Variable Hybrid
- NFJedi
Can I post this on my website?
Can I post this on my website?
i will of course attribute credit to you, do you have a site or email I can trackback to?
Yes, actually. It works amazingly because we both understand our expectations for space and care giving, and happily slow our affections to a natural and sincere pace, and appreciate each other for them. It's really the best of both worlds. We give and receive, never overdoing it.
My INFJ and I only ever had 3 'fights' in 7 years, and the 'fights' consisted of us getting mad and not talking for 10 to 30 minutes, and then calling each other (at the same time) to say that we loved each other far more than whatever it was we were fighting about, and nothing was worth risking losing what we had.
The only time an INFJ + INFJ relationship encounters problems is when the two develop opposing ideals on any given issue that they both hold important. That can be a real locking of horns.
You people are so good, it almost seems impossible. Seriously, if I have never seen an INFJ like that with my own eyes, I would have said those are just fairy tales. And many people won't believe me when I tell them about actual INFJs I know (without mentioning MBTI in the talk), because of similar reasons. It's hard to imagine you being real.
But to be honest, as sweet and cuddly and true as this guide is, my personal impression is that a lot of this would tick me the heck off in application... Especially if the person hit every single one of these items on any given day.
Getoffame. Let me take care of you!
Would a good example be:J and P. Very simply.
INFJs are J types. We want to classify, plan ahead, and nail down.
INFPs are P types. They want to live in the moment, avoid labels and restrictions.
On a more complicated level, INFJs are Ni and Fe. We seek the one answer to any issue and use it to help others. INFPs are Ne and Fi. They focus on how they personally feel and radiate outward into infinite possibilities.
Would a good example be:
Something bothers the INFP and INFJ.
The INFP thinks: 'It'd be great if something could be done about that'
The INFJ thinks: 'I wonder what I could do about that'
By the way, that list is epic XD It feels like a lot of thought went into it![]()