In Transit
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I get really frustrated fitting the part of "the counselor". Its confusing, I can never tell when I am being used or not.
The thing is, I know that when people are upset, they're going to call me. Because that's what I'm good at. I wouldn't hold it against a person for calling their friend who is a mechanic over their best friend if their car broke down in the middle of the night. And honestly, I like working out people's psyches. It's what challenges me, what I'm best at, what I'm naturally inclined to do.
What bothers me when my sole communication with a person becomes sorting out their problems. This has happened to me so many times. It starts out with someone your kind of friends with, and they have a problem and you're like... OH! I know exactly how to resolve this. So you talk things out with them and patch up their mind and send them on their way. They feel better about life and you feel fulfilled, and you feel like you have a way deeper relationship with the person after this intimacy. It's a win win situation.
But then they come back every single time, they pour their heart out, make you feel like you're their best friend, say you're their best friend and then when you've fixed them up they don't come back until they need you again. You shrug it off at first, but then you notice them ignoring you in favour of their other friends, and coming back to you apologizing and asking for support when their other friends hurt them. The first time you shrug it off but then it happens over and over again with the same people, and you really begin to wonder what you mean to this person.
You can't tell if their using you - people do connect most intimately when we are the most vulnerable. But seeing them completely disregard you after you stayed up with them on the phone all night before a midterm is really crushing. And when you have a problem they will ignore it. But maybe that's because they are mere non-INFJ mortals who can't recognize the things you can. It feels like they know how to manipulate your heart into becoming soft and malleable towards them... are they aware that they are manipulating you? consciously? Subconsciously? But maybe their just using bitches. It does really resemble the typical cycle of abuse you saw in your social work class. This would be so much easier to discern if your skills were as a mechanic, and not as a counselor.
The irony of my entire social history is that the people I have had the deepest connections with were the people who used me the most.
Is this a normal INFJ experience or am I just a pushover?
can we have healthy, intimate relationships with people without being used emotionally?
am I irrevocably broken?
The thing is, I know that when people are upset, they're going to call me. Because that's what I'm good at. I wouldn't hold it against a person for calling their friend who is a mechanic over their best friend if their car broke down in the middle of the night. And honestly, I like working out people's psyches. It's what challenges me, what I'm best at, what I'm naturally inclined to do.
What bothers me when my sole communication with a person becomes sorting out their problems. This has happened to me so many times. It starts out with someone your kind of friends with, and they have a problem and you're like... OH! I know exactly how to resolve this. So you talk things out with them and patch up their mind and send them on their way. They feel better about life and you feel fulfilled, and you feel like you have a way deeper relationship with the person after this intimacy. It's a win win situation.
But then they come back every single time, they pour their heart out, make you feel like you're their best friend, say you're their best friend and then when you've fixed them up they don't come back until they need you again. You shrug it off at first, but then you notice them ignoring you in favour of their other friends, and coming back to you apologizing and asking for support when their other friends hurt them. The first time you shrug it off but then it happens over and over again with the same people, and you really begin to wonder what you mean to this person.
You can't tell if their using you - people do connect most intimately when we are the most vulnerable. But seeing them completely disregard you after you stayed up with them on the phone all night before a midterm is really crushing. And when you have a problem they will ignore it. But maybe that's because they are mere non-INFJ mortals who can't recognize the things you can. It feels like they know how to manipulate your heart into becoming soft and malleable towards them... are they aware that they are manipulating you? consciously? Subconsciously? But maybe their just using bitches. It does really resemble the typical cycle of abuse you saw in your social work class. This would be so much easier to discern if your skills were as a mechanic, and not as a counselor.
The irony of my entire social history is that the people I have had the deepest connections with were the people who used me the most.
Is this a normal INFJ experience or am I just a pushover?
can we have healthy, intimate relationships with people without being used emotionally?
am I irrevocably broken?