Pie of the Sky


Ok. Sounds amazing.

The Book of Cheese will be literally the Book of Cheese.

And look what good ol' google found


I'm going to therapy tomorrow! lol
The Book of Cheese will be literally the Book of Cheese.

And look what good ol' google found


I'm going to therapy tomorrow! lol
Yeah! When I open up my own practice, I'm going to keep copies of this on hand.
Anytime a client walks through my door, I will have them sit, listen to them speak for five minutes, and then hand them this book.
Then I will ask them to leave and charge them $100.00
Yeah! When I open up my own practice, I'm going to keep copies of this on hand.
Anytime a client walks through my door, I will have them sit, listen to them speak for five minutes, and then hand them this book.
Then I will ask them to leave and charge them $100.00

What kind of monster...

If you made me read that book and then made me pay $100 and leave without giving me a slice of pizza, I’d need therapy from your therapy. :fearscream:
I'm so disappointed that I can't order a pizza for breakfast.
People are in too much hurry in the mornings to wait an additional hour for breakfast.

It sounds like a good business plan though.
Like, order at night for morning delivery.

Breakfast pizza included, of course.

Is Taco Bell delivering these days? I thought I heard something like that. They have breakfast stuff.

Pizza Hut should learn a thing or two. Lol.
All hail pizza, the giver of food for body and soul, slices unevenly uncountable.
The great pizza and his missionary slices for wholesome food.
Give thanks to the knowledge of the high chefs and their infinite pizza.
So say we all, please pass the herbs, spices and drink.

Edit: was so close to a proposal for a religious prayer for this new religion that I had to fix it.
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All hail pizza, the giver of nurishment, body and soul.
Slices unevenly uncountable, the great pizza and his missionary slices of wholesome food.
Give thanks to the knowledge of the high chefs and their infinite pizza.
So say we all, please pass the herbs, spices and drink.

In this religion, practitioners should perhaps say this prayer as they slice the pizza.

@ThomasJ79 can I be recognised as a disciple or prophet?

The Gospel of the slice is rather short, but it is a start for a great religion with ceremonies that have class.