Post your Enneagram

Have you looked up the childhood messages of the enneagram types? Maybe you can find some more clues to unriddle your depression going further with your approach and thinking here.. :)

Yes, but only very briefly and I've not yet started to get too much into it. Thank you for the hint, going to read more about it! <3 I've actually started reading one book about enneagram (The Wisdom of the Enneagram), maybe it will help too...
Now I got this one:


It was 826 Rescuer before. I guess I switch between 8 and 9 then.

269 The Good Samaritan
For the 269, life is all about getting along. Pairing the avoidant nature of 6 and 9 with the helpfulness of 2 gives this type a unique motivation to soothe conflict and encourage acceptance an understanding in everyone they meet. Far from being a victim themselves, the 6 leads them to reserve trust for only their closest friends, but the 9 tempers this distrust with an almost universally non judgemental disposition. In trying to always be nice, the 269 may sometimes fail to speak their own truth when it is needed.

I think at times I can be very outspoken and assertive but other times pretty meek. I go back and forth between wanting to blend in and keep a low profile and raising hell lol.
Based on your responses, your likely Enneagram Tritype is: 4-6-9
and your likely Enneagram Tritype with wings is: 4w5-6w5-9w1

Your overall type preference is:
type 4 (4w5) first,
type 6 (6w5) second,
and type 9 (9w1) third.

Your dominant body-based type is type 9 (9w1)
Your dominant heart-based type is type 4 (4w5)
Your dominant head-based type is type 6 (6w5)
Based on your responses, your likely Enneagram Tritype is: 1-4-5
and your likely Enneagram Tritype with wings is: 1w9-4w3-5w4


Your overall type preference is:
type 1 (1w9) first,
type 4 (4w3) second,
and type 5 (5w4) third.

Your dominant body-based type is type 1 (1w9)
Your dominant heart-based type is type 4 (4w3)
Your dominant head-based type is type 5 (5w4)

Doesn't sit that well with me.
The 4-7-1 tritype I got earlier feels more right, but I don't know...
Type 1 Orderliness |||||||||||| 50%
Type 2 Helpfulness |||||||||||||||| 70%
Type 3 Image Focus |||| 18%
Type 4 Individualism |||||||||||||| 58%
Type 5 Intellectualism |||||||||| 38%
Type 6 Security Focus |||||||||| 34%
Type 7 Adventurousness |||||||||||||| 54%
Type 8 Aggressiveness || 10%
Type 9 Calmness |||||||||||||||||||| 82%

type score type behavior motivation
9: 20 I must maintain peace/calm to survive.
2: 17 I must be helpful and caring to survive.
4: 14 I must be unique/different to survive.
7: 13 I must be fun and entertained to survive.
1: 12 I must be orderly/planned to survive.
5: 9 I must be knowledgeable to survive.
6: 8 I must be secure and safe to survive.
3: 4 I must be impressive and attractive to survive.
8: 2 I must be strong and in control to survive.

Your main type is Type 9
Your variant stacking is sx/so/sp
Your level of health is average

You are most likely a type 9 (the Peacemaker) with 9w1 wing.

Self-preservation variant

Type 9 sp
Type 6 so
Type 2 so
Type 1 so
Type 4 so
Type 3 so
Type 5 so
Type 7 so
Type 8 so


It just says I'm a 6 with no wings. Whatever that means.

If you're a 6 then you could have a 5 or 7 wing, but the results indicated you don't lean either way so you're solidly set as a 6.

I'm a 9 fairly solidly but I do lean 9w1 a bit, rather than 9w8.
What would this one mean when it comes to wings or is it just 8?
This test doesn't seem to take into account wings, so it can't say anything conclusive about it.

From the results, you could guess that you're 8w7, as you score very low on 9. But the test also seems to indicate you could be a 1 instead of an 8.

Take a test that calculates wings to be sure.
I am a 5x4 — seems to be somewhat common for INFJs.

I think one of my biggest strengths and weaknesses (both) is that I have a hard knowledge driven side and a soft, creative side.
Did it again says 8w7
It might be worth trying some different enneagram tests and looking again at your MBTI type. The majority of people who have an 8W7 enneagram are extraverts, typically ESTJ and ENTJ. It's very rare in almost any sort of introvert, and quite rare even in extraverted feeling types. It's not impossible of course, and could mean that there are parts of your personality pulling you in quite different directions, and you'd experience that as maybe a jump between different modes of behaviour.

@Asa expressed that sort of thing really well in respect of Enneagram 5W4 INFJs who jump between hard thinking and soft feeling ways of relating to things - I experience that sometimes as a sort of discontinuity in how I combine thinking and feeling, particularly when there are people issues involved. It's a bit like the duck-rabbit picture that looks like a duck until suddenly you see it's a rabbit instead.