Originally Posted by Satya and others
INFJs sometimes...
A. Have strange eating habits.
B. Are stubborn.
C. Tend to trip alot.
1. Like to do things their own way even when it might be an inconvenience.
2. Become overly self conscious and worry compulsively about what others are thinking about them.
3. Are terrified of looking stupid or incompetent.
4. Do things in a tedious way out of fear of making a mistake.
5. Dismiss an idea before getting all the facts.
6. Be overly idealistic when they should be realistic and be overly cynical when they should be optimistic.
7. Have an inflated sense of self importance.
8. Procrastinate.
9. Resist doing something just because others want them to do it.
10. Obsessively fear being controlled by others.
D. Tend to be freedom fighters.
A. In high school I never ate at lunchtime, and I tend not to eat at "regular" times.
B. Oh yes (be afraid, be very afraid).
C. I tend to be quite clumsy (I often trip over displays in stores, even the one I work at) and uncoordinated. :embarassed:
1. Yeah, I find I don't like others telling me what to do, and if they tell me to do it another way I take it far too personally.
2. I'm terribly self-conscious in social situations.
3. I wouldn't say I'm afraid but I get embarrassed easily.
4. I just have my way of doing things, and if someone tells me there's a better way, they're wrong. =D
5. I sometimes do this.
6. I couldn't of said it better myself.
7. Hmmm, I'm not sure to respond to that question. On one hand I have low self-esteem issues and often feel worthless, but on the other hand pride is one of my weaknesses.
8. I procrastinated joining this forum for a while. :lol:
9. I don't like being forced into doing something, but I'll often find myself doing things I don't want simply to keep others happy.
10. Hmmm, I like freedom and don't like being controlled, but I wouldn't say I fear it.
D. I almost always take the defense of the little guy (or girl).
I really hate it, but I would agree on me being a bit judgmental.