It's fine to believe that a fetus has a soul or that life begins at conception but your beliefs are just beliefs. So should one person's unverifiable theological beliefs dictate what choices someone else makes concerning their own body? Because in the US, that seems to be the agenda.
Here's my belief: I don't believe it is God's divine plan for
adolescent rape victims to get pregnant. I don't think it's God's will that a
woman in a nursing home in a vegetative state conceive a child by force of a staff person who should have been caring for and protecting her. I don't think every spontaneous abortion women have and don't even realize they had is part of God's plan. I don't think God intends ectopic pregnancies. I don't think babies with severe genetic defects that are not compatible with life are the result of God's will. Maybe God sets the wheels in motion and lets biology run its course? Or maybe there is no God. Or maybe there is but you can't prove it and the rest don't want to live under a theocracy.
So whose ideas are correct? Does it even matter? Do unverifiable theological beliefs involving souls and God's will make a sound basis for legislation? In the US our constitution says it should not.
It's a heated topic and I'm not trying to offend but just state my side. You can be offended if I question your faith if you want. Maybe it's a bit offensive that someone's personal beliefs about souls and determination take precedent over my choices.
While I
can control my own emotions on such a
deeply personal topic as this, these days, I will say that the Bible does attest to souls and God knowing us even as we grew in our own mother's womb..
Psalm 13-16
13 For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb.
14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.
15 My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place, when I was woven together in the depths of the earth.
16 Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.
Luke 12:7 New International Version (NIV)
7 Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered."
So to say zillions of faiths.. believers.. are wrong or have "no proof", I find offensive. Any yet, I do know you, a bit, and I know you mean not to offend, so I lose the offended feeling quickly..❤
But, sadly, it is true that even millions of good people with faith cannot convince those millions without. This shift from belief to disbelief has to come naturally to each person in their own time.. If ever. So, I only remind the disbelievers then- of one fact.
Murder is murder is murder. If killing Whales is illegal, one won't walk onto a beach full of slain baby whales to exclaim.. "OMG!!".. crying.. then..
"Oh hey, nevermind guys, phew! It's
only baby whales! Close one.. carry on!"..
No more does killing a tiny human being any less constitute as murder.
Also found in:
"The unlawful
killing of another human being without justification or excuse. ... The precise
definition of
murder varies from jurisdiction to jurisdiction. Under the Common
Law, or
law made by courts,
murder was the unlawful
killing of a human being with malice aforethought."
^^ The bolding is theirs, not mine.
I do by these aforementioned facts agree with
@Dado because that human gets absolutely zero vote in his own death, to ease the life of another. I understand about molestations & rape, bc I too have suffered these. So I speak from the standpoint of the very same afflicted to whom you refer. And I still feel it is selfish. Killing the child that was conceived in a crime of rape by no means justifies the crime of murder.. especially upon the most innocent of beings in the situation- ( besides the poor abused mother ) - who is also clearly an innocent victim, herself.
Killing the child won't erase the trauma. In fact, abortion itself is factually known to *
often* ( but not always ) cause PTSD and nightmares after, sometimes even decades later. Nonetheless, not a pleasant end. There is no reason the mother cannot carry the child and then give it away.. But murder does not constitute as acceptable therapy, nor is it OK to kill another human. Death penalty included. None of us has the right to take the life of another. God, or no God.