Optimist or Pessimist?



We are
Cynical optimist prime!
I have a hard time with this, because I think it's fairly easy for the world to be a better place, but that most people won't take the bare minimum steps needed. The key seems to be how to convince them of this.
A person, who came to the conclusion that this question is yet another case of "too much thinking, way less doing".
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To expand, I have noticed a certain phenomenon: a lot of people seem to hit this weird, unnatural brick wall when it comes to idealistic talk. That is, they agree yeah, we should try to be nice, yeah, we should try to be reasonable, etc etc.... and then they just freeze when you explain something this logically leads to, as if that's just asking for too much. And we're talking stuff that isn't (even in their eyes) a matter of time or inconvenience. It's usually just some conventional way of thinking they refuse to give up, and where they sort of think it isn't practical to give up, because people won't do it. Kind of a vicious circle.
(The worst part about this is they still have standards. They criticize people who go less far than they do, but they somehow think their level is 'enough' -- how is something enough randomly? Either it goes all the way or it's arbitrary.)

If you're like me, you find this really incomprehensible. To me, as long as it leads to happiness and rationality, I don't understand why any convention is something to be locked into and how the alternative isn't automatically abhorrent. I DO understand things like not being willing to give up intense time/money/energy when one has difficulty there already. But not giving up conventions is very strange to me.