I work as a manager in retail, and my god, I am peopled out for a long long time. I've done that for the past 4 years, and I am done. Burnt to a crisp. It sucks the life out of me, having to deal with people all day every day. In fact, I am recovering from a relapse of my chronic illness that my dr's are saying has been brought on in large part due to my job. I have to put on a happy face at work, and genuinely do enjoy interacting with many customers, but it has become a huge drain on my energy. I don't like attending large parties, as that seems to suck the life out of me too. Instead of being excited about an opportunity to meet new people, I feel like a lot of people at parties just want to stay with their little clique and pass judgement on those around them. That kind of thing doesn't sit well with me, of course a lot of that could just be in my head. But parties don't seem to be places where the majority of folk seem to be searching for meaningful connections. I spend most of my free time by myself or with my boyfriend. I view it as time to re-connect with my innermost self, reflect on life, pursue my interests or curiosities, and to work on improving myself as an individual.