Get over it
- Enneagram
- 6w5
Walk away from what?
See what?
Please explain what it is you think i'm seeing
Also i noticed that you were involved in a pretty messy situation over there in the dear so and so thread
My view on that is that the debates usually run ok as long as people stick to the issues. When they turn sour is when people move off the issues and start getting personal
I noticed that you were getting pretty personal in that debate and i suggest to you that might be the cause of some of the friction
The discussions and debates on the forum can be a way for people and especially INFJ's (for who this forum primarily exists) to learn more. However they usually veer out of the realms of constructive growth when people get personal
What is less offensive and more constructive is when people discuss the issues unless of course the person has requested a view on their personal life
So Cindy is there anything you'd like to say about the thread we are in and about whether or not society has created an introvert ideal?
You suggested to [MENTION=4680]this is only temporary[/MENTION] that she convince others to not be in the dark about the information you had posted in this thread
I asked if you had been able to do the same to those close to you in real life. It was an honest question with honest intent, but I apologize if I got too personal or if you thought I was attacking you in some way. It wasn't my intent. I got involved in that debate because I hate cyber-bullying and I thought someone more aggressive was pushing people around.
If we were all sitting together having a discussion at a table, I would have asked you that question because that's how conversations go. Someone says something that makes me curious or interested and I might interrupt or ask a question that might go another direction. I really wasn't trying to go in a direction that wasn't constructive, I promise I wasn't.