Old thread is old but in light of the video introduction thread, I'm resurrecting it.
I maintain eye contact when I'm talking to people, or I look in and around their face. If I'm looking away for a prolonged period of time, it means I'm thinking about something else or my mind has wandered away from the conversation. Instead of shifting my gaze, I usually just shift my body. I'll turn in a shoulder or I'll pull back away. I'm also quite touchy-feely in person. I'll touch your shoulder or your arm, though in recent years, I've been very conscious of doing that because it isn't very appropriate in an office environment. I also don't do it to people that I notice are very introverted or shy, because I'm rather worried about overwhelming them or making them uncomfortable.
I've been told frequently that my face is very expressive; I turn my head to the side and my eyebrows move up and down when I talk, especially my left one, and it looks like I'm trying to entice you into seeing my point of view. My best friends always make fun of me for this and claim that I'm seducing them again.
I usually match my body language to the rest of the group. If other people are talking with their hands, I do too, if they're not, neither do I or if I do move, my movements are a lot more smoother and controlled. In fact, it's true for my entire demeanor. I'll adjust to the needs of the group. I'll regulate my voice, my tone, the topics I talk about, how open my body language is, etc. Sometimes its conscious and sometimes it isn't. I tend to be a lot more careful around people who are quieter than me. I'm always concerned I'm making them uncomfortable or not including them in some way. In a group of animated extroverts, I'll sort of drift in and out of the conversation, depending if I'm interested in the topic or not. Sometimes I am, sometimes I'm not. If there's more than two of them in a group, I'll usually quiet down and take the opportunity to get a read on them. Group dynamics fascinate me.