Obama v Romney 1st debate - who won ?

This kind of thinking makes me lose hope for humanity. Other people matter just as much as you do. The needs of other people matter just as much as your needs do. Other people are just as real and valid as you are.
You are wrong when you say everyone votes that way, I vote based on my needs, but I also vote based on the needs of other people, because I know that they matter just as much as I do.

Another thing to consider is that the society around you has an effect on your own well being. The better off the world you live in the better off you will be to.

Excuse me. You don't know me, and you certainly do not know my contributions to society.
This kind of thinking makes me lose hope for humanity. Other people matter just as much as you do. The needs of other people matter just as much as your needs do. Other people are just as real and valid as you are.
You are wrong when you say everyone votes that way, I vote based on my needs, but I also vote based on the needs of other people, because I know that they matter just as much as I do.

Another thing to consider is that the society around you has an effect on your own well being. The better off the world you live in the better off you will be to.

You shouldn't vote with other citizens in mind. They vote too and their vote is just as valuable as yours. If anything, you are actually doing a bad thing by not voting selfishly because you are disturbing the balance.
You shouldn't vote with other citizens in mind. They vote too and their vote is just as valuable as yours. If anything, you are actually doing a bad thing by not voting selfishly because you are disturbing the balance.

So instead, you have people A and B. People A vote with their own self interest in mind as do people B. People B win the vote. People A feel neglected, alienated and insulted by the results.

Somehow, this is supposed to be better than having people A and B vote for option C (a platform that covers an umbrella of issues for people in both categories) instead and everyone being happy with the results?

In real terms, you have the Dems voting for things they can use and want and you have the Repubs voting for things they can use and want. But, you have other, far-left groups voting for things everyone can use and want. Somehow this is a bad thing?
politics and religion
Excuse me. You don't know me, and you certainly do not know my contributions to society.

Of course I don't know you. I am going strictly by the things that you said. I never said a word about your contributions to society, and I don't know where you got that from.
You shouldn't vote with other citizens in mind. They vote too and their vote is just as valuable as yours. If anything, you are actually doing a bad thing by not voting selfishly because you are disturbing the balance.

I don't see why I shouldn't vote for things/people that leave us all with freedoms and opportunity. It would be despicable for me to vote in such a way that left only me and people like me doing well.
Of course I don't know you. I am going strictly by the things that you said. I never said a word about your contributions to society, and I don't know where you got that from.

You assume that because I vote the way I do that I am selfish and that I do not care about my neighbors/community.

Just because someone is a Democrat, doesn't mean they automatically have a bleeding heart and want to give to the world. Many have their own interest to protect as well. This goes the same for all other political parties.
I don't see why I shouldn't vote for things/people that leave us all with freedoms and opportunity. It would be despicable for me to vote in such a way that left only me and people like me doing well.

I don't want to get into a debate because that shit is exhausting. All I'm saying is that your vote is incapable of leaving only you and people like you doing well. Because if everyone votes, the people who aren't you or like you will not let that happen because they will be voting for what they believe is in their best interest too.
You assume that because I vote the way I do that I am selfish and that I do not care about my neighbors/community.

Just because someone is a Democrat, doesn't mean they automatically have a bleeding heart and want to give to the world. Many have their own interest to protect as well. This goes the same for all other political parties.

I have no idea what party you vote for. I have made no comments in regards to particular partys being more selfish then others. I was only saying that when you said you wish only to vote in your own self interest, that this indeed makes you sound selfish.

Let me put an emphases on the word sound, because again I don't know you, and I think you will misunderstand this to mean that I think unequivocally that you are selfish.
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I'm not voting based on welfare. I don't need it. Why can't I vote for a candidate based on my and my family's needs? Everyone else is. I just happen to know more than the avg Joe about how welfare works and how it is abused.

ETA: I never said I would vote for Romney, but you can sure as heck bet I'm not voting for Nobama.
I never said you couldn't vote based on your families needs.
In my opinion, neither of them were winners. I am not particularly satisfied with Obama, and when I learned that Romney was going to be the Republican candidate my first thought was "Canada's sounding nicer and nicer these days..."

I don't care about Romney's tone, and his plans aren't all that feasible. I don't get the impression that he cares about the nation, more so simply furthering his own career, getting endorsements from large corporations, and gaining more power. He is the Republican candidate because he has a heaping pile of money - not because he's competent or a good choice for the job. Doing alright in one debate isn't going to change that.

So yeah, in my opinion they're both losers, and it's a competition between crap and poo. I still favor Obama a little more, but that's only because Romney's so godawful. That's probably one of the reasons people think he did well in the debate, because almost anything's better than how he has carried himself throughout the campaign.

True, the presidency is only one small part of what makes this nation run, but I'd prefer it if such an integral part of the greater whole weren't broken, and the presidency seems to be "broken." Even a good third party candidate doesn't mean anything, because they don't have a chance of getting elected.

Obama vs. Romney? Like I said, Canada.
[MENTION=5375]chulo[/MENTION]. That's an interesting concept, but I don't see how it can hold true for any kind of minority.
Also, there's this:


I have found I am more of a Libertarian if anything.
Neither Romney or Obama have my vote. All I was doing was making an observation on how they appeared.
I didn't endorse or dismiss what either had to say on policy. Candidates always paint a pretty and idyllic picture of how life will be with them in office. It never turns out that way.
And why is it, anytime someone says they don't care for President Obama they are automatically called racist?
I could as easily say since you don't care for Romney that you have something against Mormons and it would be equally as valid.

Just an outward observation. Nothing more.

I wasn't calling you a racist.
What I mean is people will vote for one or the other regardless of what they say.
If Romney came our and confessed to killing babies, the right would still blindly vote for him. First, do you not agree.
And assuming you do, don't you find it strange that they do ardently and blindly follow party lines. My only conclusion is the hate is so strong, I can't figure what drives it other than they want a pretty white guy and can't stand this xxgger.
I have no idea what party you vote for. I have made no comments in regards to particular partys being more selfish then others. I was only saying that when you said you wish only to vote in your own self interest, that this indeed makes you sound selfish.

Let me put an emphases on the word sound, because again I don't know you, and I think you will misunderstand this to mean that I think unequivocally that you are selfish.

... omg I'm backing out of this thread before I go apeshyt. Done.
Why not? And who would you consider a minority?

Any kind of minority; be it race, religion, sexual orientation, anything that you can think of. If a person is in a minority and the government becomes such that it will not treat that minority fairly, then it will be incredibly hard for the minority voice to be heard. I believe that we all should look out for each other. We shouldn't wait for a series of revaluations and movements before considering the needs of all.

There is anther thing to consider; and that is that not everyone who is affected by our government can vote. For instance almost 6 million Americans are not allowed to vote due to felon disenfranchisement laws. People who are legal immigrants but non citizens are not allowed to vote; including more than 70,000 non citizens in the U.S. armed forces. Lastly our government is so big and powerful that it has (whether good or ill) a large affect on the rest of the world.
Lol I'm almost convinced that Obama is mentally ill. ;)

Totally. In another thread, I think it was the "Is Obama an INFJ" one, you had brought this up too and I thought you had totally nailed it. He's an obsessive, pathological liar. Anyone who follows his policies closely will realize that his rhetoric and what he actually does are two completely different stories. His campaign won Advertising Age's "Marketer of the Year" for a reason. But I do think (or hope) things will get better his next term, we can't forget how big of a mess Bush had left him only one other President came into an uglier situation.

But anyways, loving the Jill Stein support out here guys :)
[MENTION=6229]Cherokee[/MENTION] you go on and vote as you will-- vote for your vision of the country. Of that vision includes the needs and well-being of other individuals--more power to ya. I do not understand how NOT voting for your vision of America, but for your immediate individual needs is beneficial to yourself and country. It seems to me to be quite the opposite. No single politician is going to solve all your problems--and voting solely based on your individual needs seems very short-sighted. All things are interdependent. I don't want to have to live in a country where gays are refused rights and where the elderly and sick go broke and starve trying to afford care... Those two things ripple and impact me.