Putins message to western leaders: playtime is over

That's not what he means though
That's not what I understood. *shrug*

Also you must understand that the turbulence you mention in africa and the middle east was CREATED by the globalists (eg through CIA destabilisation programmes)
The globalists deliberitely drawed maplines during colonisation period to create wars that would last two more centuries? It's a common attribute of conspiracy theorists to assign significant causes to significant events. Whereas that correlation is not as common as as people would claim. ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conspiracy_theory#Epistemic_bias )

The UN as a genuine world government is one thing but really the banking cabal and their allies want to use it as a front for their interests
Here's the thing about powerful people....they don;t want to share their power or wealth with you...in fact most of the time the reason they are rich and powerful is becuase they have taken those things from others and they want more of it
So powerful people want a powerful government to protect them from the disspossessed people; they want a strong state which they can control to use as an enforcer against the people
If these guys had some lovely plan for the world that would make the world a better place for all of us don't you think i woudl support it? That's not what they want; their vision is closer to the hunger games type world
Firstly you assume that powerful people agree with each other. That they're all in on the same conspiracy. It's not the powerful vs the weak. It's always some powerful vs some other powerful. That's how all conflicts go.

No the media is owned by the big corporations who use it to manage your perceptions....that's all it is....

it is a way to control the flow of information to your mind in order to create a perception of reality in your mind if you do not listen to voices outside the mainstream media then you will never know when they are telling you the truth
So I'm brainwashed already? I'm willing to consider the existence of conspiracies, but whenever I read sources or text on conspiracies it just makes me laugh. The quality, consistency and general amount of sense are severely lacking.
Whenever I see such a thing I always see this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NhSvQLweKD4
The problem for me with conspiracy theories is that they assume soo much. They're never modest, they're never small. It's always huge, world-changing and almost everyone is involved. The bigger it is, the less it makes sense.
Your BBC example could just be a mistake. Or it could be a conspiracy.
Your video shows examples of fake wounds etc. Maybe the BBC footage was acted. Maybe the fake wounds were also acted. Why would you believe them and not the BBC? Their claims are equal. Besides, the guy tells about other videos about fake blood but doesn't show them. Seems fake.
Then a random guy says almost everyone supports Syria and there's only a few insurgents? How is a random guy a credible source?

Random question. When Manning, Showden or any other leakers leaked information, why is there nothing about this new world order or about starting conflicts in Africa and the Middle-East? There's stuff about spying and such, but that can easily be explained without huge NWO conspiracies.

if the corproations want to hide something from you then they will call it a 'conspiracy theory' so that you don't bother looking into it and by doing that they keep you only seeing their narrative of events
if the conspiracy thinkers want to show someting to you then they will call it a 'conspiracy fact' so that you must believe it and by doing that they keep you only seeing their narrative of events.
You are the same!

You both claim stuff. Both have much impact on the world if they are true. You both show evidence and a normal person will never be able to check that evidence for himself.
According to you they do it because they want all the power. According to them you do it because en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conspiracy_theory. Besides I bet you think that most scientists are also manipulated by globalists.
I don't necessarily believe them, but I certainly don't believe you.
It's hypocrisy to me.
That's not what I understood. *shrug*

The globalists deliberitely drawed maplines during colonisation period to create wars that would last two more centuries? It's a common attribute of conspiracy theorists to assign significant causes to significant events. Whereas that correlation is not as common as as people would claim. ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conspiracy_theory#Epistemic_bias )

No they foment trouble now...i'm not talking about the hangover from the old colonial days, that is another issue

I'm talking about for example the declassified CIA files that prove categorically that the CIA orchestrated the coup in Iran in 1953

And today they are funding and arming ISIS because they want to get rid of Assad. So the mainstream corporate media says the US is against ISIS but ISIS is doing the work of the US

Firstly you assume that powerful people agree with each other. That they're all in on the same conspiracy. It's not the powerful vs the weak. It's always some powerful vs some other powerful. That's how all conflicts go.

I'm not assuming anything

I mentioned the CFR and that is one cluster point of powerful people

But once a powerful cluster is formed it is able to squeeze out the compettition; this is why people talk about todays economy being 'monopoly capitalism'

The big media companies have consolidated from scroes into just 6 mega corporations which are all controlled through the CFR


So I'm brainwashed already? I'm willing to consider the existence of conspiracies, but whenever I read sources or text on conspiracies it just makes me laugh. The quality, consistency and general amount of sense are severely lacking.

We are all brainwashed from birth

Your parents even do it to you. When they told you that santa claus existed you had a perception of reality where a jolly fat man brought you presents every year until you goit new information that then evolved your perceptions of reality (see 'plato's cave' analogy)

Whenever I see such a thing I always see this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NhSvQLweKD4
The problem for me with conspiracy theories is that they assume soo much. They're never modest, they're never small. It's always huge, world-changing and almost everyone is involved. The bigger it is, the less it makes sense.
Your BBC example could just be a mistake. Or it could be a conspiracy.

Then you need to leanr about the BBC and other historic cases involving it; for example you could ask why people demonstrated outside it recently in large numbers but it wasn't reported on the news

The BBC is the British Broadcasting Corporation. It is a state controlled disseminator of information; it's role is to manage your perceptions of reality so that you see the world in the way that the british government wants you to see it

When the head of the BBC andrew gillighan interviewed a weapons inspector called Dr Kelly who aid in the interview that Iraq had no weapons of mass destruction and that they had sexed up a document to make the case for war more plausible Gillighan lost his job and Dr Kelly was found dead in some woods near his home

The BBC also emplyed and protected for decades britains most prolific rapist (that we currently know of) Jimmy saville; the truth of his activities was only reported after he died

Your video shows examples of fake wounds etc. Maybe the BBC footage was acted. Maybe the fake wounds were also acted. Why would you believe them and not the BBC?

because one was shown on the BBC, i watched it. you could probably find the original footage on youtube or somewhere

Their claims are equal. Besides, the guy tells about other videos about fake blood but doesn't show them. Seems fake.
Then a random guy says almost everyone supports Syria and there's only a few insurgents? How is a random guy a credible source?

Then why is ISIS made up of lots of non syrians from iraq, turkey, chechneya, qatar etc?

Why haven't the syrians risen up and thrown out Assad?

Random question. When Manning, Showden or any other leakers leaked information, why is there nothing about this new world order or about starting conflicts in Africa and the Middle-East? There's stuff about spying and such, but that can easily be explained without huge NWO conspiracies.

Why did snowden run to china and then russia? Think about it. he wanted to get out of the NATO new world order countries

if the conspiracy thinkers want to show someting to you then they will call it a 'conspiracy fact' so that you must believe it and by doing that they keep you only seeing their narrative of events.
You are the same!

You both claim stuff. Both have much impact on the world if they are true. You both show evidence and a normal person will never be able to check that evidence for himself.
According to you they do it because they want all the power. According to them you do it because en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conspiracy_theory. Besides I bet you think that most scientists are also manipulated by globalists.
I don't necessarily believe them, but I certainly don't believe you.
It's hypocrisy to me.

It doesn't matter what you think about me...it only matters what the information is telling you

Please listen to this string of western politicians telling you about the new world order...this is not a mystery to people who follow current events; also remember that these people are globalists themselves speaking about their new world order. i will finish with Putin saying that he does not want a unipolar world but rather a multi-polar world



President Bill clinton


President Obama


British prime minister gordon brown


British Prime minister Tony blair


President Putin

Ideally we can just nuke the Muslims and Jews and all live in peace and harmony.
Nuke yourself.
I'm not assuming anything
You assume that all of the evidence you give is correlated. To me it isn't. Some of it might be, but certainly not all of it.

And today they are funding and arming ISIS because they want to get rid of Assad. So the mainstream corporate media says the US is against ISIS but ISIS is doing the work of the US
What about US bombing IS targets? You assume that that's just a ploy? You assume that the weapon airdrop that "accidently" was dropped to IS instead of anti-IS rebels was on purpose? You assume too much.

The big media companies have consolidated from scroes into just 6 mega corporations which are all controlled through the CFR
You assume too much.

We are all brainwashed from birth

Your parents even do it to you. When they told you that santa claus existed you had a perception of reality where a jolly fat man brought you presents every year until you goit new information that then evolved your perceptions of reality (see 'plato's cave' analogy)
I know what you mean. But by that definition we're all at all times brainwashed. With this definition the word brainwashed loses its meaning as someone cannot be not-brainwashed.
For example you were brainwashed by mainstream media at first but have been rebrainwashed by conspiracy theorists. You're still brainwashed.
The claim that mainstream media brainwash our minds is thus necessarily true and doesn't mean anything. Small and independent media also brainwash us, but just not so much because they're small.

for example you could ask why people demonstrated outside it recently in large numbers but it wasn't reported on the news
I believe you, but source?

When the head of the BBC andrew gillighan interviewed a weapons inspector called Dr Kelly who aid in the interview that Iraq had no weapons of mass destruction and that they had sexed up a document to make the case for war more plausible Gillighan lost his job and Dr Kelly was found dead in some woods near his home
Weird case. It hints to corruption or at least cover-ups to start the Iraq war. It now turns out that there were no WMD. That's a clear now. But can't it just be that? Bush administration having ulterior motives to start war? Why must you assume it's related to all the other evidence you give. You assume too much.

The BBC also emplyed and protected for decades britains most prolific rapist (that we currently know of) Jimmy saville; the truth of his activities was only reported after he died
What does this have to do with creating a new world order? You're just bringing up something (probably very unethical) that has nothing to do with NWO. You use it to discredit the BBC. Or was Jimmy Saville a prominent globalist? You assume too much.

On your picture
If I'd want to rule the media as CFR I'd divide and conquer not merge and get overthrown. If I was in the CFR and I wanted to control the media, I'd prefer to keep the media weak. Controlling something weak is easier than controlling something that's strong. To me this is evidence against your claim.

because one was shown on the BBC, i watched it. you could probably find the original footage on youtube or somewhere
I don't understand you here. I'm saying we cannot validate either video. If it's on youtube, it's not original footage.

Then why is ISIS made up of lots of non syrians from iraq, turkey, chechneya, qatar etc?
Actually they're from all over Europe too. Muslim extremists (sometimes even teenagers) that support radical Islam ideas that are practised by IS. Are those hundreds of youngsters from European countries hired by globalists? Are they fake ploys to make it seem more realistic? You assume all individual actions are orchistrated by globalists. You assume too much.

Why haven't the syrians risen up and thrown out Assad?
They've tried plenty. It seems just that one half of the people are against him and the other half in his support. Or maybe aliens have invisibly kept one side from winning. I really don't know. You assume globalists are the cause. You assume too much.

Why did snowden run to china and then russia? Think about it. he wanted to get out of the NATO new world order countries
Doh, he leaked US secrets and is now in a country that's not allied to the US. Pretty simple explanation. You assume too much. I asked why he didn't leak any information proving that they've started conflicts in Africa or Middle-East.

It doesn't matter what you think about me...it only matters what the information is telling you
I'm afraid I'm too brainwashed to see it like you. I believe my trait is common sense and you (in general conspiracy thinkers) probably believe I'm ignorant or blind.
I follow the theory of Occam's razor. That's probably why conspiracy thinking isn't for me.

Could you give me an example of an article or writing about a conspiracy theory (whether factual or fake) that includes a discussion section (like most scientific papers have at the end)? One that's modest. One that's also open to other explanations instead of just assuming only one truth.

... to set up the Discussion section as a "dialogue" between Results and Theories -- yours and everyone elses'. In other words, for every experimental result you want to talk about, you find results from other publications bearing the relationship to your result that you want the reader to understand. Most often, your result either agrees with (corroborates), extends, refines, or conflicts with the other result. This is how the new data you've generated is "situated" in the field -- by your careful placement of what is new against that which is already known. Results can take the form of data, hypotheses, models, definitions, formulas, etc.

I'm not assuming anything
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Ideally we can just nuke the Muslims and Jews and all live in peace and harmony.

For me the challenge is how can we now stabilise the middle east and rescue the global economy?

Millions of ashkenazis in the middle east are a reality; their ancestors might not have come from there but they are there now and they need a home.

The truth is that jews, muslims and christians were all living together side by side in complete harmony before the zionists moved in and disrupted things in the middle east

On the other hand the wandering jew needed to go somewhere to be safe and have their corner of the world to be themselves

The situation is what it is, but the question now is how to move things forward peacefully

I strongly believe that if the ashkenazis are to be safe in the middle east that they must allow their neighbours to be safe also

This means that they must stop expanding israel and they must come to the negotiation table with a genuine will to thrash out a compromise with the palestineans

The palestineans must be allowed a viable state otherwise they will simply be suffocated over time in non-viable territories (non-viable in terms of access to: water, fertile soil, the sea and natural resources such as gas)

The problem is at the moment is that Israel has the backing of the US in the UN security council so it feels it can do whatever it likes and can behave like a mad dog savaging the defenceless palestineans. If the US withdraws support it can force Israel to the negotiation table

The 'peace process' is a joke....it is not a sincere and genuine effort to bring about peace and this is clear from the way the US uses its veto in the UN council and tries to block palestinean statehood and its clear in how Israel keeps expanding into palestinean territories

So the US needs to withdraw support and force the israelis to compromise with the palestineans and build viable territories for both peoples

The US will not do this without pressure because of the power of the israeli lobby in the US

So the pressure must be brought from the US public who must condemn the actions of israel in their expansionist policies and in their attacks on gaza and so on and they must demand that their government stop sending billions of their tax payers money to Israel

people might think it is upto israel to bring change but that's not true as they are stuck in a completely paranoid frame of mind; it is upto the US to stop enabling Israeli aggression...THAT is what will lead to a peaceful compromise

Israel wil not change under its own steam...the emotions are too raw
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You assume that all of the evidence you give is correlated. To me it isn't. Some of it might be, but certainly not all of it.

That's only because you don't have enough information yet

Because you don't know what i know you assume that i assume but i'm not assuming i know and i'm telling and i will keep posting information to prove it so please stop with the 'assuming' comments because they bog down the flow of information as i have to respond to them instead of posting evidence

Just relax, sit back and i will put the information over

What about US bombing IS targets? You assume that that's just a ploy? You assume that the weapon airdrop that "accidently" was dropped to IS instead of anti-IS rebels was on purpose? You assume too much.

No i don't assume.

John Mccain was sent over to syria to arm and fund what the US administration called 'moderate rebels' but these groups became ISIS

This is how US hardware flows into the hands of ISIS

What ISIS is doing is pumping cheap oil; this is largely about oil

There is a group called 'OPEC' who are a group of oil producing countries. The group formed as a way to arrange prices for their oil in a way that would get the member countries the best deal on their oil from their western buyers like the US

The US got round this by threatening one of the countries (saudi arabia) with invasion if it did not produce cheap oil. The saudi royal family made a deal with the US that if the US protected the house of saud from its many enemies it would pump oil cheaply. This is why there is so much poverty in saudi arabia because the royal family sell their oil cheap and keep the profits for themselves

This is why there is anger towards the US in the middle east because the US prop up corrupt royal families and prevent democracy from occuring. They don't just do this in saudi arabia they do it in jordan, qatar, bahrain and so on (ie the 'gulf state monarchies')

So you see the world is disgusted with american (US) hypocrisy as it tells its own people that it is the champion of 'democracy' while in reality it has throughout the cold war been blocking democracy and instead supporting facism and corporate power around the globe; this has led many to see the US as the 'great satan'

So going back to OPEC....within OPEC there are countries that are independent of US control. These you could call 'nationalist'. They are what are called 'price hawks' because they want OPEC to arrange good prices for their oil so that they can have money to invest into their countries infrastructure in order to help their people.

Then there are the countries in which the US has managed to corrupt the leadership like saudi arabia; these countries are 'price doves' which is to say they want to pump cheap oil for their american masters thereby leaving their people in poverty

So what the US does is it threatens the nationalist countries like Iraq and if they do not sell their oil cheaply the US invades them and steals the oil and to spite them for their resistance to american dominance they bomb their infrastructure back generations (see 'shock and awe')

In the case of Iraq the US gave one of their client states Kuweit some slant drilling technology which it then used to drill under the border of their neighbour iraq; they then began stealing iraqs oil and selling it cheaply. This was destroying the iraqi economy because iraq had to drop the prices of its oil to compete

Iraq out of desperation approached the US and asked if it could invade kuwiet to stop the oil theft. The US said it was none of their business so iraq went into kuweit but it was a trap because as soon as they went there the US then demonised them in the media and said they were committing atrocities in kuweit and started trying to build a coalition of the willing to invade iraq (which has massive oil reserves under it)

A woman who said she was a kuweiti nurse stood in front of the US congress and gave a tearful speech in which she said that the iraqis were taking kuwieti babies out of incubators in the hospitals. This then galvanised the US public behind a war of invasion. But later on it became known that the woman was not a nurse at all and was in fact the daughter of the kuweiti ambassador to the US!!!!!!

Lies, lies and more lies

The second time they invaded Iraq they did so claiming iraq had 'weapons of mass destruction' when it didn't and that saddam was linked to 911 when he wasn't

Lies, lies and more lies


So getting back to ISIS....they tried before ISIS existed to blame Assad for a gas attack on his own people but later this was shown to be a lie and that the gas was fired by the rebels

Lies, lies and more lies

The globalist New York Times retracted its story in which it had tried to blame Assad

Polls showed the US and UK public were not willing to go to war in syria and the british parliament voted against it so the globalists needed a new plan which is what then led to the funding, arming and training of 'ISIS'

Before i discuss that i want to mention that the people behind the four biggest banks also own the 4 biggest oil companies. For example the rockefeller family owned chase manhatten bank and they also owned standard oil

These are the people behind the constant push for wars because their oil companies benfit (war needs oil) and their banks benefit (war needs war loans)

Article by canadian journalist dean henderson titled 'nationalise the 4 horsemen' (thats the name he gives to the 4 biggest banks and oil companies): http://hendersonlefthook.wordpress.com/2014/10/12/nationalize-the-four-horsemen/

You assume too much.

No i know it

I have sifted through more information then you would believe

I know what you mean. But by that definition we're all at all times brainwashed. With this definition the word brainwashed loses its meaning as someone cannot be not-brainwashed.

We are conditioned from birth to see the world through the lens of our culture, our nationality, our religion and so on

It is not an exageration to call it 'brainwashing' because the people at the top of all the institutions know they are all artifical constructs

For example you were brainwashed by mainstream media at first but have been rebrainwashed by conspiracy theorists. You're still brainwashed.


Not if the 'theories' are true

The truth is the truth, lies are lies

The claim that mainstream media brainwash our minds is thus necessarily true and doesn't mean anything. Small and independent media also brainwash us, but just not so much because they're small.

No by 'brainwashing' i'm speaking about creating false perceptions of reality, like when you were told santa claus exists

I believe you, but source?

You are allowed to do some of your own research you know; you do have access to the internet!

But to pick soemthing at random: http://sociologicalimagination.org/archives/15714

Weird case. It hints to corruption or at least cover-ups to start the Iraq war. It now turns out that there were no WMD. That's a clear now. But can't it just be that? Bush administration having ulterior motives to start war? Why must you assume it's related to all the other evidence you give. You assume too much.

Ok so who are the bush's?

They are all members of the secret society the skull and bones. They have business links to the rockefellers as well as pro-nazi industrialist families such as the thyssens; here have a look at prescott bush's wikipedia page for example: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prescott_Bush

When you really research into these people you see they are all connected and that they are the puppet masters behind events and that they are working together

So for exmaple i mentioned the rockefellers earlier on. The head of their family is david rockefeller

He was a chairman of the CFR and he set up the trilateral commission and the club of rome.

This is what he wrote in his own memoirs p 405:

''Some even believe we [Rockefeller family] are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as 'internationalists' and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure - One World, if you will.If that's the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it'' - David Rockefeller

What does this have to do with creating a new world order? You're just bringing up something (probably very unethical) that has nothing to do with NWO. You use it to discredit the BBC. Or was Jimmy Saville a prominent globalist? You assume too much.

I don't assume anything i just know more about how things connect up then you do

It seems unrelated to you because you don't yet have enough information

Saville was a procurer of children for powerful people. Despite his activities being known about in the BBC (interviews with people at that time like johnny rotten reveal as much and people since have adimtted they knew) and despite the intelligence services and the police being informed about him he was given an OBE by the queen and later knighted; he was also knighted by the pope

The vatican is within the vatican city which is its own legal enclave seperate from Italy. The vatican is the religious heart of the new world order

The City of London is a square mile of the banking district within the wider city of london. It is its own legal enclave seperate from the rest of the UK. It is protected from the UK police and has its own police force. It is the financial heart of the new world order

The city of washington district of colombia is its own legal enclave seperate from the rest of the US. It houses the intelligence community and the HQ of the scottish rite of freemasonry. It is the administrative heart of the New World Order

On your picture
If I'd want to rule the media as CFR I'd divide and conquer not merge and get overthrown. If I was in the CFR and I wanted to control the media, I'd prefer to keep the media weak. Controlling something weak is easier than controlling something that's strong. To me this is evidence against your claim.

Thats because you fail to understand what the media is

The media is one of the major channels of information to the minds of the public. If you control the flow of information then you control what they think. You can even convince them that the truth is 'conspiracy theory'!

These guys are controlling things from the top. If you want to control things then you need to centralise everything including the government, banking and media so that you can then control it all from a central point

Imagine society as a pyramid. The public form the base of the pyramid. They don't really know that much about whats going on and they don't steer the pyramid. Higher up the pyramid you might have the media who know a bit more about whats going on but they are still frozen out of steering things. Above them you have the corporations who know all about the flows of wealth and resources and they are activily involved in steering things. Above them are the intelligence services who in turn manipulate the business community and the media. Above the intelligence services are the familes who run the banking and oil industries. They are involved in intelligence, business and own media

I didn't mention government because they aren't that important if they are not acting independently. If they are controlled by the corporations, the intelligenece services and banking industry then they are really just an extension of the media and they work closely with the media to manage the perceptions of the public (politics is often described as 'show business for ugly people')

Under their system of central control all models of organisations take on the pyramidal form with orders coming from the top down to the subordinate employees below (the 'chain of command')

To control every person in the chain of command you only have to control the top of the pyramid and it all flows down from there; heck the people at the bottom don't even know why they are doing the things they are being told to do!

Its the same with the military which is another oyramidal hierarchy hence the old joke about soldeirs being like mushrooms: they're kept in the dark and fed on shit

I don't understand you here. I'm saying we cannot validate either video. If it's on youtube, it's not original footage.

I watched the original footage

The BBC has archives. If you went to the right lengths you would be able to verify the footage. RT would lose all credibility if it lied; they don't need to lie as there is already so much damning evidence against the BBC

Actually they're from all over Europe too. Muslim extremists (sometimes even teenagers) that support radical Islam ideas that are practised by IS. Are those hundreds of youngsters from European countries hired by globalists?

It goes back to the pyramid idea again

The people at the top of the pyramid know whats going on. The people at the bottom...the footsoldiers probably believe they are waging genuine jihad

The people at the bottom of the pyramid are the 'useful idiots' or the 'unwitting dupes'. Kissinger described US american soldiers as dumb animals to be used as pawns in the games of powerful men

Secret societies call people who are not initiated into their ranks: the 'profane'

You are either in the know or you aren't. You are either a player or you are being played

Are they fake ploys to make it seem more realistic? You assume all individual actions are orchistrated by globalists. You assume too much.

One of the best areas to look into to understand how this works is the underground NATO stay behind armies that were left in europe after world war 2

This was called 'operation gladio' by the CIA. The aim of these groups was to commit terrorist attacks in order to frighten the public so that the government could then implement more draconian laws with which to control the public

In the wake of 911 came a raft of new laws which stripped away the rights and freedoms of the US public such as the 'patriot act' and the 'NDAA'

Have a look at the declassified CIA 'operation northwood' under which the CIA planned to commit terrorist attacks in the US to justify various things.

The gulf of tonkin incident was a naval battle off the coast of vietnam which never happened! We now know it didn't happen but the US government used this imaginary event to justify an invasion of Vietnam. When the president told the US public they were going to war he did not tell them that they were already involved in covert special ops within vietnam and flying military flights there!

This is called a 'false flag' attack by the intelligence community. Hitler did this to take power in germany when he got his agents to burn down the parliament building and blame it on the communists. The british spymaster cecil did this when he stitched up the catholics in the gunpowder plot

The globalists behind the corporatocracy have had many names throughout history. For example they have been called the 'money trust', the 'military industrial complex', the 'communist conspiracy', the 'power elite', the 'milner group', the 'round table group' and even the 'illuminati' but they are all names for the same cabal of intermarried families

Here's president eisenhower in his farewell speech to the US public warning them about the rise in the influence of what he called the 'military industrial complex'


They've tried plenty. It seems just that one half of the people are against him and the other half in his support. Or maybe aliens have invisibly kept one side from winning. I really don't know. You assume globalists are the cause. You assume too much.

I don't assume anything... keep one foot on the ground and look at the information

Doh, he leaked US secrets and is now in a country that's not allied to the US. Pretty simple explanation. You assume too much. I asked why he didn't leak any information proving that they've started conflicts in Africa or Middle-East.

He leaked what information he was able to access but not all the information he took has been shown yet.

Snowden fled to countries outside the NATO alliance. Assange is held up in the ecuadorian embassy in london because ecuador currently has a government that are non NATO aligned

NATO are merely the military wing of the new world order

What the NATO countries all have in common is that they all have a central bank controlled by the rothschilds which are all in turn controlled from the central bank of central banks the 'Bank for International settlements' (BIS) in switzerland

I'm afraid I'm too brainwashed to see it like you. I believe my trait is common sense and you (in general conspiracy thinkers) probably believe I'm ignorant or blind.

if you had to google 'globalist' them i'm afraid you're understanding is very limited but the information is out there for those that can handle it

I follow the theory of Occam's razor. That's probably why conspiracy thinking isn't for me.

You have missunderstood occams razor

Occams razor states that the truth is likely to be that which the available information points to

But you don't have all the availabale information

I have more information then you so when i use occams razor i find that there is a group of powerful people operating through the CFR and its sister body in the UK (chatham house) who want to control society in order to protect their large personal fortunes. This is not unusual...history is full of it so i don't know why you would think now is any different!!!!

Could you give me an example of an article or writing about a conspiracy theory (whether factual or fake) that includes a discussion section (like most scientific papers have at the end)? One that's modest. One that's also open to other explanations instead of just assuming only one truth.



That's too vague

if there is a specific area you are interested in then i'll find you some info on it
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UN chief confronted by we are change when kofi annan calls for a 'new world order'


[h=1]Former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger Agreed to Starve Americans for Israel in the Event of an Oil Crisis[/h]
n 1975, the US Secretary of State, Henry Kissinger, secretly brokered a deal in which the United States of America guaranteed Israel’s oil supply in the event of a crisis. The 1975 Israel-United States Memorandum of Understanding (see the full text below) required the United States to maintain an oil reserve for Israel and guarantee the shipping of that oil to Israel in times of emergency. This deal has cost the United States more than a hundred billion dollars since it was first enacted. The most troubling aspect of this deal was not the cost however, but the stipulation that in case of an oil emergency in which both the US and Israel needed oil, the US would give its oil to Israel. Section 3 (b):
If the oil Israel needs to meet all of its normal requirements for domestic consumption is unavailable for purchase in circumstances where’ quantitative restrictions through embargo or otherwise also prevent the United States from procuring oil to meet its normal requirements, the United States Government will promptly make oil available for purchase by Israel in accordance with the International Energy Agency conservation and allocation formula as applied by the United States Government, in order to meet Israel’s essential requirements. If Israel is unable to secure the necessary means to transport such oil to Israel, the United States Government will make every effort to help Israel secure the necessary means of transport.
This is oil that would have been used to heat homes during the winter, power ambulances, and provide the fuel for tractors to farm America’s agricultural lands. To put this into perspective, in the event of an oil crisis, the fuel that Americans would need to heat their homes, get them to work, and produce food would go to Israel. This agreement very well could have starved tens of thousands of Americans in order to save Israelis if an oil crisis would have taken place.
President Nixon seriously doubted whether Kissinger could be impartial on Middle East policy saying, “Anybody who is Jewish cannot handle” Middle Eastern policy. He was proven right in 1973 when Kissinger purposefully withheld news of Israel’s attack on Egypt and Syria during the Yom Kippur War for three and a half hours so Nixon would not intervene in the conflict. Kissinger then tried to cover up his treason by telling Nixon’s Chief of Staff to lie to the media and say that Nixon was informed immediately after the attack. This unfortunately was a pattern. On October 7, a telephone transcript between Nixon and Kissinger revealed that Kissinger was purposefully keeping relevant information from Nixon regarding Soviet perspectives on Middle East policy. And on October 23, Kissinger secretly drafted a letter to the Soviet leader without Nixon’s consent, and even raised America’s military readiness level to Def Con 3 without discussing it with the president.
Although the US gave up some extremely costly and strategic concessions as a result of Kissinger’s 1975 memorandum, there was absolutely no tangible benefit for the United States of America in the agreement. As a result of these facts, the 1975 Israel-United States Memorandum of Understanding was kept secret from the American people. In fact, the only reason the agreement is even known today is because the New York Times uncovered the agreement, which forced the government to quietly put it into the Congressional records. The 1975 Israel-United States Memorandum of Understanding was quietly renewed in 1979 for another 10 years, and may still be in effect today. Given the governments propensity to keep this arrangement secret, it is impossible to find out if it was secretly renewed for a third or fourth time. This treasonous pattern of sacrificing American interests for Israeli interests has not been altogether uncommon in American politics.
Most Americans are unaware of the fact that the US guarantees much of Israel’s public debt. For the financial layman, if Israel defaults, Americans will be on the hook to pay off their debt. And what does America get out of this arrangement? Absolutely nothing. These guarantees are part of the $15-$20 billion that the American government gives Israel every year in indirect and direct aid. This money has continued to flow during the 2008 financial crisis, even while growing numbers of poor Americans are living in abject poverty. To compound matters, Israel is in little need of aid, having weathered the financial storm better than almost any nation on the planet and maintaining its status as a wealthy country with more than 10,000 millionaires. One could argue that Israel is also one of the least deserving countries to receive this aid with their treatment of the Palestinians closely resembling the South African apartheid. As unbiased former CIA officers like Michael Scheuer and authors like Mearscheimer and Walt acknowledge, not only does the US-Israel relationship provide absolutely no strategic benefit to America, it actually hurts America’s standing around the world. If sacrificing the economic prosperity and security of Americans for the citizens of another nation isn’t treason, it would be hard to imagine what would qualify.
The treason does not stop there unfortunately. The Israel lobby in America, AIPAC, was largely responsible for America’s disastrous war with Iraq, as former AIPAC officials later admitted. A reasonable person must come to the conclusion that the Iraq War was unquestionably for Israel’s security. Saddam Hussein had no weapons that could reach the US, or close ties to terrorists that would have been willing to perpetrate a major attack on the US. Many Americans foolishly believe the Iraq War was for oil, but America produces 50% of its own oil and gets the vast majority of the rest from Mexico, Canada, Venezuela, and Nigeria. If the US wanted energy security it could have spent 1/50th of the money it spent invading Iraq and built an oil pipeline from Canada. As most knowledgable Middle East experts will admit, Israel was extremely supportive of an American war with Iran, and the same man responsible for the 1975 oil guarantee, Henry Kissinger, advised George W. Bush to commit more troops to the effort.
While it is understandable for Kissinger to have an affinity for his fellow Jews in Israel, it was unacceptable for him to use his political position to sacrifice the energy security of America for Israel. For that matter, it is wholly unacceptable for American members of AIPAC to lobby their government to give America’s resources to another nation, or to lobby for a war on behalf of another nation. These people should be held accountable for their actions.
[h=2]Israel-United States Memorandum of Understanding[/h] [h=3](September 1, 1975)[/h] The United States recognizes that the Egypt-Israel Agreement initialed on Sept. 1, 1975 (hereinafter referred to as the agreement), entailing the withdrawal from vital areas in Sinai, constitutes an act of great significance on Israel’s part in the pursuit of final peace. That agreement has full United States support.
1. The United States Government will make every effort to be fully responsive, within the limits of its resources and Congressional authorization and appropriation, on an ongoing and long-term basis, to Israel’s military equipment and other defense requirements, to its energy requirements and to its economic needs. The needs specified in paragraphs 2, 3 and 4 below shall be deemed eligible for inclusion within the annual total to be requested in fiscal year ’76 and later fiscal years.
2. Israel’s long-term military supply needs from the United States shall be the subject of periodic consultations between representatives of the U.S. and Israeli defense establishments, with agreement reached on specific items to be included in a separate U.S.-Israeli memorandum. To this end, a joint study by military experts will be undertaken within three weeks. In conducting this study, which will include Israel’s 1976 needs, the United States will view Israel’s requests sympathetically, including its request for advanced and sophisticated weapons.
3. Israel will make its own independent arrangements for oil supply to meet its requirements through normal procedures. In the event Israel is unable to secure its needs in this way, the United States Government, upon notification of this fact by the Government, of Israel, will act as follows for five years, at the end of which period either side can terminate this arrangement on one year’s notice.
(a) If the oil Israel needs to meet all its normal requirements for domestic consumption is unavailable for purchase in circumstances where no quantitative restrictions exist on the ability of the United States to procure oil to meet its normal requirements, the United States Government will promptly make oil available for purchase by Israel to meet all of the aforementioned normal requirements of Israel. If Israel is unable to secure the necessary means to transport such oil to Israel, the United States Government will make every effort to help Israel secure the necessary means of transport.
(b) If the oil Israel needs to meet all of its normal requirements for domestic consumption is unavailable for purchase in circumstances where’ quantitative restrictions through embargo or otherwise also prevent the United States from procuring oil to meet its normal requirements, the United States Government will promptly make oil available for purchase by Israel in accordance with the International Energy Agency conservation and allocation formula as applied by the United States Government, in order to meet Israel’s essential requirements. If Israel is unable to secure the necessary means to transport such oil to Israel, the United States Government will make every effort to help Israel secure the necessary means of transport.
Israeli and U.S. experts will meet annually or more frequently at the request of either party, to review Israel’s continuing oil requirement.
4. In order to help Israel meet its energy needs and as part of the over-all annual figure in paragraph 1 above, the United States agrees:
(a) In determining the over-all annual figure which will be requested from Congress, the United States Government will give special attention to Israel’s oil import requirements and, for a period as determined by Article 3 above, will take into account in calculating that figure Israel’s additional expenditures for the import of oil to replace that which would have ordinarily come from Abu Rudeis and Ras Sudar (4.5 million tons in 1975).
(b) To ask Congress to make available funds, the amount to be determined by mutual agreement, to the Government of Israel necessary for a project for the construction and stocking of the oil reserves to be stored in Israel, bringing storage reserve capacity and reserve stocks, now standing at approximately six months, up to one year’s need at the time of the completion of the project. The project will be implemented within four years. The construction, operation and financing and other relevant questions of the project will be the subject of early and detailed talks between the two Governments.
5. The United States Government will not expect Israel to begin to implement the agreement before Egypt fulfills its undertaking under the January 1974, disengagement agreement to permit passage of all Israeli cargoes to and from Israeli Ports through the Suez Canal.
6. The United States Government agrees with Israel that the next agreement with Egypt should be a final peace agreement.
7. In case of an Egyptian violation of any of the provisions of the agreement, the United States Government is prepared to consult with Israel as to the significance of the violation and possible remedial action by the United States Government.
8. The United States Government will vote against any Security Council resolution which in its judgement affects or alters adversely the agreement.
9. The United States Government will not join in and will seek to prevent efforts by others to bring about consideration of proposals which it and Israel agree are detrimental to the interest of Israel.
10. In view of the long-standing U.S. commitment to the survival and security of Israel, the United States Government will view with particular gravity threats to Israel’s security or sovereignty by a world power. In support of this objective, the United States Government will in the event of such threat consult promptly with the Government of Israel with respect to what support diplomatic or otherwise, of assistance it can lend to Israel in accordance with its constitutional practices.
11. The United States Government and the Government of Israel will, at the earliest possible time, and if possible within two months after the signature of this document, conclude the contingency plan for a military supply operation to Israel in an emergency situation.
12. It is the United States Government’s position that Egyptian commitments under the Egypt-Israel agreement, its implementation, validity and duration are not conditional upon any act or developments between the other Arab states and Israel. The United States Government regards the agreement as standing on its own.
13. The United States Government shares the Israeli position that under existing political circumstances negotiations with Jordan will be directed toward an over-all peace settlement.
14. In accordance with the principle of freedom of navigation on the high seas and free and unimpeded passage through and over straits connecting international waters, the United States Government regards the Straits of Bab el Mandeb and the Strait of Gibraltar as international waterways. It will support Israel’s right to free and unimpeded passage through such straits. Similarly, the United States Government recognizes Israel’s right to freedom of flights over the Red Sea and such straits and will support diplomatically the exercise of that right.
15. In the event that the United Nations Emergency Force or any other United Nations organ is withdrawn without the prior agreement of both parties to the Egypt-Israel agreement and the United States before this agreement is superseded by another agreement, it is the United States view that the agreement shall remain binding in all its parts.
16. The United States and Israel agree that signature of the protocol of the Egypt-Israel agreement and its full entry into effect shall not take place before approval by the United States Congress of the U.S. role in connection with the surveillance and observation functions described in the agreement and its annex. The United States has informed the Government of Israel that it has obtained the Government of Egypt agreement to the above.
Addendum on Arms
On the question of military and economic assistance to Israel, the following conveyed by the U.S. to Israel augments what the memorandum of agreement states.
The United States is resolved to continue to maintain Israel’s defensive strength through the supply of advanced types of equipment, such as the F-16 aircraft. The United States Government agrees to an early meeting to undertake a joint study of high technology and sophisticated items, including the Pershing ground-to-ground missiles with conventional warheads, with the view to giving a positive response. The U.S. Administration will submit annually for approval by the U.S. Congress a request for military and economic assistance in order to help meet Israel’s economic and military needs.
Assurances to Egypt
1. The United States intends to make a serious effort to help bring about further negotiations between Syria and Israel, in the first instance through diplomatic channels.
2. In the event of an Israeli violation of the agreement, the United States is prepared to consult with Egypt as to the significance of the violation and possible remedial action by the United States will provide technical assistance to Egypt for the Egyptian early-warning station.
Accord on Geneva
1. The Geneva peace conference will be reconvened at a time coordinated between the United States and Israel.
2. The United States will continue to adhere to its present policy with respect to the Palestine Liberation Organization, whereby it will not recognize or negotiate with the Palestine Liberation Organization so long as the Palestine Liberation Organization does not recognize Israel’s right to exist and does not accept Security Council Resolutions 242 and 338. The United States Government will consult fully and seek to concert its position and strategy at the Geneva peace conference on this issue with the Government of Israel. Similarly, the United States will consult fully and seek to concert its position and strategy with Israel with regard to the participation of any other additional states. It is understood that the participation at a subsequent phase of the conference of any possible additional state, group or organization will require the agreement of all the initial participants.
3. The-United States will make every effort to insure at the conference that all the substantive negotiations will be on a bilateral basis.
4. The United States will oppose and, if necessary, vote against any initiative in the Security Council to alter adversely the terms of reference of the Geneva peace conference or to change Resolutions 242 and 338 in ways which are incompatible with their original purpose.
5. The United States will seek to insure that the role of the co-sponsors will be consistent with what was agreed in the memorandum of understanding between the United States Government and the Government of Israel of Dec. 20, 1973.
6. The United States and Israel will concert action to assure that the conference will be conducted in a manner consonant with the objectives of this document and with the declared purpose of the conference, namely the advancement of a negotiated peace between Israel and its neighbors.
If you possess the amount of information you have (and I do not), there also should be arguments against your claim. You refuse to see those.

We differ on our views on truth. I believe there's an absolute truth, but we will never be able to know it.
You trust some sources and you don't trust others. I don't trust any source for 100%.

Because you believe there's a certain truth and it's knowable, you claim you know.
I believe there's a certain truth, but it's unknowable, therefore I claim you assume.
If you possess the amount of information you have (and I do not), there also should be arguments against your claim. You refuse to see those.

Give me the arguments then and we can discuss them

We differ on our views on truth.

Just to make sure we are on the same page what's my 'truth' and what's your 'truth'?

I believe there's an absolute truth, but we will never be able to know it.

I'm not talking about an all embracing rule of creation, i'm talking about who is doing what on the planet; this is often demontsrable through various means for example through the poeple doing them and through the flows of money that drive things

You trust some sources and you don't trust others. I don't trust any source for 100%.

No i never trust a single source

My information is coming from countless sources which all correlate

Your sources i'm presuming are the mainstream news which are what you call 'credible'

Because you believe there's a certain truth and it's knowable, you claim you know.
I believe there's a certain truth, but it's unknowable, therefore I claim you assume.

And what i'm telling you is that some things are knowable

You seem to be trying to retreat into relativism instead of looking at the facts
For the record I'm trying to pinpoint where exactly we disagree.

Just to make sure we are on the same page what's my 'truth' and what's your 'truth'?
Your idea of truth seems to be the Correspondence Theory of Truth.
"Correspondence theory centres heavily around the assumption that truth is a matter of accurately copying what is known as "objective reality" and then representing it in thoughts, words and other symbols."

I prefer the Pragmatic Theory of Truth.
Or more specific: negative pragmatism.
"Essentially, what works may or may not be true, but what fails cannot be true because the truth always works."

I won't go into epistomology yet.

That's how I roll. When I was 18 I was convinced of absolute determinism. This scared me. I was only 18 and had found 'truth' on a major philosphic topic. That couldn't be. I researched and researched solely to find arguments AGAINST my belief. I then found some counter arguments and incorporated them into my idea of determinism. Then I searched for more arguments against my new theories. I couldn't find any. Then I decided, for now I'll believe this to be true. It's not truth, but I'm getting closer. Only a week ago I found a scientific paper on the relation between determinism and behavioural sciences. Mainly, can actions be purely random? I had always assumed they couldn't be random. Everything has a cause. But the paper showed me that there is a tiny itsy bitsy unlikely chance that quantum mechanics has an effect on our behaviour. That was new to me and I was glad, because I was wrong. Thus I could improve my theories about determinism and behaviour.
I did the same when a year later I was convinced of absolute relativism. After some research I changed that to relativism in human senses. And that also changed later.
Basically I always have hypothesis and theories. Not truths.

This is what bothers me with your claims. There is no nuance. There are no counter arguments. There is no attempt to prove yourself wrong.
I'm willing to believe any theory, also yours, if I see that someone has thoroughly tried to falsify it, but couldn't.
I asked for that kind of information when I ask for a 'discussion section' or arguments against your claim. I am not going to find them myself, because I do not possess the large amount of information as you do. And I have no intent of getting all that information, firstly because I don't view the theory as valuable (whether it's true or not, my behaviour is not going to change), secondly because in all the information you've shown me I've found plenty of points that make me doubtful of your claim, thirdly because most of your sources reason like you with facts and proofs but without doubts and lastly because I have better things to do.

You seem to be trying to retreat into relativism instead of looking at the facts
You could call it that.
I say that you see facts where there are none. Thus assumptions.
We're both right. It's just the way you look at it.
Ideally we can just nuke the Muslims and Jews and all live in peace and harmony.

It's the conclusion to draw from these conspiracies isnt it?

I always think that the sectarian and racial aspects are pretty disturbing, its the structures and culture which needs to change so that factors such as sect and race dont matter, it should be just a question of politics and economics but it starts out its bavarian illuminati, then its occultists, then its kabbalists, then its zionists, then its jews and all of a sudden its a cartload of pre-ww2 propaganda from the extreme right.
If you possess the amount of information you have (and I do not), there also should be arguments against your claim. You refuse to see those.

We differ on our views on truth. I believe there's an absolute truth, but we will never be able to know it.
You trust some sources and you don't trust others. I don't trust any source for 100%.

Because you believe there's a certain truth and it's knowable, you claim you know.
I believe there's a certain truth, but it's unknowable, therefore I claim you assume.

Its not a matter of assumption and presumption, that is going on, but the rules of evidence are not about hypothesis or claims which are falsifiable, instead there is a operative confirmation bias, conclusions have been reached and then evidence is searched for the confirm them or which may seem to confirm them.

Its really poor proof checking and the evidence base is lousy.
Its not a matter of assumption and presumption, that is going on, but the rules of evidence are not about hypothesis or claims which are falsifiable, instead there is a operative confirmation bias, conclusions have been reached and then evidence is searched for the confirm them or which may seem to confirm them.

Its really poor proof checking and the evidence base is lousy.
Yeah, that's what it looks like, but he could easily say we're biased too.
We're already brainwashed by mainstream media and are thus biased to not see 'proof' of conspiracy. It'd be his word against yours.
Yeah, that's what it looks like, but he could easily say we're biased too.
We're already brainwashed by mainstream media and are thus biased to not see 'proof' of conspiracy. It'd be his word against yours.

Yeah but I dont believe anyone who was willing to accept or actively research alternative explanations or contra-information invalidating their perspective could really be accused of confirmation bias.

Although, I see your point, its a pretty circular logic that Muir is involved in, any dissent from his received wisdom is lies or enemy propaganda.
It's the conclusion to draw from these conspiracies isnt it?

I always think that the sectarian and racial aspects are pretty disturbing, its the structures and culture which needs to change so that factors such as sect and race dont matter, it should be just a question of politics and economics but it starts out its bavarian illuminati, then its occultists, then its kabbalists, then its zionists, then its jews and all of a sudden its a cartload of pre-ww2 propaganda from the extreme right.

Well you'll have your eureka moment when you realise it is all of those things and more
Its not a matter of assumption and presumption, that is going on, but the rules of evidence are not about hypothesis or claims which are falsifiable, instead there is a operative confirmation bias, conclusions have been reached and then evidence is searched for the confirm them or which may seem to confirm them.

Its really poor proof checking and the evidence base is lousy.

And yet the evidence pours out of my posts

But no evidence from your posts :(

Do you know what the unifying element of the naysayers is? It is that they have no evidence, they just mount ad hominum attacks trying to discredit the character of the person posting evidence

The reason for that is that you have lost the debate
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Yeah but I dont believe anyone who was willing to accept or actively research alternative explanations or contra-information invalidating their perspective could really be accused of confirmation bias.

Although, I see your point, its a pretty circular logic that Muir is involved in, any dissent from his received wisdom is lies or enemy propaganda.

Where are your 'explanations'?

Look i have posted the words straight from the conspirators mouths where they TELL YOU what they are doing

It can't get any clearer than that!

If you ignore the words of the conspiractors themselves then frankly you are delusional
For the record I'm trying to pinpoint where exactly we disagree.

Your idea of truth seems to be the Correspondence Theory of Truth.
"Correspondence theory centres heavily around the assumption that truth is a matter of accurately copying what is known as "objective reality" and then representing it in thoughts, words and other symbols."

I prefer the Pragmatic Theory of Truth.
Or more specific: negative pragmatism.
"Essentially, what works may or may not be true, but what fails cannot be true because the truth always works."

I won't go into epistomology yet.

That's how I roll. When I was 18 I was convinced of absolute determinism. This scared me. I was only 18 and had found 'truth' on a major philosphic topic. That couldn't be. I researched and researched solely to find arguments AGAINST my belief. I then found some counter arguments and incorporated them into my idea of determinism. Then I searched for more arguments against my new theories. I couldn't find any. Then I decided, for now I'll believe this to be true. It's not truth, but I'm getting closer. Only a week ago I found a scientific paper on the relation between determinism and behavioural sciences. Mainly, can actions be purely random? I had always assumed they couldn't be random. Everything has a cause. But the paper showed me that there is a tiny itsy bitsy unlikely chance that quantum mechanics has an effect on our behaviour. That was new to me and I was glad, because I was wrong. Thus I could improve my theories about determinism and behaviour.
I did the same when a year later I was convinced of absolute relativism. After some research I changed that to relativism in human senses. And that also changed later.
Basically I always have hypothesis and theories. Not truths.

This is what bothers me with your claims. There is no nuance. There are no counter arguments. There is no attempt to prove yourself wrong.
I'm willing to believe any theory, also yours, if I see that someone has thoroughly tried to falsify it, but couldn't.
I asked for that kind of information when I ask for a 'discussion section' or arguments against your claim. I am not going to find them myself, because I do not possess the large amount of information as you do. And I have no intent of getting all that information, firstly because I don't view the theory as valuable (whether it's true or not, my behaviour is not going to change), secondly because in all the information you've shown me I've found plenty of points that make me doubtful of your claim, thirdly because most of your sources reason like you with facts and proofs but without doubts and lastly because I have better things to do.

You could call it that.
I say that you see facts where there are none. Thus assumptions.
We're both right. It's just the way you look at it.

You say there are no counter arguments but you are dead wrong...you are assuming that

What you don't understand is that my perceptions have been evolving as i have received more information

I did not start with these ideas they have evolved to that place through a conflict of information with the overwhelming information pointing in one direction

Lark tries to paint me as an 'anti-semite' because i have pointed to the ashkenazi element to the conspiracy but what he fails to realise is that i do not want that to be reality

In fact i BEGAN as a new left believer. I also have some jewish ancestry

I began as a fan of chomksy and eagerly reading the work of karl marx

Do you understand?

I did not have any prejudice....it is not an issue of having prejudice, it is simply an issue of gaining a deeper understanding of what is going on which then evolves your perceptions

For exmaple i studied history at school and it is very focussed at that level on the second world war. I was being conditioned to understand one view of reality. I was brought up in patriotic surroundings aware of my families history of fighting the nazis.

But as i grew up some chinks began to appear in the narrative that i had been taught. I began to learn about things like the 'transfer agreement' and about the 'balfour declaration' and about 'zionism' and about 'cultural marxism' and i learned that things are not as black and white out there as i was taught to believe

I learned things were more nuanced than that and it is those extra dimensions that i seek to discuss; for exmaple the israeli professor schlomo sand has taught that the ashkenazis did not originate form the holy land but were khazars who converted to judaism; his work has been supported by jewish geneticists. The language aspect is another tell with yiddish not originating form the holy land

So i cannot be 'racist' against jews if i began by supporting them.....because there is and never was any inherent racism

All there is is an ever evolving understanding of the underlying factors behind human behaviours and historic events

There is a famous saying that the victors write the history and this is true; but they do not write it objectively

if you want a more objective understanding then you have to have the courage to go off the script and re-evaluate things from a more detached stand -point and when you do that you find out incredible things

Lark seems to be mocking my mentions of the occult in his post above but to deny the occutl influence behind history is an extremely ignorant thing to do.

The nazis for example had their ideology rooted in ariosophy where they believed that the blood of a people contained a spirit within it and that the ashkenazis were trying to destroy the aryan race both through cultural marxist subversion but also through multi-culturalism and so on; the ashkenazis are rooted in kabbalism etc

The economic situation in germany was so bad before world war 2 that it was ripe for change of some sort. There were 6 million unemployed germans...6 MILLION!!

Their economy was being sabotaged

When hitler took power the international jewish bankers declared war on germany NOT THE OTHER WAY AROUND, by imposing crippling sanctions. Here have a look at this newspaper headline from the day:



So you see there is another side to this story

To want the truth and to seek it does not make you 'racist' it makes you honest

There is more to history that we are told in the offical narrative taught by the victors and if we are to try and develop a relationship with the truth then we should seek it

We are taught the nazis tried to exterminate the jews but the nazis were transferring jews to the holy land in the 'transfer agreement'; it only stopped because of the jews declaring war on germany. But the point is the nazis were not trying to destroy ther jews they were just trying to get them out of germany because they believed they were subverting and destroying their culture, their economy and their identity as a people

Whether or not you think the germans had a point regarding that is a matter for another debate but you could say that there are parallels today in the US and UK where our economies have been sabotaged (eg by fed money printing), our culture has been abotaged through cultural marxism and critical theory and our identity and soveriegnty is under threat

And just like the germans we had no say in any of this
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