Omicron Variant


Community Member
Wasn't Omicron the name of the planet where Spock fell in love with a farm girl?
Why do we only hear about the variants that they want us to hear about?

Because people tune out when there is too much information, and major media doesn’t want to lose advertising dollars. OK, that was just a little too cynical. If the newly-discovered variant is not significantly different than the current and widespread active one, it isn't noted in mainstream media, e.g., the Beta variant. Delta was noted because of higher R value and rate of severe illness.

Remember, the median IQ is 100. That means the number of people with a lower score approaches one half of the entire population.

So they tell only the “important” stories, and they target fifth-grade comprehension.

Scientifically there must be thousands of variants by now, yes?

I haven’t read any whitepapers on COVID-19 since late summer, and at that time, 18 months after it really took off, researchers had identified dozens, of which perhaps a half dozen were named, of which two were in the mainstream media.

Apparently there is some occult symbology with all this as the name "Omicron" leads down some rather interesting rabbit holes like "crowning of the serpent" ect.

Turning the dial to 11 lol with the whole "human loosh farm" concept.

Just for fun.

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Next Time on Covid 19... (read prior in the voice of the DBZ announcer guy...)

but no, it won't stop evolving. it will continue to do so until humans have finally decided that apathy is stupid. Fucking humans being all apathic and shit....

seriously though, this virus has gone on for so long... it's shortly gonna become (o yeah i gotta still watch the new south park episode... i think a new one happened on the american holy day of overeating and talking with family...)

the south park reference is due to the school shootings. on how it's become normalized in our society, where any who freak out about it are over reacting... since we are forcefed this all over the news and media... they will orchestrate more and more variants for view counts. but little did they know... their apathy will get the better of them. As I have made it a sin to be apathic. -_-



plus i kinda don't mind if i get a big mob of people carry pitch forks and torches. Because why not? i mean it would be fun and i can Frankenstein's monster my way out of the world. :D

I let my thoughts be typed out far too long. *whistles casually.

PS I wonder if there really are some who claim they have started Covid19 or am i the only one?

PSS i have been obsessed with dark comedy lately.
Increase in new cases per day and increase in positivity rate in South Africa over the last 7-10 days are troubling to say the least.

But not as much as immune response decrease in people previously infected with COVID-19. Infection with, e.g., the initial wave of COVID-19 would provide some immunity from, e.g., Delta, but regardless of what strain of COVID-19 you were infected with in the past, you are 3× more likely to be infected by Omicron because of its ability to dodge the acquired immune response of those previously infected.

Could vaccine-conferred immune response be similarly lessened in efficacy by Omicron? No definitive answer yet.
