President Donald Trump

Uh huh. So David Duke says something and that proves something on Trumps part how?

Don't uh huh me. It proves that David Duke and his kind believe they are supported by Donald Trump. If Donald Trump truly does not support them or sympathize with them, then Donald Trump needs to grab them by the pussy and shut that shit down in a way that they can no longer mistake his message for support.
Don't uh huh me. It proves that David Duke and his kind believe they are supported by Donald Trump. If Donald Trump truly does not support them or sympathize with them, then Donald Trump needs to grab them by the pussy and shut that shit down in a way that they can no longer mistake his message for support.
No. It only proves that David Duke is irrelevant to all but the most close minded and ignorant the world has to offer. Anyone can say anything they like about anything or anyone. For example I could say Obama was a good President. Just because I say that doesn't make it true and doesn't mean Obama supports my political stance. It more probably means I have brain damage or am just one of the most increadiably ignorant people in the world even though I did not say it directly.
Stop being a frapping idiot with this stupid shit you are trying to pedal. Seriously, you are starting to irritate me.
No. It only proves that David Duke is irrelevant to all but the most close minded and ignorant the world has to offer. Anyone can say anything they like about anything or anyone. For example I could say Obama was a good President. Just because I say that doesn't make it true and doesn't mean Obama supports my political stance. It more probably means I have brain damage or am just one of the most increadiably ignorant people in the world even though I did not say it directly.
Stop being a frapping idiot with this stupid shit you are trying to pedal. Seriously, you are starting to irritate me.

It means that the priorities and politics of Trump are in line with the racist KKK Nazi white-nationalists.
A woman gets run over and many others hurt and Trump says “both sides are to blame.”
Fuck that.
There is no Alt-left....there are Nazis, and racists KKK fucks, and everyone else marching along with them...and then there are people opposed to them.
You’re defending and perpetuating Trump’s racist stance....of course with his Dad being a white supremacist (arrest records prove this).
But was also sued multiple times along with our now POTUS Trump for racist discrimination at their slum-lord properties.
Blame on both a di*k...since when was fighting Nazis something we need to tip-toe around?
Trump is losing his shit.
Trump maintains a very high approval rating within the Republican party, this says a lot about how differently the GOP voters react to what he says and does as opposed to the rest of the country. Most tellingly is the way his statements about the violence in Charlottesville are being received. To most normal people watching the debacle that was his impromptu "new conference" on Monday, he seemed like a blowhard moron who could not even differentiate the fact that the slain woman's mom gave him praise for his second round of comments and instead conflated her inclusive and sympathetic remarks to his first moronic statement where he placed those protesting racism and anti-antisemitism on par with those chanting hatefully. He also focused on the praise she seemingly gave him rather then on the atrocious way in which her daughter was murdered.

The republican voter's ability to overlook, or agree with his whacked out world view is the most upsetting part of this joke of a presidency.

People only want the truth when it supports whatever stance they agree with. Anything outside of that is to be attacked as well as anyone.
Cry wolf children, it will work the first few times but soon after you'll only be talking to yourself for the rest of time.

Please remove this or change it back to what I originally said.

I'm sorry you cant see that my original post applies to you and a few others. But I have come to expect that at this point.

Odd that I can't see the posts I quoted in this post...
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Very sorry Trump let Steve Bannon go. I do not know what that's about but it absolutely seems to send the wrong message to Americans.
It never should have progressed to this point in the first place but nice to see Trump did what was right.

Trump pardons former Sheriff Joe Arpaio