Have you ever considered ENFP for your mbti type?
In context of me sharing two sets of models, I'm certain this is the level of detail where INFJ could be right but without a reduction in somatic responses and therefore sympathetic reactions and responses, where faking it shouldn't be necessary. Where the talk here about empathi may be mostly due to having less grounds of comparison, making his explanation of empathetic being exactly right without struggling to mix it with sympathy, and rather express the general confusion among most people what it actually is for being a sliding scale between sympathy and empathy based on personal experiences and relationships.
Main problem is that pathologies deal with what is missing because something is wrong and must be fixed or compensated for. Much like failure to have sympathetic or empathetic reponses to my brain damage that makes people around me break the law, mostly for wanting to get a personal interaction with sympathetic responses surround a physical injury, brain damage can be arranged
Viscious people can be great, have no problem smacking your to feel differently.
And unless otherwise deficient, have empathy to know when they can get away with it and it's socially accepted.
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