He doesn't need to spend any time on it, Dems have that covered.i don't think this guy has his times tables down yet....division may be out of his reach
He doesn't need to spend any time on it, Dems have that covered.i don't think this guy has his times tables down yet....division may be out of his reach
HahahahahahaWell Trump has not kept his campaign promises. Yes in part to the party of obstruction but he should have factored that in. It still early but he needs to move.
Let's hope Hillary is at least in jail by the time the election roles around.
Yeah...it’s had nothing to do with the GOP party of obstruction blocking any and all bills that would have fixed said “issues” within the ACA.Trump is doing his very best to help Democrats. Obamacare was an even bigger failure than anyone predicted. He's doing his best to put something in place that actually works. I don't think we should have any nationalized healthcare. Trump is working on it out of the kindness of his heart.
I say he should just sit back and let the whole thing blow up and when done, let the blame fall where it clearly belongs. Those who were to idiotic to ever make it work in the first place.
Really glad Trump is in office rather than that witch. She would sell her daughter to the highest bidder if she thought she could get away with it.
Darling Eventhorizon.
Chelsea Clinton is an adult with her own will and direction. Ya know?
LOL. Are you living in some kind of bizarre fantasy land where politicians are genuine sorcerers and sorceresses with mysterious and frightening magical powers, to curse us or bless us in pursuit of some inscrutable evil design born out of their own fantasies? You know, that's not really the case, right? It's some kind of silly bullshit you made up to cause things to sound more important or frightening or uncontrollable than they really are?
How about you come back down to Earth and discuss "reality" with the rest of us, dear?
NO DEAL. Get your fake news out of here world.
Plenty of time not to fund it in the mean time.If it’s fake then why bother say your are “renegotiating” it?
Makes no sense.
BTW, it won’t be till 2020 until we are officially “out” of the agreement.
Just fyi.
(plenty of time to be overturned)
Okay...that’s not how it works, but whatever dude...Plenty of time not to fund it in the mean time.
I very much hope Trump rejects the climate deal in its entirety. Stating that he will wait until he has unbias information at his disposal before he makes any decision on what if any changes America should make.
Im sorry you feel that way. However I am ecstatic that you mention "Clean air, water and food" as opposed to "man made global warming."Lol.
Hoping for the U.S. to ditch the climate deal is like saying: "Fuck clean air, water and food, I don't give a damn about future generations". In your situation, all at the expense of needing "unbiased" information.
Im sorry you feel that way. However I am ecstatic that you mention "Clean air, water and food" as opposed to "man made global warming."
Because clean water, air, food and in general the earth is a noble cause to work toward on its own merit. Using a non-proven platform based on nonfactual bias information is not the way to get there though.
The United States would have paid more than any other country for this deal. Along the order of 3 Trillion dollars. Thats with a T btw. We are not the worlds keepers. We have an obligation to take care of Americans first and foremost. Once we achieve that, if we have anything left to give after that, we can display kindness in whatever amount the American people see fit.