You are on a public forum. If you don't want people interacting with you in relation to what you post, you might want to reconsider where you are.Mind our own business.
You are on a public forum. If you don't want people interacting with you in relation to what you post, you might want to reconsider where you are.Mind our own business.
No, I am saying our government should have minded its own business. RE: Syria.You are on a public forum. If you don't want people interacting with you in relation to what you post, you might want to reconsider where you are.
Whats the alternative to war in your mind?
I think we've established we live on two different planets.How about helping the refugees?
How about we don’t do everything in our power as the new President has to allow them to come safely to the US?
Instead we close our borders to resettling them...too afraid for our own asses...meanwhile we decry this terrible killing of innocents....well, that has gone on for years now (The UN has stopped counting somewhere around 400,000) and Trump wasn’t so personally upset over the hundreds of thousands that have died before this latest group.
It’s genocide...and the US answer is to close our borders to refugees and bomb the shit out of this runway and munition storage.
Assad is just going to nail the rebels twice as hard now and maybe we’re at war with Russia....awesome.
The war machine lumbers forward...profits for all.
I think we've established we live on two different planets.
All very good points @James . I agree about the surgical precision of the action, US military is a force to behold. I understand the logic behind it. Unfortunately, my feelings override my logic too often.I think its high stakes poker @Sandie33 - brinksmanship. Putin is a menace, and his actions in Syria and Ukraine demonstrate his contempt for international law and any consideration of humanity. One side in that conflict, have been bombing, schools and hospitals, slaughtering civilians, and using barrel bombs and chemical weapons. That's Putin and Assad. The other, the West ? have been reluctant to get involved, and have built their response against an attempt to crush ISIS terrorism and negotiate a settlement via the United Nations. They have organized around avoiding/limiting civilian casualties of any kind, and bringing in humanitarian aid.
Putin has held America in contempt for a long time. I first noticed his incredibly undiplomatic and intentionally insulting behavior to President Bush at a press conference in 2004. What ever my views on President Bush or Trump, compared to Putin they were/are saints. He's a cold war relic. It spoke to me of his utter arrogance and dislike of any diplomatic relationship. Putin and Assad's mistreatment of their own citizens shows their hand.
There was a risk in taking the action, but also a risk in not addressing the chemical weapon attack. It seems to me that the missile strike was a surgical action, degrading Assad's ability to further torture his own people, and a clear message to Putin, that the West will not be intimidated. I dislike any kind of military action. But in my view this was essential and skillfully handled. I think Trump may take credit, but I suspect McMaster the new and highly rated National Security Advisor is possibly the key mover in this. A pragmatic, clever and highly independent person, and to my mind an impressive appointment to the cabinet. The operation seems to have run incredibly well. Something had to be done. Time will tell.
All very good points @James . I agree about the surgical precision of the action, US military is a force to behold. I understand the logic behind it. Unfortunately, my feelings override my logic too often.
It pains me to see the media coverage (who seem to be just eating all of this up) of what Syria has been blown into...basically a pile of rubble and it's citizens have to live in this and to survive the constant terror of what is to come. They covered barrels of poisionous gas stored in the basements of schools on the news...what do they plan to do with that? Why hasn't some one rid the building of it?
Seeing the folks there trying to triage the injured with little to no medical aid and hell their hospitals have already been blown to bits is upsetting to me primarily because there is absolutely nothing I can do. Except sit in shock, pain and tears at the mystifying disregard for human life. Seeing a man carry his 9-month old twins to be burried next to his wife put me over the top. Awash with anger at the injustice of a countries leader would use these sorts of tactics to retain allegiance and loyalties of it's people through death, destruction and intimidation.
Then to see a truck driven into a plaza in Sweeden two weeks after Britians mad carman mowing down innocents?
I have to turn the TV off. I can only sit through the highlights, and then that's too much.
I sit in silent solidarity because earth dwellers keep repeating the same mistakes. Indeed history does repeat itself. It is just sad to see and not have an avenue to assist. And to know that WWIII will be fought with bombs, yet WWIV will be won with sticks and stones. :-(
I agree.When you see the relief of the rebels, that the US have intervened ? I think that tells a story.
I agree.
It gives pause to thought...are these rebels the true 'bad guys' or are they citizens who have decided there is nothing to lose and rose up to fight their opression ?
It is difficult to relate what these folks ensure daily based on US daily life. It is vastly different.
I was always under the assumption that the UN is our world policing force, with the US being one of it's mighty muscles. Poses the question, Since Assad is commiting the atrocities of genocide, which is against world law, shouldn't a coalition force be created to remove him from his seat and out him through trial similar to Hussain? In doing this perhaps Putian will discontinue his opressions too?
I just dunno seems for every one good step forward, monstrous acts push it back two.
Spot on and well said! Thank you for putting wording to my feelings. And on that note I'm putting it to sleep for a bit, I'm overtaxed and exhausted from the continual looping of it on the TV. Its on most the channels...let's all wait & see where it goes next.Because across all those international and political divisions there's a basic agreement, that stretches far beyond narrow politics. Our common humanity. None of us want to see civilians being killed let alone in the barbaric way they were. The two tyrants responsible, just had their assess kicked. After months of watching this tragedy unfold, someone said."No !" And did something.
And did it very skillfully in my view. Let's see what happens next. Personally, I'm more optimistic now that it's happened. Especially in the way it was carried out.
There will be wars and rumors of wars.
On another note, New supreme court justice confirmed and America wins!
Especially after what can only be called the shite useless Democrats pulled. "Look at us Look at us even though we are irrelevant !"
All the points you lost and disgust you achieved.