Post your dreams!

I think this is a variation on the feeling trapped scenario. Like you said, the fact that you are into war stuff means it was given to you in that context. Us INFJ's face a decision. We have so many ideas and plans but don't always act on them. Your dreams are a representation of your indecision about whether or not to try and make a life for yourself, or stay inside your head. It is a risk but if it works out then you are free of the constraints of your overactive inner world. It is not hard to see how your dream could be a metaphore for this indecision. And dreams work in metaphores.
Thanks Poetic Justice, I was thinking along similar lines myself! This feeling trapped in my present situation and the possible consequences if I try and leave...
If you never try, then you have already failed.
*Nod* I agree w/PJ on this one. It sounds like you're not sure about a decision that is crucial for you at this point in your life. Some major life-changing decision that you don't want to make, maybe? That it's safer to try and wait things out (tho' in your heart of hearts your dying a little as you wait), rather than make the decision you need to make.

But I could be stretching. If nothing else it definitely sounds like a decision, and you feel stuck in the middle (but you really do know what you need to do).
I had quite a creepy dream just then (woke up half an hour ago).

These days I have been reading a lot about anais nin, including her unexpurgated diary. She is very intelligent, analytical of her own feelings, likely INF, but she has this thing with sexual freedom and she keeps falling in love and sleeping with people, although she's married (she actually got married to two different guys who didn't live in the same place at the same time).
I've also had quite a lot of fantasising about other guys than my boyfriend myself these days, though only in a sexual way, nothing about another relationship. I feel a bit lost as far as my feelings go lately.

Here is the dream :

It's night time. I am in a hotel room or something like that with a bunch of male friends I've been seeing a lot in reality lately. I am reading Anais Nin's diary. After a short while the scene turns into an orgy. I'm the only girl. I don't think I've dreamt about orgies like that before. It lasts for a good while and it feels like I'm not really thinking, just being part of it, not minding but not having any particular emotions. Just being lustful. Strange atmosphere.

When it ends and I leave the place, I slowly start realising what I've just done. I start panicking and feeling horrible and very guilty towards my boyfriend. I want to cry. How can I have done this?? I try to remember how it all started but there is a blank, everything is blury in my memory, somehow the transition from reading to the orgy seems to have disappeared. I am walking on a big avenue joining a huge place in a star-like shape, like the Arc de Triomphe in Paris. I have trouble finding my way because the avenues somehow cross each other in weird ways. As I am walking and thinking it starts to dawn on me that maybe that orgy was still a part of the book I was reading. I almost feel like I am Anais Nin myself. There is hope, maybe I didn't do it, maybe it was just a mechanism in the book that was meant to show me how her life really was (note : there are controversies about how much is real and how much invented in her diaries).

After that I woke up. Feeling very strange. The dream is about things I try not to think about these days because I've come to the conclusion I couldn't do much about the problem, it's probably just compensation but ... Not very nice still.
My dreams are always disturbingly awesome. For a lot of people they could be considered nightmares, but in the way they are played out they are just so damn funny.
One of my favorite dreams to talk about is my Puppet dream. Ready? Here we go.

Well, so I'm walking around in a casino, minding my own business, when all of the sudden this midget starts chasing me with a knife out of nowhere. He was probably 1/2 my size, and I'm 5'2, so he was SHORT. Well for some reason I don't just kick the guy in the face I feel the need to outrun him, so he chases me around the Casino [ with people in plain sight but I guess they just didn't care too much] and finally he chases me into the basement.

It's bare, unfurnished, and when we get in there he corners me and I'm basically trapped. So I'm thinking, oh shit. So he ties me down on one of those metal examination table and then he takes a scalpel and skins me alive- I'm all screaming- but then it doesn't hurt and then I just die. So then it's from aerial view and I can see it from a 'heavenly' perspective, and he takes all of my guts [ liver, heart, lungs, etc] and stuffs them into this giant rotting horse carcass. And then he takes my skin and starts fiddling with it- and hour later he's got a puppet! He made a puppet out of my skin! I woke up laughing.

And then this other one, I was immortal in the dream.

My friend and I were walking in a deserted alley way around midnight for some reason when all of the sudden this asshole comes up to us with a gun and points it at my friend. Apparently not afraid at all of death, I yell out, "Hey! What the hell, man? Don't point your gun at my friend-" and right at the moment he shoots my friend in the face. It was the awesome-st thing though because it was SUPER COOL special effects. The blood just went SPPOSH over everything and pieces of his face landed everywhere...yeah, it was awesome. Anyway, at this point in time I take an offensive stance. "What the fuck, dude? Why do you have to go around killing people? That is not cool, not cool, my friend didn't even do anything to you." And then at that moment he shoots me in the face.
Then, it's a sky POV, looking down on the scene. The kid brings the gun up to his chin so it's touching, waits a minute before pulling the trigger- and then, I swear to you, the most realistic scene of some guy shooting his head off you'll ever see. Blood splattered- his skull was fragmented- it was....not even disturbing for some reason.

All of the sudden it cuts back to me and my friend, and first we're just lying on the ground dead for a while. All of the sudden I get up, "Hey, why are we even pretending to be dead? We're immortal." My friend immediately gets up after me. "Oh yeah! I forgot about that." And then, it cuts to my school and we're in the middle of the school assembly and my gaze wanders, and I spot that guy who shot us!

"Dude! It's that fucking guy who shot and killed us in the ally, remember?" I say, elbowing my friend. "Apparently, he's immortal too." My friend responds. I roll my eyes. "I'm going to go up and talk to him." Then I go up to talk to him, and I'm all, "So why did you kill my friend and I in the Ally a couple of days back?" He takes a long [ way too long] pause. "Because I liked you," He responds, emotionless. I give him a funny look. "Yeah, but just because you like someone doesn't mean you have to shoot them in the face. It's simple, really, all you got to do is tell them." And then all of the sudden after I say that I have the sudden realization that because he shot me he had gained all of my friends, had straight A's, and was the most popular person on the face of the planet. And I was stuck with nothing. =/ I GOT SCREWED OVER! What a bastard.
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It's night time. I am in a hotel room or something like that with a bunch of male friends I've been seeing a lot in reality lately. I am reading Anais Nin's diary. After a short while the scene turns into an orgy. I'm the only girl. I don't think I've dreamt about orgies like that before. It lasts for a good while and it feels like I'm not really thinking, just being part of it, not minding but not having any particular emotions. Just being lustful. Strange atmosphere.

You win the thread.
*thud* *thud* *thud* *thud**thud**thud**thud**thud**thud**thud**thudthud**thudthud**thudthud**thudthud**thudthudthudthud**thudthudthudthud**thudthudthudthud**thudthudthudthud**thudthudthudthud*

*deep breath*

Uhh, yeah. i agree with that dude. What'shisface, the fella, uhmm... When are you coming to darwin?
You win the thread.

aaahaha I wondered if I should post it or not but I felt like it was something important so I wanted to write it down. I hope I didn't offend anyone.

edit : maybe I should call Freud over for a little explanation.
You miss your boyfriend and your body wants sex from anyone it can get. What other explanation is there?
You miss your boyfriend and your body wants sex from anyone it can get. What other explanation is there?

it's more complicated.
Her voice fragments were probably floating around in your head and together with your deeper desires, imagination and dream state ..... perhaps you did get to experience being in her head for a bit.
creepy though!
My most memorable dream, because it is also my favorite:

I pull up to the parking lot at the corner drug store. There, four teenagers bumming around with nothing to do. Ideas come of the evil to be had here.

However. While I'm busy plotting their demise, there is something far more important. Yes, something far more important. I reach over to my bag of Skittles. My eyes still on my targets. My hands feel a lack of Skittles Bag (R). I look over, nothing under my hand.

"Hun, this is the Skittle Zone!"

There to my horror, decked in an exotic genie outfit is Star Jones. Worse, she was holding the prize.

That's when I woke up with a stupid grin on my face. Until the realization... SHE TOOK MY BAG OF SKITTLES!


By far, my most bizarre dream.
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I was floating a foot above my chair and a demon was sucking some sort of gas out of me... That was in 2002, about June.

I don't remember much more of the dream than that.
I was floating a foot above my chair and a demon was sucking some sort of gas out of me... That was in 2002, about June.

I don't remember much more of the dream than that.

Hmmmmm Sounds like a Methane Zombie to me.