script is written by several different people, not just Obama, so nothing he says or does can be relied upon as a measure of his MBTI. even if he is ENFJ, he is still following a script which has the intention of making us think he is that type, so the fact that it doesn't always seem genuine doesn't mean he is or isn't an ENFJ. Because he DEFINATELY isn't always genuine. No politician is. Even an INFJ politician (if there is such a thing) would lie frequently.
I doubt Obama is an ENTP. He's far too organized and controlled. I agree with Elizabeth, his speeches are NF, but his campaign was run so smoothly that I find it hard to believe he's the idealist he pretends to be.
His organization and control are not natural. Both he and his wife have attested that he needs a lot of help to keep organized. He said he looses almost every paper someone hands him. He usually uses a teleprompter because when he doesn't he can easily get off message. He is good at picking people who force him to stay under control, but is definitely a P, not a J. He also seems to have the narcissism common in the extroverted version of my type.

There is no way McCain was an N.
His organization and control are not natural. Both he and his wife have attested that he needs a lot of help to keep organized. He said he looses almost every paper someone hands him. He usually uses a teleprompter because when he doesn't he can easily get off message. He is good at picking people who force him to stay under control, but is definitely a P, not a J. He also seems to have the narcissism common in the extroverted version of my type.

There is no way McCain was an N.

McCain's an ISTJ
Obama ENFJ
Reagan ENFJ
Carter INFP
Clinton INFJ
Bush Sr. ISTJ
Al Gore ISTP
McCain - ESTP
Reagan - ESTP
Bush - ESTP

Those ESTP's are everywhere in politics.
Carter is certainly an INFJ.

Obama may be an ENFJ bit I'm not totally for sure, but his turning down a job as a corporate lawyer in order to be a community organizer is very suggestive. It would also explain the dynamics of the Democratic primary, Hillary Clinton is an ENTJ. Both clearly seem to have Ni, but I can very easily contrast Clinton's Te-based approach (we need to do this, this, this and this so we can reach this goal.) with Obama's Fe-based approach (we need to come together, put away out differences, and get along to make America a better place).

Carter seems more ISFJ to me. I agree that Hillary seems ENTJ, but have read that she has taken the official test, released the results, and is an INTJ. I doubt her introversion preference is strong though. What seems so Ni about Obama? He strikes me as much more Ne. He uses Fe a lot too, but when he is trying to explain a point rather than pandering to a crowd I see more Ti emerging. I still say he is an ENTP, although one whose E and T preferences are not huge. I'm curious as to VH's full explanation of his ENTP-ness, but his link is broken.
Clinton INFJ

Clinton is ESFP.
Bush is text book ESTJ.

In fact good luck finding any introverted presidents. You can't really stand for 307,006,550 people without being able to gain energy from being around them.
Clinton is ESFP.
Bush is text book ESTJ.

In fact good luck finding any introverted presidents. You can't really stand for 307,006,550 people without being able to gain energy from being around them.

Being introverted doesn't mean you can't speak in front of lots of people.

I have delivered presentations to large groups of people before. It isn't a problem for me. I could totalyy see myself speaking in front of thousands of people and enjoying every second of it
Being introverted doesn't mean you can't speak in front of lots of people.

I have delivered presentations to large groups of people before. It isn't a problem for me. I could totalyy see myself speaking in front of thousands of people and enjoying every second of it

I don't mean the speaking part. E's tend to be in tune with the general populous more.

You also have public debates. You can prepare for these all you like on your own but unlike a presentation you will need to be on top form and think on your feet. Around other people this is much easier for an extrovert.

All you're going to be in the public light. Your private time will be seriously limited.

Basically if you can't feel more natural around people, presidency isn't for you.