Noticed anything today?

I noticed the wife up doing something, so I started to stand and my dog was under my feet so I couldn't go anywhere without him.

I notice you must be pack leader. :)
I noticed a person could not talk about much except how much he works, never has time to go fishing, and goes to church almost every night.
The geese did not visit today.
I noticed I can trigger a vasovagal response by stretching really dramatically after I've been sitting up straight for a while. Almost passed out on my desk.
On way back from running I noticed a lovely scene. There were random pockets of school children in pairs on different sections of the roads, clothed in their high viz jackets, accompanied by their teachers being taught to cross the road safely. Such innocence…
I noticed that there's always some kind of mentor in my life.
I've noticed that you often turn my words around so it repeatedly becomes something about you.....
I noticed that feelings always come back.