Hi, Kuroe.
What are the titles of the books you got from your library and have you read any other books on personality type?
1. Type Talk
This book is fun to read. The way the writer describe the differences between different types is amusing. But the problem is it won't go anything deeper. The profiles of the 16 types also seems a bit out. By my understanding of certain type some of the descriptions aren't really typical to certain type IMHO.
2. Please Understand Me
I find this book with more accurate profile of the types, although not too much of them. But this book deal with less processing functions than the previous book (although the previous one just superficially introduce the basic concept). Also because the main focus is the four temperaments, if my confusion goes to types in the same temperament then not much help can be offered. But I'd like to know any more books written by the same writer on the whole processing function theory. I guess I should google it. =)
I read Carl Jung's Psychological Types before, but the English is pretty hard for me to understand thoroughly. You know sometimes translated articles and books suck.
There are only two INXX types with more Fi than Fe: INFP and INTJ. There are also only two INXX types with N as their first function: INFJ and INTJ.
The overlap points to INTJ. In the thread linking to the test from which I pulled those function descriptions, many INTJs were pulling high Ne and Ti scores. A very high N and more Fi than Fe points to INTJ.
I'm also considering. This can reconcile the whole thing. But I'm too laid back to be a J, or the definition of J/P need redefinition. My Te is not that obvious too. I do value autonomy, but I'm not a control freak.
Honestly I'm messy and always late. But at the same time I'm stubborn and determined. I also know quite a number of people who with big P but are usually punctual in most circumstances. J/P really needs redefinition.
I immediately thought INTJ. Henrick has a point. Someone else said an INTJ wouldn't ask for opinions. But I say an INTJ would to prove themselves more right than the test. The question is very T, thinking, not feeling. I think classic INTJ wanting to be anything else because they read the INTJ profile.
I don't understand the last statement. Would you please elaborate?
Also there are something about the processing function test I would like to ask the fellow INFJs here who are Ni-dominant.
Which should the ability of putting the suitable word in the right sentence belong to, Ti or Ni? I find it hard to suppress the urge to complete the sentence for the others when they are in search for suitable words. I see this listed in Ti in the test. And I ticked both checkboxes because I always do this.
Also if I tend to get a core, main idea out of a bunch of information, should this be Ti or Ni? I hate recitation so I'll always figure out the "core" rule, have the others derived when needed. Esp. in physics (when I took it in high school) I'd just remember the concepts and derive the equations again in the tests.
I've always been confusing on what function I'm using upon something. I don't come off as predictive, and I'm not sure what does it mean by "symbolic". That's why at the first moment I just chuck Ni away.
Not a English native speaker, so this may affect my understanding of some words you guys know well. And I apologize if my presentation isn't clear enough.