[Rant] Why would anybody involve themselves...

Unfortunately they are very common anywhere there is hierarchy and the churches are riddled with them and have been so for generations often pushing compromised bibles preaching false doctrines like pre-trib rapture as well the countless prosperity doctrines so beloved by the older generations. As for the churches trying to stay "trendy" are ridiculous at best and scandalous at worst though I do look forward to when the chickens come home to roost with many going bankrupt come the next financial crises. That all said I had to leave myself as I couldn't handle the closed mindedness and the cult vibes so common these days in the church be it the nearly emotionless drones that quote verses at anyone who doesn't conform never mind those who are struggling. Can say that besides the masons the rabbit hole only continues into an nearly bottomless abyss with there being so many secrets being kept from the people both inside and outside the churches that would make most puke that one day might come to light one scandal after another. So have your cold drinks and snacks on the ready as once the show gets started someday it will be one to behold.
I'm sorry to see you went through a tough time. I know the rabbit hole is deep, I don't really focus on it too much. Try not too. And not all of it is beneficial. If you ever need to chat or something feel free. Hope you're okay.

As for the churches... Yes they've led many astray and away.
Really the true church are people anyhow, not a building, but still.

There was a case of c****d abuse in a church I went to and they covered it up. I mean... This type of thing can happen anywhere but... You know.

I'm very lucky the place I go to now... Everyone is very laid back and friendly... I'm a bit skeptical sometimes of some people but I think they're all well meaning. Don't want to judge them. The building is nothing fancy, just an community hall type of thing.

I do think a pre-trib rapture is true either... We're going to have to live through some... Tough times.

About the banks.... I know a lot about that I guess you do too. People's money might start disappearing one day.
Superannuation too.

Have a family member who used to do... Work for big stock market companies...

Anyhow... Don't mean to get all depressing. I just don't want to see the world burn.
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Yeah but people post about them on Facebook so that's good enough to accuse them all of torturing kids and drinking their blood.
So WHO is doing it then?

Like, what the actual fuck is this.
I don't think it's a real person, but the intention behind it is bad enough.

IMG_20210821_180204.jpg IMG_20210821_180138.jpg IMG_20210821_180145.jpg

Perhaps not Freemasons, but just the elites in general, wether they're Masons, or Christians or Buddhist or whatever.
Pretty sure the lady running this is an artist and this is very much NOT real. Creepy as fuck but not real.
Yes, creepy as F for sure.

People's mileage varies, but when I saw images like that, I was compelled to investigate.

I am unable to fathom doing otherwise. The stakes are potentially way too high.
In what sense? You mistrust the documentary record? Or the reconstructions of mainstream historians? Or you believe that the whole thing has been driven by secret cabals and plots?
The media has been largely controlled for over a century. This is from a quick internet search I just did up. I won't vouch for the site, but the content I was looking for is commonly known. It is actually part of a congressional record.

J. P. Morgan like many of his progressive friends was a “Monopoly Capitalist” and held divided loyalties between fidelity to America and homage to the one-world government plans of the Rhodes Round Table groups. With the Wall Street complicity in having got Woodrow Wilson seated in the White House two years earlier, J. P. Morgan knew, as did others such as Carnegie, Rockefeller, and Ford, that America would be drawn (by design) into World War I.

To prepare the American public would be a huge undertaking, and Morgan figured on using the American press to spread a pro-war message, subtly disguised of course, as needed defense spending.

With a grateful salute to Mindfully, here is a passage from the 1917 Congressional Record detailing how Morgan took over the propaganda aspects of the American press.

J.P. Morgan Interests Buy 25 of America’s Leading Newspapers and Insert Editors

U.S. Congressional Record February 9, 1917, page 2947

Congressman Calloway announced that the J.P. Morgan interests bought 25 of America’s leading newspapers, and
inserted their own editors, in order to control the media.

I'll give some personal favorite examples.

Katyn Forest Massacre
The Katyn massacre was a series of mass executions of nearly 22,000 Polish military officers and intelligentsia carried out by the Soviet Union, specifically the NKVD ("People's Commissariat for Internal Affairs", the Soviet secret police) in April and May 1940. Though the killings also occurred in the Kalinin and Kharkiv prisons and elsewhere, the massacre is named after the Katyn Forest, where some of the mass graves were first discovered.

German military came upon the massacre and had an international team of investigators come to witness the scene. So, the world knew the truth. Europe, US, everybody.

The thing is, the media claimed that Germany carried out the massacre. The truth was not admitted until 1993. 53 years!

WW 1 War Propaganda
International zionism despised Russia and was friendly with Germany. But, a couple things changed. They overthrew Russia. At a certain point, Germany had the war won. Not a single foreign soldier was in German territory. Germany with its submarines even controlled the seas. Germany made a magnanimous offer. Call off the war and resume pre-war borders.

Britain was about to agree when international zionists urged Britain not to. They claimed they would get the US into the war and in return, they required Britain to formally advocate a Palestinian homeland for the Jewish people. Britain refused Germany's offer and provided The Balfour Declaration.

Foreign Office
November 2nd, 1917
Dear Lord Rothschild,
I have much pleasure in conveying to you, on behalf of His Majesty's Government, the following declaration of sympathy with Jewish Zionist aspirations which has been submitted to, and approved by, the Cabinet.
His Majesty's Government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country.
I should be grateful if you would bring this declaration to the knowledge of the Zionist Federation.
Yours sincerely,
Arthur James Balfour

Overnight, there were reports of German ghouls bayoneting Belgian babies. 100% fabrication.

Moreover, a ship called The Lusitania, was a registered military vessel. However, it also transported civilians. So, Germany tried to run ads in several US newspapers. Please do not board the Lusitania. Every US newspaper, save one, refused to run the ad! The Des Moines Register ran the ad and an image of the ad can be accessed. The Lusitania was sunk on purpose and it delivered exactly what was desired. Sufficient US outrage to influence them to enter the war, something the American people were dead set against.

Now we're talking the purposeful loss of thousands of American and other lives. Not to mention the atrocity done to Germany.

I could go on and on.

Going back to what you wrote:
Yes, I 100% mistrust the documentary record.

I distrust the reconstructions though I acquiesce that the media will tell the truth once it is more inconvenient not to.

Yes, the whole thing has been driven by cabals and plots. Of course. That is painfully obvious.

History will be kind to me for I intend to write it.
- Winston Churchill

History is the version of past events that people have decided to agree upon.
- Napoleon

The very ink with which history is written is merely fluid prejudice.
- Mark Twain

"The man who never looks into a newspaper is better informed than he who reads them, inasmuch as he who knows nothing is nearer to truth than he whose mind is filled with falsehoods and errors.
- Thomas Jefferson

Nothing can now be believed which is seen in a newspaper. Truth itself becomes suspicious by being put into that polluted vehicle.
- Thomas Jefferson

To think otherwise is astonishingly naive.

Quick sidenote. Do I ever love Jefferson. Kennedy once said there was never more intelligence in the White House then when Jefferson was there alone.
Involve themselves in occultism such as the Knights Templars, Freemasonry, and all of those offshoots when their rituals are just sickening. Of course not all of them, some people really don't know... And they think, oh yeah this seems cool and beneficial.. only to find out the truth of what kind of nutjobs and psychopaths they're hanging out with later on.
Like, why does torturing children and drinking adrenochrome, seem the least bit interesting or sane, or good.

I'm particularly baffled why types such as INFJs and INFPs would be involved with this. Unless they were deranged to start with.
Can name a lot of Hollywood celebrities... More like Hell-ywood.

On another note... You know why so many missing children don't come back?

I've watched Gigi Young off and on for the last 6 years and she seems pretty grounded in compassion for the human condition on this planet. I haven't watched the majority of her stuff in the last year because I've moved on from waking up to the insanity of all the old dogmatic Teachings including religion and the mystery school teachings. This video was eye opening for me and I offer it here to you to help you put together the unique puzzle of you.

If one has studied the cycles of the earth planet and the sunStar one knows we do indeed go through cycles within cycles and we do appear to be transiting in to another cycle.

Keep in mind as the human collective witnesses the lies around them they will expand their awareness to include more truths for them in their life.

Also...there is an old saying "Power corrupts. Absolute Power corrupts absolutely."

What's sad is the one truly responsible for the media control is Edward Berneys. JP Morgan was a pawn, we all are.

It's a capitalist agenda to keep us entwined in the Capitalist agenda.
What's sad is the one truly responsible for the media control is Edward Berneys. JP Morgan was a pawn, we all are. .....

Yes. This is true.
It's why I quit watching TV in the mid 90's and quit main stream internet news several years ago. It's all a controlled narrative....including to various degrees the conspiracy theories AND alleged FACTS abounding "out there".
I just found it easier to come to the understanding there is Distortion in everything being taught to us. The key word is TAUGHT to us...and I emphasize the main teaching which is to trust the Authorities.
There may or may not be an ulterior nefarious agenda and from what I've witnessed throughout my long life and especially the last 10 years is that people may or may not understand how deeply ingrained our behaviors are conditioned to be.
Again...I go back to the underlying foundation of our society and that is to Follow the Leader.

I don't fully trust any of it now and it's partly why I have turned towards developing a strong knowing with my higher guidance self (Intuition).
So I say to any here...
You will see the things you need to see to expand your own awareness for your own unique journey.
One person's truth will never ever convince anyone else of THEIR truths. But yours may spark them....

The trap is when we spend time and focus on trying to prove...well...anything.....to the Other.
What's sad is the one truly responsible for the media control is Edward Berneys. JP Morgan was a pawn, we all are.

It's a capitalist agenda to keep us entwined in the Capitalist agenda.
No, man.

At best, Bernays was like a lieutenant. His influence was not one of authority, but skill. Other, far more powerful and authoritarian folks, implemented his abilities.

People like the owners of the central banks of the world. it's one crowd.

By the way, these people despise pure capitalism. Private central banking and commercial fractional reserve banking are antagonistic to capitalism.
Like that Gaga photo above, their faces tell me that "We're well aware of Qanon influenced conspiracies, we'll just troll them."

Truly this kind of pedo ring has lasted for a long time. Hell George Washington must clearly have been a pedophile... i mean he was a 33rd degree. Same with all of our forefathers. Which would mean America was started by pedophiles.

See this logic?

However, most people overlook these factors.

furthermore it's not just democrats that pose a threat a lot of GOP have done this as well. Boys Town in Omaha, Nebraska was a central hub. (since the early 2000s they ended up calling it Girls and Boys Town to be more inclusive. It was ran by Father Flanigan to look after troubled youth. (Which was popularized by Anna Freud. Whom is Edwards, Mother.)

When i hear about any kind of pedo ring, and people thinking it is just the democrats... or bankers... No, it was horny corporate CEOs and politicians.

Wait isn't trump both of those?
Yes. This is true.
It's why I quit watching TV in the mid 90's and quit main stream internet news several years ago. It's all a controlled narrative....including to various degrees the conspiracy theories AND alleged FACTS abounding "out there".
I just found it easier to come to the understanding there is Distortion in everything being taught to us. The key word is TAUGHT to us...and I emphasize the main teaching which is to trust the Authorities.
There may or may not be an ulterior nefarious agenda and from what I've witnessed throughout my long life and especially the last 10 years is that people may or may not understand how deeply ingrained our behaviors are conditioned to be.
Again...I go back to the underlying foundation of our society and that is to Follow the Leader.

I don't fully trust any of it now and it's partly why I have turned towards developing a strong knowing with my higher guidance self (Intuition).
So I say to any here...
You will see the things you need to see to expand your own awareness for your own unique journey.
One person's truth will never ever convince anyone else of THEIR truths. But yours may spark them....

The trap is when we spend time and focus on trying to prove...well...anything.....to the Other.

I sometimes say in some circles that this world is built on lies and we only see what they wants us to see but time to time a little light slips through the cracks that said as you already know the world is getting to that point in time again where there is some real change. I do look forward to the usual players both in the limelight and behind the curtain to pay their dues as well the systems they've built to crumble.
Haahahahhahaahahahaa! If I can upset people with my art half as much as Marina Abramović is upsetting people in this thread I will consider myself a great success!

Oh my goodness, these conspiracies are hilarious.
Yes it's the Freemasons. It's the Illuminati. It's the priory of Scion. It's the rosicrucians. It's QAnon. It's Alex Jones. It's Tucker Carlson. It's Rush Limbaugh. It's, it's filling the blank.
The world is not to your liking because of all of these things and forces that are dark foreboding and ominous.
We are all pawns of the international game created by the new world order.
Stories as old as time. Amplified by the internet of course. Shout it out by cable networks that claim to be news until they're sued at which time they claim no we're entertainment.
Like so many Alice's sliding down so many rabbit holes off we go. The pyramids in Egypt couldn't have been built by Egyptians they were built by, wait for it, aliens. How do I know that? I watched it on television.
You can find whatever you choose to believe somewhere on the internet or somewhere on cable television.
And then there's written history. History written by the Victor. History written by those with a story to tell in a product to sell.