Overall I suck at talking. But yes. I use my hands often when speaking to try and get my point out. I can't really stop talking. Usually my sentences in long tangents kind of trail off into oblivion, ending often with a "so yeah," "you know," "if that makes any sense" etc. "If that makes any sense" is like my trademark phrase, ugh.
I don't like looking people in the eyes when I talk very much. I prefer to look at something else or stare off into space, but when I am listening I look in their eyes much more often.
People always seem to think I'm angry. My default expression is more or less with my brow furrowed. It really gets in the way sometimes. A few of my friends thought they angered me once and I had to explain that's just my face. Along the same lines, I tend to "exasperated sigh" when talking, making people think I'm frustrated with them. Not at all. It's just how I talk.
My voice when trying to speak about something to a group or expressing a view I can't quite word or whatever becomes a strange almost monotone. Or just talking in general. To family and sometimes friends my voice is much more expressive, but if I were to be saying criticism about a song in choir or something like that it'd go monotone. If I were saying this post out loud instead of typing it it'd go monotone. Or I add in sound effects and basically "act" what I'm saying. Or a weird mix of both. Pretty much overall I just look and sound like a fool when I speak.
When speaking, my face is very expressive as well. I end up with a lot of strange faces, like raising eyebrows, raising one eyebrow, etc. I notice when thinking about something for a certain answer (like, where is your favorite place in the world. Something specific but thought provoking) I look up a lot while making weird thinking expressions.
Long answer is long. Sorry. I love to ramble. (That could count for what we're discussing, no?)