NF American Presidents

Still, none of what you said proved that an introvert is incapable of being a president.

Perhaps not for any normal country but we're talking about the U.S., a country that Canada could probably sue for noise violation and have a very strong case.
We've had plenty of introverted presidents, but that was mostly back when the common man knew better who he was sending to the electoral college than who he wanted to be president, or at least before political parties started using primary elections rather than having party bosses decide who would be the best nominee. Plenty of our very early presidents were introverts, but Calvin Coolidge may well have been the biggest introvert of the bunch. (He was also the most popular when in office, and won reelection without ever once campaigning for the office.)
Perhaps not for any normal country but we're talking about the U.S., a country that Canada could probably sue for noise violation and have a very strong case.

Nah, the intro/extroversion axis, and humans themselves, are far too complex for you to pigeon-hole them to your ideas on what they can and cannot do. I don't believe it's unreasonable to expect that there are introverted presidents.