"Official" MBTI test.

The MBTI is such a broken tool.

If your dominant function is Introversion, and your scores rank as follows...

N = 18 Ni
T = 14 Te
F = 10 Fi
S = 8 Se

...then you're an INTJ, despite what your J and P axis score is.

The other possibility is that you leaned toward T by 2 or more questions, and you're actually still an INFJ.

I do believe I am an infj. I think that I am just gaining a better understanding of things and that ends up skewing my scores. It's hard to take the test now and not think about your known or perceived type. I think actions speak louder than words in the end and I act like an infj in person.
Von Hase,

I'm sorry, but I'm not following the logic of your theory this time. It seems that you're suggesting that someone who scores distinctly INFJ by getting a high score in each of the four components (I, N, F, and J) is not then an INFJ. What type do you suggest they are?

You only wrote out the math for four INXX types (and I don't understand the logic of your math so I can't translate that to the other 12 possible types), but using your math in the four you suggested my x and y are closest on INTJ. So in your theory scoring 19 F and 5 T suggests to you I'm an INTJ?

I can appreciate not wanting to derail the thread, but having introduced this theory into the thread, I would appreciate enough explanation to clear up why you think someone who scores clearly on MBTI as INFJ is actually better represented by some other type description.


Since this thread is about the Official MBTI, and since the MBTI is prone to mistyping, I'm simply offering a possibility for when the MBTI seems to mistype. Keep in mind that the MBTI is usually accurate. It's wrong often enough to warrant a proof method or two, but that doesn't mean that it is always wrong by any means. The MBTI's results are 'trust but verify'.

The first and most accurate way to verify a mistype is to simply order your F, N, S, and T from greatest to least, then apply your introversion or extraversion preference to the greatest of them, and alternate down from there. In almost all cases, results will fall into the natural progression of one of the 16 MBTI types.

In your case, Tovlo, you're clearly an INFJ by this method, regardless of your J and P preference score - which in this case was in fact J.

The additional math I offered as a proof is to further check accuracy in self assessment (due to the fault of the user or the MBTI, which is by no means a perfect instrument). This is only offered in case the first method is still ambiguous.

I'm sorry if I confused anyone, while trying to clear up the confusion created by the less than perfect MBTI. To help rectify any damage I've done...

I officially offer my services to anyone who wants me to analyze their results for type.

Simply reply with your scores for I, E, N, S, F, T, J, and P.
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I officially offer my services to anyone who wants me to analyze their results for type.

Simply reply with your scores for I, E, N, S, F, T, J, and P.

I have already posted mine on the previous page. Not so much for analysis, but for more of why alternative methods seem to make more confusion on me, yet like for tovlo, the primary methods seem to peg me perfactly.
I just took it again, and switched a few answers that were difficult to choose.

Your result for The Official Myers-Briggs Personality Test ...

9 Extraversion, 12 Introversion
6 Sensing, 20 Intuition
10 Thinking, 14 Feeling
12 Judging and 10 Perceiving

More proof that the MBTI is not a perfect instrument, but a good indicator.The final judge of your type is always yourself. The MBTI can help you get in the ballpark.Here are my formulas with my new results applied, which prove the MBTI result correct this time:

Method 1

Introversion Dominant

21 Intuition = Ni
14 Feeling = Fe
10 Thinking = Ti
5 Sensing = Se

Result = INFJ

Validity Proof

(21+5) = 26/10[P] = 2.6
(14+10) = 24/12[J] = 2

Method 2 (With all 4 type formulas)

INFJ Formula

(21+10) = 31/12 = 2.58
(14+5) = 19/9[E] = 2.11

Result: INFJ
Proof = 0.47INTJ Formula

(21+14) = 35/12 = 2.92
(10+5) = 15/9[E] = 1.66
Result: INTJ Proof = 1.26INFP Formula

(21+10) = 31/9[E] = 3.44
(14+5) = 19/12 = 1.58

Result: INFP Proof = 1.86
INTP Formula

(21+14) = 35/9[E] = 3.88
(10+5) = 15/12 = 1.25
Result: INTP Proof = 2.63
I have already posted mine on the previous page. Not so much for analysis, but for more of why alternative methods seem to make more confusion on me, yet like for tovlo, the primary methods seem to peg me perfactly.

Based on your results:

Method 1

Introversion Dominant

18 Intuition = Ni
15 Feeling = Fe
9 Thinking = Ti
8 Sensing = Se

Result = INFJ

Validity Proof

(18[N]+8) = 26/2 = 13
(15[F]+9[T]) = 24/20[E] = 1.2

The reason the other methods don't work for you, is because you seem to have over estimated your I and J functions far beyond the proportion of your N, S, T, and F functions. The capacity for this is the reason for the MBTI failing to type when it does. However, your type results are clearly noted above.

If I had to guess, I would assume your I to E ratio is more like 27 (18 Ni + 9 Ti) over 23 (15 Fe + 8 Se), and your J to P ratio is more like 26 over 24.

In other words, you're much more well balanced than you give yourself credit for in self assessment. When answering the straight functions questions, you're much more self aware. When answering the peripheral axis questions (I/E, and J/P), you're likely of stronger feeling on the subjects than you truly are - not uncommon for INFJs from what I can see from the results posted... just like INTJs appear to tend to minimize their F functions in self assessment, which is the crux of the issue - the MBTI is a self assessment test, and can only measure our self image.

In your case, Indigo, you're more awesome than you believe yourself to be. :-)
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I do try very hard to be objective and apply myself to examples when taking assesment tests like this, and I do like to think I answer as accuratly as possible.

I can see how I might overestimate my I and J scores. Some people that have met me have been very insistant that I am an extrovert. However, they don't really know the true definition of it, and I am just open around them because I feel more confortable around them. I do have P tendancies as well. While I do have a very strong need to have things nailed down and set in stone, I am not afraid to edit things along the way as they are need to. So I will just move the nail's to somewhere else, haha. I just have a horrible distaste for wishy-washy things, which is why I don't like Ne or Se (in a social sense).

0 Extraversion, 21 Introversion, 4 Sensing, 22 Intuition, 8 Thinking, 16 Feeling, 10 Judging and 12 Perceiving!

I must have misunderstood something in there, because I'm pretty sure that extraversion is way too low. I know I'm more introverted than extraverted but not that wide a gulf. Care to take a crack at it, Von Hase?
I must have misunderstood something in there, because I'm pretty sure that extraversion is way too low. I know I'm more introverted than extraverted but not that wide a gulf. Care to take a crack at it, Von Hase?

Classic instance of MBTI mistype.

21 Introversion = lead function

22 Intuition = Ni
16 Feeling = Fe
8 Thinking = Ti
4 Sensing = Se

10 Judging and 12 Perceiving

22+4 = 28 P/12 = 2.33
16+8 = 24 J/10 = 2.4

Your self assessment is accurate.

Clearly, you're an INFJ with a strong Ni function, which caused you to have such a high Introversion self assessment score and the weight on your P function. Ni is actually a P function.We are considered J's because our Feeling function is extroverted, which is what people see on the outside.
Heh and I already know what threw it off. Though I like to approach things in an organized fashion, I dislike making rigid schedules of what I'll do in a day. A lot of the questions dealt with making schedules for everything. In fact they seemed to repeat that one a lot.
Heh and I already know what threw it off. Though I like to approach things in an organized fashion, I dislike making rigid schedules of what I'll do in a day. A lot of the questions dealt with making schedules for everything. In fact they seemed to repeat that one a lot.

I had the same problem. I am convinced that's why I got an 11 P / 11 J split the first time I took it. I also got a result of INFP.

Our primary function is a P function. We're less inclined to schedules than most J's, especially if our Ni is much stronger than our Fe. We know how it can suddenly tell us to change our plans without warning, and we tend to compensate for the possibility.

Glad I could help.

Arg! My personality type has gone gone to crap!


12 Extraversion, 9 Introversion
1 Sensing, 25 Intuition
11 Thinking, 13 Feeling
10 Judging and 12 Perceiving!
You did say a while ago that you have recently been under quite a heavy load of stress. If that is still on you, it is possible that it is skewing your type by shifting your cognative function use.
You did say a while ago that you have recently been under quite a heavy load of stress. If that is still on you, it is possible that it is skewing your type by shifting your cognative function use.

I wish could use that as an excuse but the stress is over. I have no idea what is going on.
"Official" MBTI test


2 Extraversion, 19 Introversion, 2 Sensing, 24 Intuition, 6 Thinking, 18 Feeling, 15 Judging and 7 Perceiving!
Introverted Intuition with Extraverted Feeling

I think I would've scored higher on P if management of the bipolar didn't require keeping so much to routine. The brain injury affects thins as well; if I don't do tasks in a certain order, I forget things. So it makes me wonder about my "natural" preferences. My introversion wouldn't be changed by all this, nor would my feeling side.
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0 Extraversion, 21 Introversion, 13 Sensing, 13 Intuition, 3 Thinking, 21 Feeling, 6 Judging and 16 Perceiving!
Introverted Feeling with Extraverted Intuition

I'm pretty new to all this. I sometimes find it confusing.

I find I score as an INFJ or an INFP equally as much.
When I read the descriptions for both, I see little difference between the 2.
I imagine we aren't hard fast just one type, and we all must vary a little each day depending on our moods etc.
Overall I still think I lean more INFJ. Especially since that is how I scored many years ago when I first took the test professionally administered, and again recently when I was re-introduced to the test and have taken it a few times on my own with INFJ being the most common result.

What's it all mean? :m133: :ohwell:
I don't think we're just "hard fast one type" either. I think we can flip and switch preferred functions in different environments or circumstances. Or maybe not and I'm just a freak.
I've just taken this test and got INTJ. Von Hase would you be so kind to tell me what do you think of these results? please. It's not the first time I've gotten this result, in fact I get it pretty frequently.


4 Extraversion, 17 Introversion,
6 Sensing, 20 Intuition,
16 Thinking, 8 Feeling,
16 Judging and 6 Perceiving


0 Extraversion, 21 Introversion, 5 Sensing, 21 Intuition, 2 Thinking, 22 Feeling, 9 Judging and 13 Perceiving!

Haha look at that extraversion fail!
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Woo hoo! Quinlan!
Way to join the emo darkside. Let's calculate overthrow!
I'm not giving up my S card that easily! :D