- Enneagram
- 1
Like boozing and winning! /CharlieSheen
I'm a wizard.
Like boozing and winning! /CharlieSheen
- Histrionic behavior like you can't even imagine (hysterical screaming fits, violent tantrums, stalking behavior, etc)
- Eating disorders
- Drug and alcohol addictions
- Psychotic ex boyfriends
- STD's and high risk sexual behavior
- History of childhood sexual and/or physical abuse that leads to serious emotional problems
- Inability to remain monogamous
- Compulsive lying and manipulation without any sense of remorse
- Mountains of financial debt that they'll probably be paying off for life
- Bottomless pits of low self esteem that can never be filled
- Criminal records
- Uses abortion as a contraceptive method
- Poor hygiene
If I have/use none of the above, am I then automatically considered a nice girl?
who throws empty beer cans at elderly people.
Yeah. >.> This is more of an 'emotional trigger' thing than a 'bad girl' thing. Guys do the same, in their own way. If you're not willing to learn what is/isn't an emotional trigger for your SO, then you don't deserve to be in a relationship with them. Granted, some people get triggered by some really hard-to-avoid things, so you might be better off with someone else in that case, but learning to respect boundaries so that they don't get like this is part of being a good boyfriend or girlfriend.
- Histrionic behavior like you can't even imagine (hysterical screaming fits, violent tantrums, stalking behavior, etc)
Ehm... this is just as commonly a nice girl problem as well. Being a doormat doesn't bode well for your constitution.
- Eating disorders
Okay, this one I grant you.
- Drug and alcohol addictions
This one is not correlated to 'niceness' either, except that the nice girl will have had fewer boyfriends, but we will have had the same level of experience so our judgement isn't likely to be that much better?
- Psychotic ex boyfriends
This one is valid too.
- STD's and high risk sexual behavior
As opposed to the history of emotional (and possibly sexual/physical) abuse that characterizes people who are excessively accommodating and is much harder to stamp out by getting the police involved?
- History of childhood sexual and/or physical abuse that leads to serious emotional problems
- Inability to remain monogamous
Nice girls are just better at hiding it
- Compulsive lying and manipulation without any sense of remorse
Ok, granted, but only because a nice girl is more likely to be checking her purchases with you, and more used to being self-sufficient.
- Mountains of financial debt that they'll probably be paying off for life
A nice girl is just less likely to burden you with the fact; self-esteem is just a miserable thing to deal with no matter who you are.
- Bottomless pits of low self esteem that can never be filled
Definitely granted... although why that makes a relationship criterion I'm not sure...
- Criminal records
How about "knows how to make her boyfriend use a condom"? :/ Anyway, I don't see how this affects you, the guy.
- Uses abortion as a contraceptive method
Maybe. I don't know about this one.
- Poor hygiene
Okay, I'm going to weigh in on the whole 'bad girl' thing because I think you're oversimplifying.
Yeah. >.> This is more of an 'emotional trigger' thing than a 'bad girl' thing. Guys do the same, in their own way. If you're not willing to learn what is/isn't an emotional trigger for your SO, then you don't deserve to be in a relationship with them. Granted, some people get triggered by some really hard-to-avoid things, so you might be better off with someone else in that case, but learning to respect boundaries so that they don't get like this is part of being a good boyfriend or girlfriend.
I can't comment on stalking behaviour, but I have been pursued in such a way (by a guy) and yeah it's creepy. He was also a really 'nice guy'. So I don't think that's necessarily part of it.
Ehm... this is just as commonly a nice girl problem as well. Being a doormat doesn't bode well for your constitution.
Okay, this one I grant you.
This one is not correlated to 'niceness' either, except that the nice girl will have had fewer boyfriends, but she will have had the same level of experience so her judgement isn't likely to be that much better?
This one is valid too.
As opposed to the history of emotional (and possibly sexual/physical) abuse that characterizes people who are excessively accommodating and is much harder to stamp out by getting the police involved?
Sorry, no, I think the nice girls have their share of problems in this category.
you think a girl who has trouble saying 'no' is going to suddenly learn to stand up for ... whatever, fine.
Nice girls are just better at hiding it
Ok, granted, but only because a nice girl is more likely to be checking her purchases with you, and more used to being self-sufficient.
A nice girl is just less likely to burden you with the fact; self-esteem is just a miserable thing to deal with no matter who you are.
Definitely granted... although why that makes a relationship criterion I'm not sure...
How about "knows how to make her boyfriend use a condom"? :/ Anyway, I don't see how this affects you, the guy.
Maybe. I don't know about this one.
I knew you were a bad girl!
Please tell me it's only with me![]()
I should send you to the slut walks