- enfp
- Enneagram
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RRrwar.How so [...]

RRrwar.How so [...]
That's bad for me, because I can easily end up hired for a job I'm not at all qualified for.
Maybe if I was ENTP.How is this bad?? Once you have the job, all you have to do is learn the skills you're missing.
So, what is that one major misunderstanding people have about you irl?
I'm pretty sure my boss thinks I'm a goth. I wear black at work though just out of convenience (we have a uniform and the only alternative to the nasty green shirt is to wear black on top, which I do).
We were having a conversation about wedding dresses (oddly enough seeing as I don't like talking to her XD) and she said she sees me in a black one.
Whats worse is that those who do this often think their deductions are right even after being proven wrong. They don't care about usable results, just the self-satisfaction of having "scanned" someone.I guess it generally irks me how people think they can dissect my personality in five seconds after seeing my facial expressions or hearing my dialogue.
Most people irl think I'm a total bitch. Completely unfeeling, unsympathetic, uncompromising and that I generally am low tolerance for people who aren't like me. They're half right, but not totally right. What I project tends to be completely different than what I inherently am.
That's very kind of you.I think that you're wonderful!
People assume I am stuck up...I'm aware of this so I try to smile more and its so hard to smile when its not genuine. That's what comes to mind first, but mostly people misunderstand everything about me.
Had a girl tell me I was stuckup in high school. Nothing like being misunderstood, except when people no longer want to try and understand when they figure a bit about where you are coming from.
People always get me wrong be it online or in real life.
*hugs you and offers you a tulip*