I can't answer in entirety because I am busy. I think we have to be practical and sensible. You are kids so don't have to be so. I do, because I have kids. The thing is that we have to be sensible. Obamacare claims to be cost-effective. But all the people showing up at the emergency rooms across the nation cost about 35 billion per year. Google it. Obamacare will cost trillions of dollars. For what? For nationalization of industry. It's an immoral model that takes individual responsibility away and makes us government's slaves.
Well here is my thing. I think Obama, or anyone trying to get this type of legislation through, would be happy for just getting past and then the expectation is it would be ratified, improved upon. But a perfect the first try, never expected it.
Per-existing conditions, lifetime maximums, etc. all good changes.
I know a guy whose wife is diagnosed with cancer. He was a manager of a decent size IT dept. has two boys.
Wife started a tanning business.
She got sick and couldn't work the business.
The insurance they have declined her claims. He lost his job. I'd guess part because of the post bush error economy, but the other part cause he maybe wasn't as focused with his wife sick.
So they are bankrupt and ripped everyone off. (Not a fan of bankruptcy)
But what was/is he to do?
The American dream.
Job making a couple hundred k.
Start a business. Couple kids.
Just sounds wonderful right.
Make sure you understand what your insurance will cover, and if you aren't we'll versed in legalese hire a lawyer.
Cause that what you have to do to make sure. Just paying 2k a month in premiums doesn't mean you bought anything in return. They took everything he had to cover his dieing wife.
I just don't think a for profit medical industry is the right thing for the most of us. I bought special cancer insurance because I couldn't wait to give the insurance companies more money.
But the truth is if my wife or I ever need this crap, I'm still not clear on what it will cover. Never had cancer. Don't know what kind of expenses are involved.
But here's a little point about what you said. 35billion a year to cover the indigent. Obama care trillions.
I think it's estimated to cost maybe a trillion over ten years. Which is less than what it would have been if we did nothing. You have to factor the Medicare and medicare numbers into this. You statements don't hold water.
"It's an immoral model that takes individual responsibility away and makes us government's slaves"
Medicare, SS, Medicaid are all programs. Social programs and a lot of people would be dead without them.
I guess that doesn't bother you. But it does me. I don't think everyone has an opportunity to help themselves.
Spend the time finding the people that beat or abuse the system. Don't dismantle the system for the ones that need it.
If you care so little about the lives that need saving, then I'm sure you don't support the wars we fought trying to help librate and save the lives in Iraq, Afganistan, Libya. We seem to spend a lot of money, lives saving these people.
Not that for a second I think that's why we are there. But saving and liberating is the justification we give ourselves.
So we care do much about them and so little about our own?
I'm not sure how the changes make medical insurance anymore government regulated. The medical industry has always been regulated. It hardly nationalizing. A complete takeover of the industry so the were no insurance companies any longer sounds awesome to me. But that's not what we got. So it's not nationalizes. And taking away individual responsibility? Not even sure what you're saying. Running around without insurance is irresponsible.
Is forcing you to buy insurance ribbing you of your personal responsibility. Well at the cost of everyone else, I guess so.
By the way, you aren't allowed to drive drunk either. Cause at the cost of everyone else, we kinda said you couldn't do that. We took your personal responsibility away again.