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- Enneagram
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And I reckon you don't know how I score at Ti/Te.
I also score pretty high on Si, in case this may sound interesting to you.
Well then maybe you should tell us how you rate in each of them cause so far you've only mentioned the order of Ne/Ni Fi/Fe.
It would help to see how you believe you use them too.
INTPs frequently make such statements as well. I don't know whether you identify yourself as one or not, I'm just guessing.
But since when politeness have become an indicator of non-NT?
You aren't pay for your advice. I think it's better to thank for whatever. If I take something free and still need to kick the giver's ass, that makes no sense at all.
It's not about politeness nor is it a negative thing, just an observation that INFs are quick to apologise before it's required while INPs are more likely to wait until after it's required. It's about not wanting to offend.
emotional =/= F.