President Donald Trump

I think it's probably never going to be definitively proven, that Assad used the chemical weapons, but all the most credible evidence I've seen, suggests it's highly likely. His regime has been investigated previously and found guilty of doing so. Reference here

I think in general terms the use of cruise missiles, to erode Assads capability to use chemical weapons from the same airfield, was a proportionate response. It was arranged and organised carefully, no Russian personnel or equipment were killed or damaged. It appears America forewarned Russia prior to the attack, and interestingly Russia did not deploy Surface to Air Missile defenses to interfere, to attempt to protect the airfield.

I think overall it was necessary to signal western determination to act, when illegal chemical weapons are utilised. Having said that we can't "bomb our way to peace". I hope President Trumps statement is true, about being affected by the plight of the refugees there. Much more can be done to assist the many who are suffering, with further humanitarian aid.

Two things strike me, first that hopefully this signals the "American Isolationism" that many around the world feared, may not now occur. Secondly (and I'm surprised this hasn't gotten more attention) that the alleged "kompromat" material either doesn't exist, or it was not a sufficient deterrent, to President Trump acting in a way that clearly Russia oppose.

I think Putin and Assad have just been given a much needed "reality check". Both of their behaviors has been contemptible, and led to the death and suffering of thousands of civilians. Whilst I am not naive about the murky nature of Western acts, in comparison to those two?

I hope that both now realise they cannot act with impunity, and return to negotiation with a clearer idea, that the West does have the means, and resolve to tackle them if necessary. I don't mean that to sound war like, but something that I know to be true, is that appeasement or weakness, in the face of an aggressor only encourages them.

Russia want to negotiate lifting western sanctions, Assad wants to remain as Syrian President. Both have interest in finding a settlement with the West. I know President Trump has now said he wants Assad gone. I'd like to see him and Putin on trial, but realistically that's never going to happen. More importantly I'd like to see stability restored in Syria, ISIS eliminated there, and action to alleviate the plight of the civilian population.

I hope this means that's more likely now, than it was beforehand.
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It doesn't matter either way. Syria has become a vortex of war.

I think it matter in regard to how it will be addressed. Hillary can sit on the side lines, flap her mouth and think people care.
Speaking of gums flapping on the sidelines...

I'm still on the fence as to whether I agree with the rationale behind blowing up the airfield.

I'm also still in shock that the Syrians had been gassed and I had to see parents carrying dead children and wailing. My heart still has not calmed and I didn't sleep because of feeling sick at the loss of life. And for what? Shock value?

Now with the Russians in the air and pointed directly at the US war ship's that changed the world in 60-seconds, did Pres Trump waltz right into a set up? And will the US indeed go in the history book as detonating WWIII?

I'm aghast, heart sick and a bit pissed off about it all.
I'm still on the fence as to whether I agree with the rationale behind blowing up the airfield.

I'm also still in shock that the Syrians had been gassed and I had to see parents carrying dead children and wailing. My heart still has not calmed and I didn't sleep because of feeling sick at the loss of life. And for what? Shock value?

Now with the Russians in the air and pointed directly at the US war ship's that changed the world in 60-seconds, did Pres Trump waltz right into a set up? And will the US indeed go in the history book as detonating WWIII?

I'm aghast, heart sick and a bit pissed off about it all.
Well I dont think the world should sit by and allow weapons of mass destruction to be used on innocents. In this case the U.S. is acting as the world police again.
What are other options here do you think?
Guess Trump isn't best buds with Putin anymore (as if ever).
Yes this could lead to world destruction. Yea!

If the US didn't do something about it, who would? Is it onto allow innocent people to be be killed in this way?

I am not judging you. You are simply the only to have entered a thoughtful response so far.
Is it onto allow innocent people to be be killed in this way?
It is not OK EH::-(

I'm just feeling the vent and looking for a bit of support in trying to comprehend the justification of citizens being blatantly murdered. My appologies for tossing my bleeding heart up on the table.

Every American is a blessed fool if they think this won't be brought to our own front door.

I'm just upset. And with every right to be. :/
Watching the left/right and the mainstream media salivate at the thought of war I don't even know wtf is wrong with everyone right now?! Am I taking crazy pills? None of this makes any sense. I'm confused myself because I voted Trump but it Looked yesterday like I really got Hillary.

All the warmongers are happy, so that's good.
Watching the left/right and the mainstream media salivate at the thought of war I don't even know wtf is wrong with everyone right now?! Am I taking crazy pills? None of this makes any sense. I'm confused myself because I voted Trump but it Looked yesterday like I really got Hillary.

All the warmongers are happy, so that's good.
Whats the alternative to war in your mind?
I'm still on the fence as to whether I agree with the rationale behind blowing up the airfield.

I'm also still in shock that the Syrians had been gassed and I had to see parents carrying dead children and wailing. My heart still has not calmed and I didn't sleep because of feeling sick at the loss of life. And for what? Shock value?

Now with the Russians in the air and pointed directly at the US war ship's that changed the world in 60-seconds, did Pres Trump waltz right into a set up? And will the US indeed go in the history book as detonating WWIII?

I'm aghast, heart sick and a bit pissed off about it all.

I think its high stakes poker @Sandie33 - brinksmanship. Putin is a menace, and his actions in Syria and Ukraine demonstrate his contempt for international law and any consideration of humanity. One side in that conflict, have been bombing, schools and hospitals, slaughtering civilians, and using barrel bombs and chemical weapons. That's Putin and Assad. The other, the West ? have been reluctant to get involved, and have built their response against an attempt to crush ISIS terrorism and negotiate a settlement via the United Nations. They have organized around avoiding/limiting civilian casualties of any kind, and bringing in humanitarian aid.

Putin has held America in contempt for a long time. I first noticed his incredibly undiplomatic and intentionally insulting behavior to President Bush at a press conference in 2004. What ever my views on President Bush or Trump, compared to Putin they were/are saints. He's a cold war relic. It spoke to me of his utter arrogance and dislike of any diplomatic relationship. Putin and Assad's mistreatment of their own citizens shows their hand.

There was a risk in taking the action, but also a risk in not addressing the chemical weapon attack. It seems to me that the missile strike was a surgical action, degrading Assad's ability to further torture his own people, and a clear message to Putin, that the West will not be intimidated. I dislike any kind of military action. But in my view this was essential and skillfully handled. I think Trump may take credit, but I suspect McMaster the new and highly rated National Security Advisor is possibly the key mover in this. A pragmatic, clever and highly independent person, and to my mind an impressive appointment to the cabinet. The operation seems to have run incredibly well. Something had to be done. Time will tell.
I'd really like to see more of a global response to these things rather than the U.S. continue its role as the world police.
Watching the left/right and the mainstream media salivate at the thought of war I don't even know wtf is wrong with everyone right now?! Am I taking crazy pills? None of this makes any sense. I'm confused myself because I voted Trump but it Looked yesterday like I really got Hillary.

All the warmongers are happy, so that's good.

Truly @CindyLou I think it was a very shrewd well assessed, and incredibly well executed action, that reduces the chance of escalation. Putin now knows, the West is prepared to stand up to him and his puppet Assad. Putin has everything to gain from peace, (hundreds of billions if sanctions are lifted) and very little to gain from war. Plus ? If he doesn't act in a manner that benefits his "comrades" he may find himself replaced, by his own party. Politics is a rough game.
Truly @CindyLou I think it was a very shrewd well assessed, and incredibly well executed action, that reduces the chance of escalation. Putin now knows, the West is prepared to stand up to him and his puppet Assad. Putin has everything to gain from peace, (hundreds of billions if sanctions are lifted) and very little to gain from war. Plus ? If he doesn't act in a manner that benefits his "comrades" he may find himself replaced, by his own party. Politics is a rough game.

I really hope you're right and I'll go with this for now. Time will tell. Just venting, myself.
I voted for Trump in both the primary as well as the general and was proud to see him win. HOWEVER if this is true what I am hearing about Trump attacking Syria, then I am done with Trump. I voted for Trump against Hillary specifically to avoid foreign entanglements with Syria or Russia, what the hell is he doing? And his ridiculous rambling speech about Gods children? Who the hell did he think he was, George W. Bush? wtf?! This is a grand betrayal of his base, and he is going to pay... I am hoping this is some 4 dimensional chess and he is making us look left while he pummels rebels and ISIS on the right... but it just looks like hes sold out 100% Mr Incorruptible...

I am suddenly reminded of late roman empire emperors being chosen and replaced constantly by the praetorian guard, which was a palace guard association that was a lot like the CIA, Secret Service, and Body Guard all rolled into one back then...

This attack on Syria PROVES that Donald Trump is not in control. I now fear that our empire is crumbling so badly that perhaps the ties of power in the government are in some ends segregating, like the military becoming more self contained and run by say the generals as opposed to congress... but then also becoming like a gigantic cancer, taking over everything.

The Roman civilization was summed up in distinct periods

The founding/Early kingdom, being conquered by the Etruscans, then the Roman republic, then the roman empire. Which was divided into 2 time periods the Principate and the Dominate periods. Most people in the US are worried we are leaving the Republic and going into an empire... but I believe we've been in an empire stage since WW2 and we are now entering into the Dominate period where the last vestiges of the old culture are being thrown off and we just start to get tyrants instead of benevolent dictators like Augustus.

But there are parallels to draw between then and now. They had the praetorian guard we have the government praetorian alphabet soup (CIA, SS, FBI, etc).
Truly @CindyLou I think it was a very shrewd well assessed, and incredibly well executed action, that reduces the chance of escalation. Putin now knows, the West is prepared to stand up to him and his puppet Assad. Putin has everything to gain from peace, (hundreds of billions if sanctions are lifted) and very little to gain from war. Plus ? If he doesn't act in a manner that benefits his "comrades" he may find himself replaced, by his own party. Politics is a rough game.
Putin and Russia are all in in Syria. They're not just down there looking for power. Syria is like Mecca for orthodox Christians of the Byzantine flavor. They will not allow the Islamic facists being supported by our government to massacre all the orthodox Christians in Syria or detonate the ancient christian ephemera there.
The cruise missile assault on the Syrian airfield used to launch the chemical attack was a measured US Military response to the breaking (several times mind you) of Syria's pledge not to use chemical weapons. More than likely it was the Military that pushed Trump into it.
They probably wanted to punish Syria in August of 2016 but (i am guessing) the previous Admin thought it was too close to the elections so pushed for a UN response which China and Russia vetoed.
I voted for Trump in both the primary as well as the general and was proud to see him win. HOWEVER if this is true what I am hearing about Trump attacking Syria, then I am done with Trump. I voted for Trump against Hillary specifically to avoid foreign entanglements with Syria or Russia, what the hell is he doing? And his ridiculous rambling speech about Gods children? Who the hell did he think he was, George W. Bush? wtf?! This is a grand betrayal of his base, and he is going to pay... I am hoping this is some 4 dimensional chess and he is making us look left while he pummels rebels and ISIS on the right... but it just looks like hes sold out 100% Mr Incorruptible...

I am suddenly reminded of late roman empire emperors being chosen and replaced constantly by the praetorian guard, which was a palace guard association that was a lot like the CIA, Secret Service, and Body Guard all rolled into one back then...

This attack on Syria PROVES that Donald Trump is not in control. I now fear that our empire is crumbling so badly that perhaps the ties of power in the government are in some ends segregating, like the military becoming more self contained and run by say the generals as opposed to congress... but then also becoming like a gigantic cancer, taking over everything.

The Roman civilization was summed up in distinct periods

The founding/Early kingdom, being conquered by the Etruscans, then the Roman republic, then the roman empire. Which was divided into 2 time periods the Principate and the Dominate periods. Most people in the US are worried we are leaving the Republic and going into an empire... but I believe we've been in an empire stage since WW2 and we are now entering into the Dominate period where the last vestiges of the old culture are being thrown off and we just start to get tyrants instead of benevolent dictators like Augustus.

But there are parallels to draw between then and now. They had the praetorian guard we have the government praetorian alphabet soup (CIA, SS, FBI, etc).
Its clear you don't agree with the response. What do you feel it should have been if anything?
They want Syria and Iraq broken up so the neocons can resurrect Jesus in Greater Israel. I don't believe Assad did any of this, the guy was on the eve pf peace talks winning a civil war... so lets go gas 70 people in mysterious circumstances? yeah not buying it, doesn't pass the Qui Bono test. John McCain pushing for the war while visiting the rebels our government has been funded does though, huge contracts hes got i'm sure. They gotta get that pipeline to the sea they want so bad. And he was spotted hanging out with them last month. Peace was about to break out and the syrian government would have been restored and then this "attack" its fishy.