Opinion of INTJs?


Well, people like Eventhorizon or Kingleer *are* incredibly annoying. :sweatsmile:

A-fucking-men. :tearsofjoy::tearsofjoy::tearsofjoy:

Which reminds me, what happened to my boy Kingleer? Did he get banned?

I miss his annoying ass banter, political spam, and crazy conspiracy theories that makes you want to shoot yourself with a rifle.
Should we invite everyone back?


Great friends with two, atleast that I know of. Dated one but gradually faded away from that looney bin.

In a nutshell: clever, calm / crazy, cocky
I'll listen to any healthy person of any type speak about anything they put serious work into.
Then I will judge that too.

[JEST]That said, I tend to listen to ESTJs less than everyone about almost anything.
To be so loud and so arrogant while also being so boring and so wrong...it should be against the law.
Not that illegality would be prohibitive for them. Most corrupt cops are ESTJ. Cruel irony champions of MBTI.[/JEST]
[JEST]That said, I tend to listen to ESTJs less than everyone about almost anything.
To be so loud and so arrogant while also being so boring and so wrong...it should be against the law.
Not that illegality would be prohibitive for them. Most corrupt cops are ESTJ. Cruel irony champions of MBTI.[/JEST]

I dont really think anything of the ESTJ type... i would say average boring males.. on the PTA board, head of the citizens watch, religious, neighborhood guys
they could be fun if you like sports.
I dont really think anything of the ESTJ type... i would say average boring males.. on the PTA board, head of the citizens watch, religious, neighborhood guys
they could be fun if you like sports.

I'm ex-military, hence my strong, but purely rhetorical slight. I've work with that type more than any other and very closely. The good ones are effective. They bad ones destroy morale and cause undue destruction. I know my bad luck is in context.
But on the flip side, the good and patient ones can lead people down pathways of clarity like no other. They are like an iron wall or a golden gate, basically.


I have a lovely experience with my boyfriend. Truly one of the kindest, fluffiest fluffballs you might meet. Yet, definitely INTJ. Yesterday google popped up a mbti article it thought I might like (no I don't feel watched at all), and as I read the intj description he was laughing and covering his face because he didn't want some stupid article on the internet to describe him so well, but his logic wouldn't allow him to deny the fact it was spot on. Then he went and cooed and tended to his little best friend mouse. Definitely not an asshole.
What do I think of INTJs? I sometimes wish I were one. I feel close to them, intellectually, but not emotionally. I need to express my feelings and get outside validation, but they don't. I envy their independence and self-esteem. I would not enjoy their isolation.

Most people I know in real life have never done Meyers-Briggs testing, so I can only say for sure that I know one genuine INTJ. He is a doctor, and his career constitutes his identity. He is quiet, non-aggressive, and gently cheerful with a quirky sense of humor. He never initiates conversations unless he needs to know something specific. He will speak at length only about one subject -- medicine. Otherwise, conversations with him consist of brief discussions about sports or news. His facial expression is mildly pensive, and he is constantly (I mean constantly) thinking his own thoughts to himself. He never talks about his feelings. He never asks about yours. He is as contented and self-contained as anyone I have ever known.

I couldn't live that way. I like being multi-faceted. I need to break free and create. I have to get out and roll around in the mud, metaphorically speaking, with emotions. While INTJs may achieve greatness in their fields, they willingly miss much of what is going on outside of their own laser focus, and their thinking is restricted by logic.

Here on the Internet, I have "met" many INTJs. These people are more negative than the one I know in real life. They argue, argue, argue for days. Threads turn into contests where people refuse to back down until they win. People get rude. I don't think they're an accurate representation of INTJs.

My most negative experience was with one sadistic man who was obsessed with shaming INTJs for not being INTJ enough. (Ironically, I bet he was ENTJ in reality.) He baited people with compliments in an attempt to draw them into sexual topics. He insulted people to cause fights. He was truly frightening.
This post made me realize how stereotypical my irl friend circle is in MBTI terms. Most of this being true before I cared about MBTI.

INFP x4 (includes best friend and 2nd best friend)
INFJ x5 (includes my SO & my 3rd best friend)
ESTJ x1.5

I'm so proud of the INTJs, INTPs & INFPs for putting up with me.
I'm so thankful for the ENTJs keeping me out of prison.
I'm so lucky I didn't go to prison after hanging out with my EXTPs.
I'm so glad the XSTJs looked the other way when I did questionable things.
I have faith a certain ESFJ would have cried and then brought me food if they could while I was in prison.
My ENFJs were always the easiest to hear speak over the loud music.
ISTPs, step into my office and tell me all about it.
INFJs, I will always love you even if we end up on different sides of The Matrix.
Yes ENFPs, I'm absolutely certain I'm not XNTJ.
ISFP, Does this look good on me? Fanx.
If you don't mind me asking, what happened?

A gentleman never tells, but in short she was a cat lady with sex drive out of the roof. She wanted a puppet to keep I felt like, which she got eventually.

She gave me a cat so she alright though.
This post made me realize how stereotypical my irl friend circle is in MBTI terms. Most of this being true before I cared about MBTI.

How did you get all those people to take an MBTI test? Or are you guessing what they are?

One of my closest friends says she's an INFJ but she is talks WAY LOUD when everyone else is quiet, and she wears trendy fashions that make people stare at her, so I think she's really not this type.
How did you get all those people to take an MBTI test? Or are you guessing what they are?

One of my closest friends says she's an INFJ but she is talks WAY LOUD when everyone else is quiet, and she wears trendy fashions that make people stare at her, so I think she's really not this type.
Perhaps she's an ENFJ instead? :)
How did you get all those people to take an MBTI test? Or are you guessing what they are?

One of my closest friends says she's an INFJ but she is talks WAY LOUD when everyone else is quiet, and she wears trendy fashions that make people stare at her, so I think she's really not this type.

I always guess after knowing people for a while and observing them, but I usually have no problem convincing them to take the test. I've only received resistance twice, once from an ESFJ and once from an ENFP, both were obvious and both took the test after they realized I wouldn't ask them about it again.