P S E U D O ghost story


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I have a real story that I just thought of sharing. Discussions have taken place here about ghosts etc and I ha e always indicated that while people may actually be seeing things I dont believe ghosts are sentient.

Anyway on with my story.

I was watching a documentary on people who have had experience with ghosts. She explained they moved to a house and there were all sorts of strange happenings. In one event she was in bed and saw a badger like creature run across the floor of her room. She could not move. She felt the creature climb into bed behind her, attach itself to her back and begin to howl. But it was not the creature howling, she was howling. It was howling through her. It made no noise of its own.

Now what struck me about this story is that the same thing happened to me long before this show was ever on. It happened in a dream where I felt a creature of a similar size get into my bed (I never saw it) attach itself to my back (it did not hurt) and it howled through me. I howled but the creature made no noise. Thats it. I was not a scary experience, just a strange one.

Odd that the exact same thing would happen to someone else. I mean if it was just imagination, two people would imagine the same thing is pretty damn out of the norm.

True story.
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I shouldn't have read this before bed.

It kind of sounds like a night terror. Have you ever researched that topic? They're extremely frightening and horribly realistic. A lot of people report similar happenings with them too!
I shouldn't have read this before bed.

It kind of sounds like a night terror. Have you ever researched that topic? They're extremely frightening and horribly realistic. A lot of people report similar happenings with them too!
I have not. This wasnt frightening for me. There was some weird connection when it howled through me that I cant explain. ...
Perhaps it could have been sleep paralysis? Were you able to move around?
Perhaps it could have been sleep paralysis? Were you able to move around?

I dont feel like it was any more than a dream. Other than the fact some lady of TV relayed almost the exact same experience I had to the tee. Btw this was several years ago.
super user linux ghosts? o.O

sudo stop reading my mind

Edit: gosh if only that actually worked...
I have a real story that I just thought of sharing. Discussions have taken place here about ghosts etc and I ha e always indicated that while people may actually be seeing things I dont believe ghosts are sentient.

Anyway on with my story.

I was watching a documentary on people who have had experience with ghosts. She explained they moved to a house and there were all sorts of strange happenings. In one event she was in bed and saw a badger like creature run across the floor of her room. She could not move. She felt the creature climb into bed behind her, attach itself to her back and begin to howl. But it was not the creature howling, she was howling. It was howling through her. It made no noise of its own.

Now what struck me about this story is that the same thing happened to me long before this show was ever on. It happened in a dream where I felt a creature of a similar size get into my bed (I never saw it) attach itself to my back (it did not hurt) and it howled through me. I howled but the creature made no noise. Thats it. I was not a scary experience, just a strange one.

Odd that the exact same thing would happen to someone else. I mean if it was just imagination, two people would imagine the same thing is pretty damn out of the norm.

True story.

If you've read up on Jung its not though, its an emination of the collective unconscious or even ancestoral memory.

Jung figured there were three levels to most dreams, the personal unconscious, processing events of the day etc., then the collective unconscious, kind of like the zeitgheist, then the ancestoral memory which is full of pure and perfect symbols, a kind of preverbal language.

Then there's ideas like cognitive resonance, social imprinting from advertising, media etc. and then memetic understandings.
Sounds like a demon to me. *shrug*
Sounds like a demon to me. *shrug*

Im sure that many of the religiously inclined here would be more than happy to take that stance.

Sorry but you will have to define what you mean by demon because it means different things to different people. Should you mean demon like demon from a biblical perspective... I wonder if you can hear me laughing right now? Demon...no.
K. Well. SOME of us believe in and have seen things that are not necessarily natural. And that doesn't necessarily mean that they are biblical creatures, but I do believe that such experiences are representative of either good or evil forces. I've seen this particular one before, the badger looking thing, and it seemed demonic to me.
K. Well. SOME of us believe in and have seen things that are not necessarily natural. And that doesn't necessarily mean that they are biblical creatures, but I do believe that such experiences are representative of either good or evil forces. I've seen this particular one before, the badger looking thing, and it seemed demonic to me.

Badgers are not demonic, just misunderstood. :) where have you seen it?

Oh and sorry did not mean for that to sound like I was laughing at anything other than the idea of gods a d demons. I dont believe in good and evil. Theres no such thing as evil. Just nature.