One major misunderstanding people have about you irl?

How so [...]
RRrwar. (: Just.. take most of the INFJ comments in the thread and flip them around. When they say people underestimate them, I'd say people overestimate me. When they say people mistake their reserved gentleness for weakness, I'd say people mistake my gregarious boldness for strength. Things of this sort. As a more concrete example, I'm shocked at how successful my job interviews usually go. That's bad for me, because I can easily end up hired for a job I'm not at all qualified for.
My neutral, relaxed facial expression gets confused for me being in a bad mood, being upset or angry.

I also have a rather quiet voice and people presume I'm scared.

My withdrawn disposition is seen as arrogance and standoffishness.

My bored, relaxed, apathetic stance often makes people ask me if I'm on drugs, and I suppose some think I'm an airhead, which is only true when I'm zoned out in my inner landscape.
That's bad for me, because I can easily end up hired for a job I'm not at all qualified for.

How is this bad?? Once you have the job, all you have to do is learn the skills you're missing.
How is this bad?? Once you have the job, all you have to do is learn the skills you're missing.
Maybe if I was ENTP. :) I dunno, I count that only as short-term gain in my case, which is not what I seek. It was just one of the examples.. I also think job hiring is organized wrong. It should be more about finding the right suited place for you at the moment, than the "best" place. The struggle should not be to get accepted - admission should be just a formality for everyone anyway - but to find what suits you well. Otherwise, despite all attempts to make admissions difficult, they are still too easy, and not informative enough, because that's not their point. Their point as of now is usually just to get accepted - well, okay, so what.
So, what is that one major misunderstanding people have about you irl?

There are so many more than just one *chuckles*

I'd say the most major misunderstanding is thinking I am slow because I tend to be slow to respond in some conversations as I am otherwise occupied in my mind at the time, or I have nothing to contribute to a particular conversation. I've sat in a room for well over an hour while a conversation has been going on and never said a word because I felt that any contribution on my part would be completely masteurbatory. I also find it rather tiring in many situations to try and interject an opinion while two or more people already carry the conversation and rarely breathe long enough for me to get a word in edgewise. It is often the case when a circular debate is going on and I feel that any further discussion is pointless and the people are just enjoying listening to themselves talk far more than the actual content...I'll leave and not say a word, this tends to be when I get called strange, or if asked why I'm leaving and I tell the truth I'm called an asshole. *shrugs*
I'm pretty sure my boss thinks I'm a goth. I wear black at work though just out of convenience (we have a uniform and the only alternative to the nasty green shirt is to wear black on top, which I do).

We were having a conversation about wedding dresses (oddly enough seeing as I don't like talking to her XD) and she said she sees me in a black one.

ahahahahaha my sister constantly teases me that no matter where i'm going, she imagines a black cape billowing behind me
People think I'm extremely anti-social just because I'm always reading whenever the chance presents itself... so basically, I'm not reading when I drive or operate heavy equipment. My friends call me a bibliophile, whatever that means :m075:

I really can't think of any other misconception other than the anti-social part... I guess without the first, other misconceptions would probably arise on their own :m100:
I guess it generally irks me how people think they can dissect my personality in five seconds after seeing my facial expressions or hearing my dialogue.
I guess it generally irks me how people think they can dissect my personality in five seconds after seeing my facial expressions or hearing my dialogue.
Whats worse is that those who do this often think their deductions are right even after being proven wrong. They don't care about usable results, just the self-satisfaction of having "scanned" someone.
Most people irl think I'm a total bitch. Completely unfeeling, unsympathetic, uncompromising and that I generally am low tolerance for people who aren't like me. They're half right, but not totally right. What I project tends to be completely different than what I inherently am.
Most people irl think I'm a total bitch. Completely unfeeling, unsympathetic, uncompromising and that I generally am low tolerance for people who aren't like me. They're half right, but not totally right. What I project tends to be completely different than what I inherently am.

I think that you're wonderful!
I come off as a nerd, anti-social and lazy:

People come to me with their laptops, radios and expect me to repair them because they say I have the type of a computer wizard.

People tell me I look anti-social because I have a death-glare that makes people uneasy whenever they encounter me.

Lastly, they tell me that I'm lazy since they think that because I'm an intelligent person, I should have more ambition with my life, which I do but not in the way they expect me to.

In the end though, I don't know if I should be offended or delighted with the expectations others have of me.
People are often surprised to find that I can be quite extroverted if I need to.

I've had people tell me that I think I'm better then them, which I find both insulting and interesting.
People assume I am stuck up...I'm aware of this so I try to smile more and its so hard to smile when its not genuine. That's what comes to mind first, but mostly people misunderstand everything about me.

Had a girl tell me I was stuckup in high school. Nothing like being misunderstood, except when people no longer want to try and understand when they figure a bit about where you are coming from.
Had a girl tell me I was stuckup in high school. Nothing like being misunderstood, except when people no longer want to try and understand when they figure a bit about where you are coming from.

Agree. People are not as interested today in taking the time to get to know someone. You're immediately written off as in or out based on initial impression. This is sad. People are quick to make judgments without taking the time to understand where someone is coming from. I think we are developing a culture of dismissive individuals who are interesting in demanding their own personal needs are met while ignoring or dismissing the importance of the needs and rights of others to have basic respect or consideration.
People always get me wrong be it online or in real life.

*hugs you and offers you a tulip*

Thanks was so thoughtful of you...

I don't consicously encode myself or deliberately make myself difficult to be figured out, but it is just the way it is...
