Our masks

I always wear a mask and only the most perceptive INFJ can see through it. IRL I'm surrounded by INFJ's (a statistical anomaly), so I'm quite transparent.
I wear a hazmat suit. I love to analyze people, and see what's under their mask, but if they start to get under my skin, then on goes the mask. I think of it not as a false identity that I present to people, which is the common definition of "the mask" in this sense, but rather as simply a layer of protection.
I'm a master of the masquerade... or is it just that I have multiple personality disorder? :D Seriously though, it comes from being raised by narcissists. I have become subtle in my ways, adaptable: I show people the face they are least likely to smash into tiny pieces. It's not as tragic as it sounds, though. To the nefarious, I'm elusive as smoke, but to the genuine, I am always myself. I've great intuition about people, and the mask always disperses in good company.