Other uses for common objects

Use it to make cakes, pancakes, etc. High-protein snacks are always so disgusting.

Soap bars you don't like the smell of.

weapon/instrument of pain. Insert in long sock, and beat subject with sock. Will leave next to no visible marks.

magazines you don't read.
use them to balance an uneven bookshelf (i've actually done this)

cheap necklace you don't wear
Get a second cheap necklace, tie them together and use them as bolas.

Nokia 3310
Create a meme with it.


Dead hobo. They're common for me, anyway.
Use the circuit sheets for anything you would use clear, flexible plastic:


use as a cane or as a weapon, like john steed from the avengers
(because it never rained on that show)

burned out lightbulbs
fill them with water, glitter and a little plastic figurine, and seal it shut. instant snowglobe/xmas bauble.

broken radio
Fill with newspaper...instant cat toy! Our cats love to rabbit kick them!

Old wire coathangers
Making toast.

boxer shorts?
We used them on our Doberman while she was in heat.

Dull drill bits?

toilet paper
cream cheese flavoring on morning bagels for riot act read lovers

Use it to comb sand - either in sand-tray therapy; or to clean out kitty-litter.

Empty coke bottles - lots of them.
empty coke bottles:
grab a decent sized spherical object and set em up to play a game of bowling

panty hose