Personality is not who you are, it's how you process information


Community Member
This may be a relatively obvious point, but the word personality doesn't actually really mean anything at all. It's a concept to group a load of adjectives together. Since this is a personality forum, I thought it would be good to suggest what we think of the concept of personality and whether we think it's important to have a theory of personality - or how useful a theory of personality can be (although interesting).

My words on it:

- Personality appears through MBTI to be described according to how information is processed (ie. cognitive functions). I agree with this position.

- Reality is subjective (necessarily, as we are trapped by the limitations of consciousness). Different personalities simply see the world in a different light, due to the fact they are processing information in a different way.

- I like this because it rids us of the idea of soul, authenticity and individualism - which are all ideas that just don't make sense to me. I wouldn't be able to say why they feel illogical to me (yet - I'd have to do some research) - it's just that the whole idea of authenticity feels very flimsy to me.

- Jung's theory is an interesting way of trying to categorise and describe personality - which, of course, is unknowable in the end - but it should remain in the realms of academia, because I can't really see any use for it in the outside world. In fact, were it to be read as gospel or used as a practical theory, I think it would do more harm than good.

- Binary opposites do not and cannot exist. You are not one or the other. Nothing is one or the other. Some people seem to miss this point out, but we all use all eight functions. If we didn't, the theory would fall down straight away.

- You do not suppress functions. I don't know if Jung said that or not, but I keep seeing that around here. This does not fit with the theory. Remember that functions are simply a particular way of processing information. There would be no need, nor any trigger, for these to be suppressed. In fact, the other functions wouldn't really work if one was suppressed anyway. If you feel you're not good at judging character, it is not that you have a suppressed Fe or that you need to develop it, or whatever, it is that the theory was not extended enough to make sub-categories within the categories. Processing information in one particular way will not have the same effect on everybody. This is another one of those "It's just wrong" things going on in my brain but I don't have evidence. I can't explain what I mean. The whole idea of suppression and development doesn't work.

- Loops are not personality disorders. Loops are an interesting way to describe how someone may react under stress. They are also a good way of theorising how personality disorders may come about (although I think psychosocial development theories are a better way to look at it). People with personality disorders are:
- recluses
- sociopaths
- Incredibly violent people
People with personality disorders are very extreme. A serial killer, for example, is likely to have a personality disorder. Someone who goes into the woods to live alone and never comes out is likely to have a personality disorder. Somebody who never feels guilt is likely to have a personality disorder. Although an extension of normal experience, I think it could be unhelpful to bind loops and personality disorders together, as it may be misleading (i.e. - if you're like this you have a personality disorder).

But I have ranted too much! Please discuss! What do you think - agree, disagree, have your own way of looking at it?
Sorry. I didn't mean to offend. I'm pretty tired, I might have written some stuff wrong. I'll look it over.
lol dont worry i didnt read your post. but seriously, information = god.
human intellect huh-- or something unobservable?
regardless, your op is correct.
but isnt personality how you process information??? so why the distinction?
lol dont worry i didnt read your post. but seriously, information = god.
human intellect huh-- or something unobservable?
regardless, your op is correct.
but isnt personality how you process information??? so why the distinction?

I'm going to be completely honest, I don't really understand the information/God thing, but I was brought up in a completely non-religious background so maybe it's just not a good reference point for me!

I wasn't really meaning to make a distinction between personality and processing information, as I believe these are the same. Bah, I'm so tired, my thoughts aren't coming out clearly! I suppose I wanted to make the point that personality is an undefinable but also non-spiritual thing. It's just a subjective view of reality, not an autonomous soul. That still doesn't make sense does it?

Well, regardless, my intention was to try and start a discussion on how people define personality and how they feel about personality theory, but I may find that a lot of people here kind of look at it the same way anyway :-)
The way you process information usually leads to personality.

About the "You use all eight functions", it really depends about whose functions you're talking about.
I wasn't really meaning to make a distinction between personality and processing information, as I believe these are the same. Bah, I'm so tired, my thoughts aren't coming out clearly! I suppose I wanted to make the point that personality is an undefinable but also non-spiritual thing. It's just a subjective view of reality, not an autonomous soul. That still doesn't make sense does it?

Right, and from where they process this information from is called?

Would the place they get this information from be called------------------------? A soul? A god? A universal consciousness? A spirit? What?
wait, personality as in, Cognitive Functions?

What happened to good old adjectives?
Your understanding of personality from a Jungian perspective is incomplete. Got some news for ya, the functions are only a very, very small part of your personality and what makes you, you. The functions are a gateway to the true make-up of yourself which are the complexes. So no, the way we process information is not what makes our personality. That is a slightly ridiculous statement considering how vast and complex the human personality is.

- Reality is subjective (necessarily, as we are trapped by the limitations of consciousness). Different personalities simply see the world in a different light, due to the fact they are processing information in a different way.

I'm glad because....

Jung's theory is an interesting way of trying to categorise and describe personality - which, of course, is unknowable in the end - but it should remain in the realms of academia, because I can't really see any use for it in the outside world. In fact, were it to be read as gospel or used as a practical theory, I think it would do more harm than good.

...To me, there is a whole lot of use for Psychological types, so much room for innovation so much ground that has yet to be uncovered. I'm one of those people that believes that Type can be used in a more open and public way- My interest in Analytical Psychology is fuelled by this. I will develop and implement ways for type to be useful and relevant to every person because I believe it is truly useful and helpful to people.

Binary opposites do not and cannot exist. You are not one or the other. Nothing is one or the other.

Jung's work is based on the naturally reoccurring and philosophical principle of opposites.

Some people seem to miss this point out, but we all use all eight functions. If we didn't, the theory would fall down straight away.

No we don't.. well... not really. But putting it that will is misleading. Your last 4 functions aren't under conscious control in any way and never will be.

You do not suppress functions.

Yes you do.

I will write more later, when I have more time.
I think my brain is going to explode. It is new to me to actually look at how the MB theories relate to Personality Disorders, but more so pinpointing where the over/underdevelopment lies and how that applies to the Personality Disorder. Interesting.

ETA: What does not make sense to me is that one may have more than ONE Personality Disorder ... thus entirely disputing the over/underdevelopment correlation altogether. How can one have an overdeveloped I and an overdeveloped E at the same time?
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Hi guys. Sorry if this post was annoying or to obvious. I wasn't meaning to be inflammatory in any way, I was really, really, really tired when I wrote it and I was just trying to explain a very vague picture in my head (failed miserably!)

Thank you for all your responses, I'm sorry if I came off in a "this is how it is" type way. Like I say, just really tired at the time and I couldn't work out how to express the shape in my head.