Politician statement about so-called "legitimate" rape


life is good
So there was this, which led to this: http://jezebel.com/5936160/the-official-guide-to-legitimate-rape, which included this (at the end):

Politicians need to get over the pervasive fear that adopting a zero-tolerance attitude towards rape means that people will be able to disingenuously "cry rape" if they're having a bad day. That's not going to happen. You know what's way more dangerous? Allowing legislators like Akin to make declarative statements that are unarguably false. If you don't know how basic biology works, you shouldn't be able to hold a government position that gives you real power over the bodies of millions of women. Sure, it would be a hell of a lot easier if uteri were able to define rape for us. But they can't, and it's insane to pretend otherwise.

It irks me to no end that people like him exist, and that until recently he has held an influential position in society.
What a dickhead.
Anyhow, I figure this might make for a good topic of discussion since it's all over the news media.

When I heard he's basically being thrown to the dogs by his own party and affiliations, I thought of that dude on the air who made comments, something to do with being a slut about a young female. It was on the news within the past six months or so. I don't recall his name off the top of my head. Anyhow, he lost numerous sponsors as well, and very quickly. I'm not sure what came of him and whether he was able to find supporters.

I wonder what kind of world these people live in to imagine that they can make such statements publicly and won't be burned.
What kind of ideologies run through their heads, and what do they make of the public and contemporary audiences, if they say such things freely on air? How out of touch with society are they?
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Yes because its so much more nicer to slaughter millions of innocent babies.

I'm not saying what he said was right, we sometimes forget politicians are politicians and not specialists in any other field ...

But I still think anyone who is ok with abortion needs to really soul search for why it is ok to slaughter millions of innocent people.
Yes because its so much more nicer to slaughter millions of innocent babies.

I'm not saying what he said was right, we sometimes forget politicians are politicians and not specialists in any other field ...

But I still think anyone who is ok with abortion needs to really soul search for why it is ok to slaughter millions of innocent people.

Um, but they are supposed to be if they are to provide leadership to our communities. They're supposed to be specialists in the social sciences and not solely politics or economics but an integrated form of social sciences that includes issues of social justice and human rights. I don't know what to make of the idea that a politician shouldn't be well versed in issues of human and community welfare, as well as issues of rights and social justice. They are leaders of society upon whom we bestow the power to safeguard our rights. I realize reality is not this idealistic in nature, but if there is anything they should know it is issues that affect society, otherwise how well can they do their job and what will they base their decisions on?

I'm not asking them to guide the development of a space station, assist in surgery, or teach math to first-graders, but society? society they should know. (imo, of course)
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Correct, I agree -- I'm more simply stating regardless of what they should be, they aren't; ergo this isn't very surprising.

Although I did once read a study stating what he said is true in that in some rapes its so traumatic the body diverts the resources used to conceive in order to attempt to escape. Not saying I agree, simply saying I read something before.

Rape is a horrible thing. Don't make it even worse with abortion.
Correct, I agree -- I'm more simply stating regardless of what they should be, they aren't; ergo this isn't very surprising.

Although I did once read a study stating what he said is true in that in some rapes its so traumatic the body diverts the resources used to conceive in order to attempt to escape. Not saying I agree, simply saying I read something before.

Rape is a horrible thing. Don't make it even worse with abortion.

Yeah, I figured you may have meant that. I went ahead and I wrote it because in spite of how far they are from ideal, they need to be held up to that ideal lest we become complacent. So given that they specialize in the social sciences and public leadership, my thinking is that they ought to be held to standards that require competency in those areas.

In terms of abortion, I personally don't believe we have any way of knowing whether abortion will make it better or worse, or how, unless it is our psyche and body that are dealing with the trauma. I don't see how we can possibly conceive what someone else's needs are with such a deeply complex and painful circumstance. It's one thing to theorize about abortion, and quite another to be able to place it in the context of an entire lifetime's worth of influences on a person. We're not that person, I don't see how we can possibly understand enough to comment on their decision. Imo, the best we can do is comment on our own would-be experience.
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Yeah, I figured you may have meant that. I went ahead and I wrote it because in spite of how far they are from ideal, they need to be held up to that ideal lest we become complacent. So given that they specialize in the social sciences and public leadership, my thinking is that they ought to be held to standards that require competency in those areas.

In terms of abortion, I personally don't believe we have any way of knowing whether abortion will make it better or worse, or how, unless it is our psyche and body that are dealing with the trauma. I don't see how we can possibly conceive what someone else's needs are with such a deeply complex and painful circumstance. It's one thing to theorize about abortion, and quite another to be able to place it in the context of an entire lifetime's worth of influences on a person. We're not that person, I don't see how we can possibly understand enough to comment on their decision. Imo, the best we can do is comment on our own would-be experience.

You don't need to understand experience, for experience is naught to be understood, but only to be experienced. What you need to understand is principle, the battle of life and death, and consequences that such actions can behold. I don't really want to stray too much into this because its off-topic, but I don't think abortion is ever acceptable except for when childbirth will surely kill the mother. Regardless of religious convictions, its playing God, and its anti Humanist/Evolutionist just as much as it is anti Christian.
I don't think it's even worth thinking about such people. Ignorance will always exist, dwelling on it only makes you miserable. Even if you actually dedicate your life to destroying these people's influence, other's will take their place.

Also, I don't want to start an abortion debate but my personal belief is that in such cases, it should be up to the mother. It's difficult to define what a human being is, it goes beyond the realm of science but I don't believe that life begins with conception.
Everything that politicians say is designed only for one purpose-- to market them to their target audience. I would probably take issue with the kind of people that such statements appeal to before I took issue with the politician making them.
Read the comments on some articles from some of the people who actually support him and his claim. Those are the people who should have been aborted. I have no issues with abortion, in fact, I also support retroactive abortion...
That's got to be one of those days that is just "good". I mean, you were carrying around all that baggage about being raped and were all moping around the house afraid to leave, and then you pee on that stick.. so, you're like...fug yeah! I wasn't legit raped!! *Whew* Post traumatic stress just disappears and I bet it's perfect weather too. Just one of those days everything goes right. You should probably stop by the casino on the way home from work, even if you don't normally gamble. I love days like that.
That's got to be one of those days that is just "good". I mean, you were carrying around all that baggage about being raped and were all moping around the house afraid to leave, and then you pee on that stick.. so, you're like...fug yeah! I wasn't legit raped!! *Whew* Post traumatic stress just disappears and I bet it's perfect weather too. Just one of those days everything goes right. You should probably stop by the casino on the way home from work, even if you don't normally gamble. I love days like that.

And just think of the birth control possibilities.
We just need to tap into that mechanism that prevents pregnancy in the event of rape and hey presto, population control achieved. Solving thorny budgetary, religious, and insurance issues in the process. But what if you don't believe in birth control and accidentally stop ovulation when you should be popping out eggs like a hen? Wouldn't that be immoral? oh dear...

I was taught through school that a woman's body will work against getting pregnant if she raped. Everyone's body is different so I don't know if that is universal. Obviously pregnancies out of rape happen. We also have to remember that rape can go down in a lot of ways - the woman may not even be conscious and her body may respond differently than if she were fully conscious. Anyway. I think it's just the idea that's being suggested here... like if you get raped and get pregnant that you couldn't reallllllllllllllllllly have been raped because your body conceived. Seems a bit ridiculous to me. Rape is rape.

As for the abortion issue, I don't know. I don't care one way or another. I know highly religious people who have had abortions because if they carried to term the mother would have died. I know others who have used it because they were idiots and didn't use protection. I am not a big fan of abortions when there are other options (adoptions for example) but I don't consider it to be any of my business.
slaughter millions of innocent people.

So every time I jerk off I am slaughtering millions of people? Every time a woman has her period she is murdering a person? Because the whole thing is, the aren't people they're a bundle of cells. Until there is a brain there is no person. I am personally against late term abortions, unless its otherwise stated by the doctors that carrying the child to term will kill the mother.
You don't need to understand experience, for experience is naught to be understood, but only to be experienced. What you need to understand is principle, the battle of life and death, and consequences that such actions can behold. I don't really want to stray too much into this because its off-topic, but I don't think abortion is ever acceptable except for when childbirth will surely kill the mother. Regardless of religious convictions, its playing God, and its anti Humanist/Evolutionist just as much as it is anti Christian.

That's my point. I think you are theorizing. And the actual experience of being pregnant, and then the trauma of tying the pregnancy in with such violent and vulnerablility raising assault (rape) is entirely beyond the realm of theorizing. All of these things sound wonderful in theory, but reality is much more messy and unclear. There is no way to understand what a violation it is for someone to be raped because as much as we can theorize those emotions wouldn't grip us unless we went through it. And beyond that, there is no way to comprehend the invasion of one's body through not only rape but the lifelong lasting reminder of rape in the form of pregnancy, and then raising the child or the pain of knowing it's out there somewhere. Abortion isn't a win-win, but people have various needs for various reasons, and I believe we must offer them the support and respect to cope with the aftermath however they wish.

Also, keep in mind some women don't want to be pregnant, ever. Personally, I might like to raise a child but if I do I will be adopting. I don't want to be pregnant and I sure as hell don't want to give birth or have my body permanently affected by pregnancy.

But I suppose we'll have to agree to disagree.
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Whaaaaaaaaaaaaat? You have to have an opinion, and a strong one. Don't mess with my stereotypes! :D
I accept that I have no right to tell a woman what to do with her body. :P I sure as shit wouldnt want anyone telling me what I have to do with mine, thats for sure.
But there is a brain @ week 6... 2 weeks after a missed period.

And an insect also has a brain, if not an even more developed one, but how many people stop themselves from swatting at one?

If you're in favor of killing things, be it a chicken, dog or human adult then it's complete hypocrisy to suddenly draw an imaginary line at a fetus.