Noticed anything today?

I noticed that it's kind of lonely without [MENTION=4137]technics[/MENTION] here :(
Today I noticed people not bieng able or willing to look me in the eye.
I noticed today that most of the people I made eye contact with today did not seem to know how to smile back, as though they have forgotten in the mad rush of contemporary living.
I noticed a few things today:

~ I am peopled out after two days and four hundred visitors to my suicide prevention display. Me time this weekend.
~ How much I unconditionally love my friends. We were out to dinner tonight and my heart nearly burst with love for each one of them. Had to tell them so and give hugs!
~ I notice men more lately... how a simple smile triggers such a positive energy force. Powerful.
I notice something incredibly today, after almost 5 months of quiet musings in the back of my head on a certain issue...I think I am close to get the answer!
The sky is such a pure blue without a hint of a cloud. I am having a hard time driving without staring at its beauty.
I noticed the soft dirt from all the rains we had, so now the stickers have been uprooted that have been bothering me.
I noticed today something I never imagined would happen.
I noticed some people want to be seen in a certain way.
I noticed today something I never imagined would happen.
[MENTION=8603]Eventhorizon[/MENTION]- this has me intrigued, what did you notice on this day?

If you are willing to share...
[MENTION=8603]Eventhorizon[/MENTION]- this has me intrigued, what did you notice on this day?

If you are willing to share...

I dont remember now. Should have wrote it down. I suspect I was being deliberately obscure though.

As a consolation though, I noticed today that getting a taste bud stuck in ones teeth isnt especially pleasant.
I dont remember now. Should have wrote it down. I suspect I was being deliberately obscure though.

As a consolation though, I noticed today that getting a taste bud stuck in ones teeth isnt especially pleasant.

I would say not.... sounds uncomfortable!

I notice how quiet my little city is on Sunday mornings.

Bliss. :m096:
I noticed a medium-sized striped butterfly.
As I was driving home after one of my girls medical appts today, I was awe struck by the beauty of Autumn in my province.

When I got home and was chatting with my Dad on the phone he shared about the tragedy in Ottawa.

I noticed the deep sadness in my heart about our world. So sad.

From happy and joy filled to tears.

Today I noticed trouble brewing on the horizon.