Non-INFJ's, why are you here?

As for having trouble expressing and effectively managing emotion, melkor: are you so sure you want to do that? One of them did tell me, once, that they found it a relief to be around INTPs--the stoicism and inability to absorb (and reflect) other peoples' emotions made them feel like they could finally "rest" while around someone. It's not such a bad thing, to be INTP-y with your feelings.

I'd have to agree with this.
people here are nice, not just the infjs, but everyone else too. i like the friendly atmosphere. also, there are some incredibly insightful people here from whom i could learn alot, i feel like there's less to learn when you're around people who are just like you.
By accident, I thought I was an INFJ (and I do a little bit to this day.) I stayed because this place is a good exercise of both my thinking and feeling skills, although they are different than the norm here and as such I can add another view upon things. I also have friends here.

Also: I totally agree with April. I think interacting with other types is the way to learn about yourself, when you're around people who think similarly to you then you don't tend to gain as much except a feeling of understanding because of the fact that you think similar to the next guy
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I was invited by another member who refers to me as "INFJ in denial"
I think I am an ISFP. It's probably neither.
Cuz this forum is like a cardboard box full of cute puppies sitting in the rain.
I find Ni inspiring, and, while I should (theoretically) find Te inspiring too (and maybe even more so), I don't have much of an affinity towards it (or at least haven't realized it yet).

Hence I registered to an INFJ Forum (as opposed to an INTJ forum).
to plot unspeakable acts of evil... obviously.

Well that was the original intent... I've been going around trying to figure out how all these types work... (although I haven't been too diligent about that since I've come here...)

But I've been drawn in by all adorable INFJ ness that goes on around here, and now I stop by regularly.
But I've been drawn in by all adorable INFJ ness that goes on around here, and now I stop by regularly.


and it's a trap that works oh so wonderfully! :D
I came to learn about INFJs. In particular, to understand INFJs I know / have known / have met.

I stayed for the monkey army.

I am here for several reasons. As an INTP I tried INTP Central and it was simply not the place for me. I tried a few other places and never really fit in. VH suggested I check out this forum and I've been here ever since. I get along quite well with INFJs (at least, I think so) and I find this forum much more stimulating than any of the other's I've been on. The people are much more welcoming and there is intelligent conversation around every corner. Sure it's an INFJ forum, but there are plenty of other types represented so that you get an interesting blend and harmony. There's occasional dissonance, but even that comes out beautiful in the end.
Cuz this forum is like a cardboard box full of cute puppies sitting in the rain.

Best answer yet.:D

Uh, oh, as expected, Devildoll's reply was also satisfactory, meaning lucid and expansive.

I know I'm the wrong person to answer this but I expect this place just feels safe.

Imagine going through life where everyone is cheating in order to get the biggest piece of cake. People are bragging about the size of their piece of cake, trying to make you feel inferior for having a small piece and even trying to steal the piece you have when you're not looking

Then you come here and sit down. Everyone smiles at you. They don't care how big your piece of cake is and even offer you first pick from their selection. You all sit down and enjoy your cake. If you're still hungry, someone offers you another piece.

Nobody judges you for eating too much and nobody cares if you can't find your own cake because we will just give you some of ours
I find Ni inspiring, and, while I should (theoretically) find Te inspiring too (and maybe even more so), I don't have much of an affinity towards it (or at least haven't realized it yet).

Hence I registered to an INFJ Forum (as opposed to an INTJ forum).
An INTP should not theoretically find Te inspiring. Te is our 5th function, Oppositional Role; this is a function which we can actually use quite well (and thus not find very impressive) but which is still draining and unpleasant to use for very long. We tend to be the most stubborn when using this function, or when faced with those using it not up to our standards.

An INFJ's Fe is our 4th function, Aspirational role, which is underdeveloped but (at least once we gain some maturity) highly valued. We know we are terrible at using it, but deeply want to improve.

INTJs also use Fi in their relief role (which comes out a lot when stressed). Fi is an INTP's devilish function, that which tends to be both the least developed and the least valued. We know we are bad at using this, but rather than wanting to improve we tend to wish everyone could just forget it exists.

Ni is the 6th function, know as the critical parent, senex, or the path to wisdom. We tend to aspire to be good at this function like we do our 4th function (aspirational role, Fe for an INTP), but without such a high energy cost or awareness of our deficiencies. It is common to view our 6th function as almost supernatural.

I tend to think it takes the path to wisdom role much more when paired with the valued aspirational and dominant functions than the disliked oppositional and devilish roles.

It makes sense to me why INFJs would seem inspiring to an INTP, whereas INTJs not so much.

I personally joined the forum after having some of the best conversations of my life with the one confirmed INFJ I know in real life. Also, any INTP forum members seem rather unpleasant.