Other uses for common objects

Glue a few thousand together and make a tennis ball. Then set it on fire and play tennis for as long as it burns.

trash basket
a trash basket is also a good puke bucket when you are in a hurry.
sorry gross but true

key from a sardine tin
keep it to get out of handcuffs

old shoes
The laces would make a good tying material.
I would clean them, and store my pencils/pens in there, provided that they are my shoes.

An old deodorant stick
roll your own fireplace logs

prescription pill bottles
if you collect enough shavings you can use them to remove furniture stripper from wood.
grab handfuls of shavings and rub vigorously in direction of the grain. toss goopy shavings, grab another handful and repeat. i've done this with wood shavings and it is far preferable to wiping with a cloth.

little hangers that socks are sold on
Use them to hang hair ribbons.

An old spatula
an old spatula would be great for wedging into a door hinge to keep the door open

egg shells
egg shells are for walking on barefoot when there's trouble amiss

Rub some candle wax on the edges of old wooden drawers to get them opening smoothly.

Lamp shade.
Rub some candle wax on the edges of old wooden drawers to get them opening smoothly.

Lamp shade.

glue wood or sturdy cardboard to small end, let dry, flip over, throw grocery bag in, bam! makeshift wastebasket.

old pens
glue wood or sturdy cardboard to small end, let dry, flip over, throw grocery bag in, bam! makeshift wastebasket.

old pens
Use them as temporary drumsticks if you've somehow lost your drumsticks....
Pile of unneeded loose sleeve papers.
Something you can use to learn how to fix ... toasters ... maybe? (I am so unimaginative)

Protein Shake
Use it to make cakes, pancakes, etc. High-protein snacks are always so disgusting.

Soap bars you don't like the smell of.