Exactly what it says philosophy of life. I will share an idea I came up with the other night for discussion, feel free to comment and share your own views/ opinions
I’ve heard a similar idea somewhere I’m sure but here it is. What if all life if the same, now I’ve herd this many times but never to the magnitude of that night. What if WERE GOD!!!! No one’s better than anybody and individuality is an illusion. If we were a giant consciousness how and why I don’t know, but to simply exist would be boring right. So then we create life in all its forms, the stars, galaxy’s everything was made by you and me.
I referenced video games in my head cause certainly everything wouldn’t "really" exist. I figured it would be like a programmer making a video game, then giving rules and physics, making different characters (capsules) for ai.
Then I thought of alternate reality’s, I’ve thought on them before but not with much luck. I would think I’m everywhere doing something different? ok why. But then I thought what if it could be as subtle as you and me? We just had different variables from genetics to wealth and interests programed to be different. I believe certainly a giant conciseness would have other works as well. But why? Well knowledge, what if were playing out every idea, or variable possible for the collection of knowledge. In another dimension for instance I decided not to write this. Just a note but in this idea our conciseness can focus and create multiple things at a time, not like our single track minds.
With this thought there’s no point in trying to emulate someone because they are you, therefore you can be proud of their accomplishments X]. This would make playing to someone else’s ability’s pointless, and every individual idea you have that much more special.
In addition, this would make negativity towards each other pointless, because you’re hurting yourself. Thinking bale is gay for instance
would be an insult to yourself because your that balarina
, so instead of hating people for doing something different than "your" interests you would want to be proud of their accomplishments. Currently we have trapped ourselves into classes, and created the entity known as the economy. What a prison! The most successful business man and most lousy drug attic would be one in the same.
Also this would make suicide ok, your just abandoning the project for one reason or another but it’s your decision cause your god.
In reality however no ones to say one way or another whats for sure, and as i reflect on this it just makes me think more. The nature of philosophy is thought though, so then i hope this stirs up thoughts of your own which i look forward to reading
update: Lucifer Experiment
This is going to address the variable of consciousness outside of god, or individual of. A short update just to boggle the brain, and to throw a wrench into my whole machine (idea).
Could two separate consciousnesses have come to be in the great void independent of each other? are they the same thing just developed separately or different all together?
If two concousnesses met could they combine forces to creat reality with both concousnesses interacting yet being distinctley one concesness or the other? could they colaberate to make a hybrid of the two concesnesses?
Can their be a string of individuality within a conciseness, thinking for itself yet still connected?
Finally one of my favorite's the Lucifer experiment, even a catchy title XD. it says you as the creator can cut a part of yourself free in an attempt to create a individual consciousnesses.
With this additional concept it would mean that you are'nt everyone, that maby you could run into someone or thing that your designer could have done but at the same time something completley diffrent. i would hope that people think outside of earth and human beings and into a more abstract thought process. pehaps their can be any number of possibilities, from a pure bred one god existence to a more Americanized mutt association, with multiple creators. And is the void the one true thing binding it all together? as far as i know everything started as a void, so perhaps that is what we can all relate to in the universal sense is returning to nothing.
as always thx for the time, and I look forward to any thoughts or opinions.

I’ve heard a similar idea somewhere I’m sure but here it is. What if all life if the same, now I’ve herd this many times but never to the magnitude of that night. What if WERE GOD!!!! No one’s better than anybody and individuality is an illusion. If we were a giant consciousness how and why I don’t know, but to simply exist would be boring right. So then we create life in all its forms, the stars, galaxy’s everything was made by you and me.
I referenced video games in my head cause certainly everything wouldn’t "really" exist. I figured it would be like a programmer making a video game, then giving rules and physics, making different characters (capsules) for ai.
Then I thought of alternate reality’s, I’ve thought on them before but not with much luck. I would think I’m everywhere doing something different? ok why. But then I thought what if it could be as subtle as you and me? We just had different variables from genetics to wealth and interests programed to be different. I believe certainly a giant conciseness would have other works as well. But why? Well knowledge, what if were playing out every idea, or variable possible for the collection of knowledge. In another dimension for instance I decided not to write this. Just a note but in this idea our conciseness can focus and create multiple things at a time, not like our single track minds.
With this thought there’s no point in trying to emulate someone because they are you, therefore you can be proud of their accomplishments X]. This would make playing to someone else’s ability’s pointless, and every individual idea you have that much more special.
In addition, this would make negativity towards each other pointless, because you’re hurting yourself. Thinking bale is gay for instance

Also this would make suicide ok, your just abandoning the project for one reason or another but it’s your decision cause your god.
In reality however no ones to say one way or another whats for sure, and as i reflect on this it just makes me think more. The nature of philosophy is thought though, so then i hope this stirs up thoughts of your own which i look forward to reading

update: Lucifer Experiment
This is going to address the variable of consciousness outside of god, or individual of. A short update just to boggle the brain, and to throw a wrench into my whole machine (idea).
Could two separate consciousnesses have come to be in the great void independent of each other? are they the same thing just developed separately or different all together?
If two concousnesses met could they combine forces to creat reality with both concousnesses interacting yet being distinctley one concesness or the other? could they colaberate to make a hybrid of the two concesnesses?
Can their be a string of individuality within a conciseness, thinking for itself yet still connected?
Finally one of my favorite's the Lucifer experiment, even a catchy title XD. it says you as the creator can cut a part of yourself free in an attempt to create a individual consciousnesses.
With this additional concept it would mean that you are'nt everyone, that maby you could run into someone or thing that your designer could have done but at the same time something completley diffrent. i would hope that people think outside of earth and human beings and into a more abstract thought process. pehaps their can be any number of possibilities, from a pure bred one god existence to a more Americanized mutt association, with multiple creators. And is the void the one true thing binding it all together? as far as i know everything started as a void, so perhaps that is what we can all relate to in the universal sense is returning to nothing.
as always thx for the time, and I look forward to any thoughts or opinions.

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