Not sure how long this will stay up (and it'll probably be yoinked, just saying)...but if you ever wanted to take the official MBTI test from the booklet, this poster is giving you the chance.
Hurry, before it's gone! And hopefully they won't get sued.
3 Extraversion, 18 Introversion, 1 Sensing, 25 Intuition, 10 Thinking, 14 Feeling, 15 Judging and 7 Perceiving! (What surprised me was the high level of N. I usually don't test that high on Intuition - I usually have more sensory stuff mixed in there. You folks must be rubbing off on me.The rest I totally agree with).
You can also determine your Preference Clarity Category, that is, how consistently you prefer one pole of a dichotomy over the other.
If E or I is between 11-13, preference is SLIGHT
If E or I is between 14-16, preference is MODERATE
If E or I is between 17-19, preference is CLEAR
If E or I is between 20-21, preference is VERY CLEAR
If S or N is between 13-15, preference is SLIGHT
If S or N is between 16-20, preference is MODERATE
If S or N is between 21-24, preference is CLEAR
If S or N is between 25-26, preference is VERY CLEAR
If T or F is between 12-14, preference is SLIGHT
If T or F is between 15-18, preference is MODERATE
If T or F is between 19-22, preference is CLEAR
If T or F is between 23-24, preference is VERY CLEAR
If J or P is between 11-13, preference is SLIGHT
If J or P is between 14-16, preference is MODERATE
If J or P is between 17-19, preference is CLEAR
If J or P is between 20-21, preference is VERY CLEAR
This test keeps asking the same three questions over and over, it's way too simple. Without testing on your reactions or preferences given certain scenarios, how acurate can this be?
I agree it's the same questions over and over, so I have a preference for ideas over facts and all of a sudden I'm a massive intutive.
The thing is it entirely depends on which facts and which ideas we're talking about.
I agree it's the same questions over and over, so I have a preference for ideas over facts and all of a sudden I'm a massive intutive.
The thing is it entirely depends on which facts and which ideas we're talking about.
I like organization, just not being bound to other people's schedules. I also don't mind being around people unless they are hindering progress on something that I want to get done, but there was only one question about the "draining" versus "energizing," and a boatload of questions just asking how much I talk around other people and things like that.
The test has it all wrong!
*trudges off to study Jungian functions*
*Nod* Although I think it's the way the questions are asked, to be fair. This is the kind of test where you almost have to imagine what was going on in the test maker's brain as you take it - imagining what s/he thought was right for you.
::shrug:: I don't really give a rip anymore. I'm Nickey and that's really quite awesome enough, I'd say.
I don't understand how you are more or less content with having different results. I would go NUTS if I didn't have consistent results.
I must have misunderstood something in there, because I'm pretty sure that extraversion is way too low. I know I'm more introverted than extraverted but not that wide a gulf. Care to take a crack at it, Von Hase?
Calculations are as follows:INFP
0 Extraversion, 21 Introversion, 13 Sensing, 13 Intuition, 3 Thinking, 21 Feeling, 6 Judging and 16 Perceiving!
Introverted Feeling with Extraverted Intuition
I'm pretty new to all this. I sometimes find it confusing.
What's it all mean?![]()
Milon, he said he's new to this. He's not trying to calculate the usage of with his cognitive functions, he doesnt even know what "Introverted Feeling" means...
Functions like Fi (introverted feeling) are usually what our brain uses to filter information that comes in from the outside world, in order to make sense of it.
This test keeps asking the same three questions over and over, it's way too simple. Without testing on your reactions or preferences given certain scenarios, how acurate can this be?
I'm not giving up my S card that easily!![]()