9w8 - Seeking Peace and Power
- Awakened Nines with an 8 wing have a modest, steady, receptive core. They are charged by the dynamism of 8 - when focused on goals they often have great force of will. Get things done, make good leaders. May have an animal magnetism of which they are only partly aware. Can seem highly centered, take what they do seriously but remain unimpressed with themselves. 8 wing can bring a strong internal sense of direction. Relatively fearless and highly intuitive. Generally not intellectual unless they have it in their background. When more entranced, they manifest the contradictions of the two styles expressing them in sequence. Could be passively amiable like a Nine and then turn horribly blunt like an 8. One moment they are opinionated or nasty, next moment kindly and supportive. Often don't hear their voices when angry. Can have a sharp, grating edge. May be slow to anger and then explode. Or angry but don't know it; may confuse being assertive with being rude. Placidly callous - both styles support numbness. Tactless and indiscriminate and indiscreet. May be unwittingly disloyal, spilling everyone's secrets. Sexual confusion, sometimes they are driven by lust.
Sexual Primary / Self-Preservation Support
"One-Man Storm"
- Expression: intense, self-absorbed expression
- Energy: intense energy expressed calmly, steadily, assertively
- Behavior: intense, assertive, troubled and self absorbed
- Mindset: "If I can make (us) have an orderly & pleasing lifestyle, I can keep up and escalate all this merging/intensity."
- Examples: Harlock (Arcadia of my Youth)
Okay, Okay, You've both had your fun and games. Now, let me show you true awesomeness:
Leonardo da Vinci - ENTP - 8w7
Muhamed Ali - ENTP - 8w7
George Carlin - ENTP - 8w7
House MD - ENTP - 8w7
I rest my case.
Sorry, MLK is 8w7. Look it up