philosophy of life


Exactly what it says philosophy of life. I will share an idea I came up with the other night for discussion, feel free to comment and share your own views/ opinions :).

I’ve heard a similar idea somewhere I’m sure but here it is. What if all life if the same, now I’ve herd this many times but never to the magnitude of that night. What if WERE GOD!!!! No one’s better than anybody and individuality is an illusion. If we were a giant consciousness how and why I don’t know, but to simply exist would be boring right. So then we create life in all its forms, the stars, galaxy’s everything was made by you and me.

I referenced video games in my head cause certainly everything wouldn’t "really" exist. I figured it would be like a programmer making a video game, then giving rules and physics, making different characters (capsules) for ai.

Then I thought of alternate reality’s, I’ve thought on them before but not with much luck. I would think I’m everywhere doing something different? ok why. But then I thought what if it could be as subtle as you and me? We just had different variables from genetics to wealth and interests programed to be different. I believe certainly a giant conciseness would have other works as well. But why? Well knowledge, what if were playing out every idea, or variable possible for the collection of knowledge. In another dimension for instance I decided not to write this. Just a note but in this idea our conciseness can focus and create multiple things at a time, not like our single track minds.

With this thought there’s no point in trying to emulate someone because they are you, therefore you can be proud of their accomplishments X]. This would make playing to someone else’s ability’s pointless, and every individual idea you have that much more special.

In addition, this would make negativity towards each other pointless, because you’re hurting yourself. Thinking bale is gay for instance :m088: would be an insult to yourself because your that balarina:m096:, so instead of hating people for doing something different than "your" interests you would want to be proud of their accomplishments. Currently we have trapped ourselves into classes, and created the entity known as the economy. What a prison! The most successful business man and most lousy drug attic would be one in the same.

Also this would make suicide ok, your just abandoning the project for one reason or another but it’s your decision cause your god.

In reality however no ones to say one way or another whats for sure, and as i reflect on this it just makes me think more. The nature of philosophy is thought though, so then i hope this stirs up thoughts of your own which i look forward to reading :).

update: Lucifer Experiment
This is going to address the variable of consciousness outside of god, or individual of. A short update just to boggle the brain, and to throw a wrench into my whole machine (idea).

Could two separate consciousnesses have come to be in the great void independent of each other? are they the same thing just developed separately or different all together?

If two concousnesses met could they combine forces to creat reality with both concousnesses interacting yet being distinctley one concesness or the other? could they colaberate to make a hybrid of the two concesnesses?

Can their be a string of individuality within a conciseness, thinking for itself yet still connected?

Finally one of my favorite's the Lucifer experiment, even a catchy title XD. it says you as the creator can cut a part of yourself free in an attempt to create a individual consciousnesses.

With this additional concept it would mean that you are'nt everyone, that maby you could run into someone or thing that your designer could have done but at the same time something completley diffrent. i would hope that people think outside of earth and human beings and into a more abstract thought process. pehaps their can be any number of possibilities, from a pure bred one god existence to a more Americanized mutt association, with multiple creators. And is the void the one true thing binding it all together? as far as i know everything started as a void, so perhaps that is what we can all relate to in the universal sense is returning to nothing.

as always thx for the time, and I look forward to any thoughts or opinions.:)
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If this is true, I'd be pretty disappointed.

It's one thing to say we are made in the image of G-d or that everything contains a divine spark, like the painter's signature. It's quite another to say that there is no Creator, that we are as good a it gets.

And I'm sorry, but a filthy child molester or serial rapist or guard from a death camp is NOT as good a person as, say, Mother Theresa, and the very suggestion that they are morally equivalent makes me nauseous.
If this is true, I'd be pretty disappointed.

It's one thing to say we are made in the image of G-d or that everything contains a divine spark, like the painter's signature. It's quite another to say that there is no Creator, that we are as good a it gets.

And I'm sorry, but a filthy child molester or serial rapist or guard from a death camp is NOT as good a person as, say, Mother Theresa, and the very suggestion that they are morally equivalent makes me nauseous.

i see your point, im saying you are the creator though. idk about life, whether were escaping the knowledge that were nothing or if it has some meaning. at the same time it would be boring without individuals. however isn't being better than this person or that person a horrible thing? that's oppression. as long as theirs someone better than another, then that person is second rate and wouldn't mater as much.

i agree there are horrible acts committed, but what if we rilly are doing that to our self? I can see the moral aspect and i guess some conscious live more morally atoned, but that's the thing we would be heaven and hell. i thought as well about good and bad, how it may fit into the idea, a pure life may get boring while a constant horror would be just that. This could be the attempt to balance the experience, to give us just enough drama to keep life engaging, but who knows.

i personally hate how this world is put together, we commit horrendous acts like nukes. is this not a side affect of superiority? if were all one why wouldn't we share the world instead of segregating it. hording oil and resources because were(usa) better than those terrorists. if were one you don't half to worry about being as good as someone, or what the other thinks about you for that matter. Is a (usa) soldier any better than a German death camp soldier? their both killing innocent people, family's, men, women, and children alike. did that child that died bring the world trade center to fall? as for this is as good as it gets, well i think their could be other "games" per say to play, or dimensions with different rules and elements.

"painter's signature" love that analogy btw
i believe we are each an equal part of god. god being the ultimate power, not some angry bearded old man.
to address [MENTION=4576]GracieRuth[/MENTION] 's comment, the rapists and such (all the nasty people) are a reflection of the negative. there is always negative with positive, (in varying degrees of course). otherwise there is neither. you cannot know pure goodness without pure evil to compare it to.
to minimize the 'purpose' of so called evil people is to be narrowminded to the overall picture, in my opinion.
we each serve a purpose here. the mother theresa's alongside the ted bundy's. we don't have to like it because it's not happening contingent on our approval.
@Neil Be careful with thinking were god for it is only an approximation. any such label is only a resemblance due to its infinite nature.
@Neilyou cannot know pure goodness without pure evil to compare it to.

yes this is why i love discussion, you put it into words i would have never thought of not to mention just shown a light onto it all together.
makes me think of yin and yang, and how theirs a black dot in the white side and a white dot in the black. that says that their is no 100% "good or bad". and through life experiance i can rilly connect with the quote above. i don't work or go to school currently, so a day off is meaningless to me. However when i was stressing, going to classes and then a full time job a single day allown was divine lol.
@Neil Be careful with thinking were god for it is only an approximation. Any such label is only a resemblance due to its infinite nature.

There was an idea about the US and Russia resurrecting the dead. This is just an idea someone came up with but through science has proven possible. I didn’t know what to think about it, being a slander against god and all. However if we were god then it would eliminate the "filter" in essence. Instead of deciding whether it’s correct according to this belief or that belief you can just think to yourself do I want the ability to decide how long I live in this conciseness.


The above video is nerve racking, and I do have remorse for the ape, however I do see merit in the idea. What if we could continue life jumping from body to body through whatever means? This is an idea I myself am still unsure about but to shut the idea out altogether I feel is ignorant. To play devils advocate the human race could become disconnected from the source, clinging to life afraid of death. That idea to me is hell, living this existence infinitely. However what if we had an understanding that death is nothing to be feared, and there was so much more after and we were able to persist in this world until we saw fit to leave. Currently though I feel people would further trap themselves to this world.
[MENTION=5685]Neil[/MENTION] god is not human in our terms at all, nor is he a personality or a collective of all the humans put together. Our ideas of personality are too limited to contain the uncontainable. Whatever you think god is, it isn't. Any label will not do it justice. As for a personification of god, or a mirror, we are all that, and we are a part of god as he is us; but to be god itself is limiting as [MENTION=4576]GracieRuth[/MENTION] said.
I suppose that the fact that we exist at all probably connects us to the cosmos in larger ways… I mean, material isn't really being created, it's being recycled, modified, changed… so really, every single part of every single person that is alive today was once a part of something else that used to exist.

But in other ways we are isolated from everything else, because we don't tend to focus on what we're comprised of, and at a certain point our awareness is no longer shaped by experiences and we become entangled in a web of concepts, language, and ideas… we only really experience things when we're young, then we perfect the patterns according to our initial experiences, and then we repeat those initial patterns with only the slightest most subtle variations… it's an economical, wholly practical way to exist but for the most part it does serve to isolate us more than bring us together.

So yeah, I don't buy that we're ever really isolated from anything else… more like our minds prioritize things in such a way that if you don't clear it all away from time to time, you end up losing sight of your own continuity with things.

As for the idea of universal morality-- I don't think the universe operates in accordance with human social instincts. Just because we've evolved to look after each other and discern socially productive from socially counter-productive acts, it doesn't mean that any of them have any profound significance on a cosmic level.

I can't see any reason why the universe would care if a child molester and Ghandi ended up in the same place when they died… their 'worth' is only the materials that they can provide for other creatures-- worms, insects, plants, etc.

On the other hand, their identities are human social creations and in a sense are potentially immortal except for the corruptions of memory and the limits of recorded history… and while none of those are relevant in cosmic or even natural terms, we've actually gotten to the point where they can easily last for thousands of years.

So yeah, in some ways we ARE God… our memories and imaginations and recording devices allow us to capture and prolong the existence of identities, and just because the universe is indifferent, it doesn't mean that we are. Even sociopaths/rapists/murderers still want to live alongside other people… and their human identity is potentially going to carry more weight and last much longer than their physical being… and THAT is definitely something that humans create for each other and for themselves… and only themselves.

That's why cats are mostly just cats, dogs are just dogs (with names), and cockroaches are just cockroaches. Some of them have identities, but most don't. The fact that they don't have identities in the same way humans have identities is why humans killing each other is a big deal but animals killing each other isn't-- it's not because they're lower, it's because our perceptions are skewed towards prioritizing our own lives, then our family's lives, and then the lives of other members of our species. We don't care if dogs rip each other's jugulars out, if cats rape other cats, or if seagulls are gay… even though apply any of those acts to other people and it's suddenly an enormous deal (well, for some people).

I can see the use in having those instincts, because our ability to co-operate and agree has helped us to shape and control our world, and has produced everything that we currently have… but I don't think that anyone should act like those laws are applicable on a larger scale, even if believing otherwise does tend to make some people feel better about themselves.
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[MENTION=5685]Neil[/MENTION] god is not human in our terms at all, nor is he a personality or a collective of all the humans put together. Our ideas of personality are too limited to contain the uncontainable. Whatever you think god is, it isn't. Any label will not do it justice. As for a personification of god, or a mirror, we are all that, and we are a part of god as he is us; but to be god itself is limiting as [MENTION=4576]GracieRuth[/MENTION] said.

"god is not human in our terms at all, nor is he a personality or a collective of all the humans put together."

I think there may be a miss conception or two of my initial point. I agree I cannot see man as god, but rather god as man. As [MENTION=4576]GracieRuth[/MENTION] said "divine spark", or whatever "god" is, it made us with its essence. I don’t believe it’s a personality, and I think we can call personality ego. However when you say it’s not a collective of all humans put together I may disagree. I’m not saying all that is persists in man, but rather a part of all that is man. But not just man, what about animals and et's? Is it too farfetched to believe that aliens and animals share the same god? I think that god persists outside of man as well as inside man, and when we die in one way or another return to it. What made this idea so profound to me is simply looking from a different angle. Instead of looking up to god i look from the creators seat (as well as one can that is). If you were god and you made a physical body, then put part of yourself inside of it then wouldn’t you get that part of yourself back? i also carried that thought into reality that night. I didn’t look to god but from god, that is I was god, just a part but still god. I don’t full hearted believe any of this but was a fresh perspective of thought.

That’s a very liner view, and god could be creating life cut from the source. Their could be multiple gods that have come to be in the vast void of nothing for that instance. How long does individuality last for, if it exists at all? I’m going to add an extension in my main article called the Lucifer experiment, if interested please read, I think it will add a dimension to this thought.

i just took a step back and read your post again, i ended up reiterating an idea you put, and TOTALLY agree that man isn't capable of comprehending god, but still.
[MENTION=5090]Apone[/MENTION] dont have time now but i will overview your post when i do, thx for posting:D
[MENTION=5685]Neil[/MENTION] I see it a little like you
John 1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was with God in the beginning. 3 Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. 4 In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. 5 The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome[a] it.


John 1:14 The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.

I see God creating man and man creating God at the same time from the human perspective, but God always was and man always was with God. In the equation, the Undefinable shows as without an observer God would not exist, and without God an observer would not exist. So is God the observer? One part of God is that he is the energy and vitality that holds the universe together and that energy is what formed our flesh, so yes he did become flesh to dwell among us.

Are we God? The label is approximate like Pi. If you are to define it, prepare for an eternity of defining. So it is like the Uncontainable is contained, but it is only realized when one is aware of its infinite, unrealizable nature. Where to proceed from the revelation? Salvation?
I can't see any reason why the universe would care if a child molester and Ghandi ended up in the same place when they died… their 'worth' is only the materials that they can provide for other creatures-- worms, insects, plants, etc.

Ya that's the thing about western religion i never got, theirs a governing system after you die? wtf? that's a man made system and cant see freedom a privilege in the afterlife, if theirs an afterlife. It rilly could be like blacking out and never waking up, what a scary thought. as you said religion could just be giving false hope to people. however over the past year I've come to be more optimistic about the situation.

I like the more down to earth physiological points you make. a more animalistic man, who is more narcissistic to varying degrees, disconnected by his own egocentric self. As well as an animal is an animal until we give it meaning, or a name. Hell that's even true with people, I don't cry every time a human dies unless i gave them meaning, or knew them.

I guess life is what you make it, and what was programmed in you while growing up. I was forced to go to church growing up and hated it, but they have stained my brain with right and wrong, not to mention ghosts. If i never watched the exorcist, never new about Satan, and that Michael Jackson was a pop god, i would never know or fear any of it. It may be an overactive imagination but because I've seen haunting videos and such i tend to visualize them in the dark even though i hold the idea that its in my head.

In my psychology class it states that your influenced most by who you around. So once a kid starts spending more time with their friends, that's more how they will end up despite your influence. i don't believe this to be 100% cause people aren't robots and can make up their own minds, but still a provoking thought.

Theirs a quote that said "man can die, but ideas live forever" you have captured this thought quite well. i think that is how people's ego live on in this world, not who they were cause you cant know them, but what they believed.

The thing i like about my discussion most, despite its accuracy is how much the idea brings people together. Its the idea that i plan on preserving, cheers and thanks for the insight!