John K
- Enneagram
- 5W4 549
My ego is massive.
Is yours?
My ego is massive.
Is yours?
Unimportant quick things go to the bottom. Important lengthy things go to the top (roughly).
People really interfered the same in my life......totally messed up... From starting I was having question that. Is that only me who is like this..I mean people calls weird and different than them.. I was knowing that I am healthy with brain..but then viewers sees me like.. i am different kind.. some people literally said on my face tht.. u are not like us.. are u alien or something.. that hurted too much... Thn they started messing up with my every action.. started treating me like shit.. I was in depression just because I never did wrong to anyone n they are fucking my life from every way possible.. and after 6 years of my college I got the answer ..from a test tht ...I am seriously different.. may be rare..and that's why..this is happening....I resulted as INFJ- T ....I understood...may be where I live.. they even DNT Know what is INFJ people thn how they will understand me n thoughts.. I am glad tht.. I found this website.... I am feeling more like you all I am not aloneyea, by what you are describing I'm starting to think that place is no good..
Maybe he jealous? who knows.. people don't need legit reasons to hate..
Sounds like a good plan to me
I am glad tht.. I found this website.... I am feeling more like you all I am not alone
I sometimes think on whether there are many many enlightened INFJ that are out there but are now so fully in their own vibrant world that they have no need to communicate outside their sphere?
It's been 2 years now and I came across the term when I was surfing on the nethahaha
I'm here again to bother all of you 'cause yes!
When you realized you are an INFJ???? When and how????